LG has unveiled the G2 in New York on Wednesday night. A special feature is the volume rocker on the back, just below the camera lens. Here also sits on / off / standby button, because at least in the single-handed operation of the index finger rests on exactly this point. The shift is to ensure that you no longer drops his phone because the buttons are placed where the fingers can reach them bad. These keys are the only the G2
div addition, it should be the first smartphone to use the Snapdragon processor, 800 -. Thus would the G2 even before the Sony Xperia Z Ultra go to the market, the has been announced for the third quarter. In any case, this means four Core, 2.3 GHz or in other words an enormous amount of computing power. The battery holds 3000 mAh, but it should not take up more space because it better utilizes the available space.Also, the camera lens takes no fingerprints, according to LG, the resolution is 13 megapixels and Optical Image Stabilizer ensures good results even in poor lighting conditions. Even the sound of video recordings will be much better with a higher sampling rate than the competition, LG even spoke of studio quality.
IPS display measures 5.2 inches, has a resolution of Full HD (1080 x 1920 pixels) and taking a 75.9 percent of the front, because the edge is just 2.65 millimeters wide. Not to mention numerous convenience features designed to facilitate the handling of the G2. So you can answer calls simply by placing the device leads to the ear. The “Guest Mode” eventually intended to protect the privacy, when you give your phone times out of hand and give some to a friend.
The G2 will be available for 599 euros in Germany since the end of September.as accessories such as the hinged sleeve Windows Quick Case available. With this you can access features like clock, weather and music player through a cutout in the front door.
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