smolders among consumers has long suspected that manufacturers shorten the life of their devices targeted. However, an evaluation of the Stiftung Warentest shows: This is not the case. Nevertheless, manufacturers have their tricks to boost sales
div equipment manufacturers do not build targeted vulnerabilities in their products, so that they will prematurely broken.. The test results of the Stiftung Warentest from years past provide no evidence for it so far, as the magazine reported “test” on Thursday in its September issue. Nevertheless, the companies expect, how long to hold an electric toothbrush or a vacuum cleaner. In a way, there is therefore a planned wear, report the tester. Frequently the rule: the more expensive the longer lasting
smolders among consumers has long suspected that manufacturers limit the lifetime of their devices intentionally to sell more.. An evaluation of fatigue tests by Stiftung Warentest in the past decade has shown, therefore, that household appliances not frequently go broke sooner than today. Nevertheless, there are noisy “test” tricks that the manufacturers boost their sales. These include high repair costs, permanently installed battery, lack of spare parts, printer, display the empty cartridges falsely or products that can not be repaired.
In their devices, manufacturers are consequently planning at the production stage, how long to keep it. The customer knows about it but nothing. According to Stiftung Warentest are generally cheap cell phones often faster than expensive scrap. For washing machines under 550 euros, battery drills under 50 euros or 80 euros vacuum cleaners under the danger is great that the joy does not last long on the new device. A guara ntee is not however the price. The testers list also costly flops on as an espresso machine for 985 euro or a food processor for 340 euros, which proved to be very robust and less persistent. Already one presented in the spring on behalf of the Parliamentary Group of the Greens study had shown that the economy an early wear often with schedules already in the design and manufacture of their products. This is also known as “planned obsolescence”.
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