2013 has produced some true bangers: the next-gen consoles, the Nintendo 2DS and shooter en masse. So really pops’s but not until tonight: The New Year’s fireworks. The editorial team wishes you a Happy New Year and a Happy New Year!
Gamezone wishes all readers a happy and a Happy New Year 2014! [Source: See picture gallery] The time between Christmas and New Year’s Eve you spend most fully with the family during the screeding process. Tonight, New Year’s Eve, the last time is then really “let out sow” the year. After so many bangers that we have experienced in 2013 in the games industry – the start of a new generation of consoles was just the tip of the iceberg – we look forward to the last “shooter Festival”. And wish you, our dear readers, a Happy New Year and a Happy New Year!
We hope you enjoyed our program last year, and that you continue to keep us loyal. About Feedback, praise and criticism, we also welcome always. As in the past few days, we continue with a “skeleton crew” there – but between all the many past and future holidays the news situation is relatively thin. Starting next week, but we are back full time online and ensure that you no news, no preview and (almost) missed a test.
It was nice and thank you! Pit, Michael and Sandro Gamezone editorial
04:06 month preview console January 2014: Assassin’s Creed, Tomb Raider and Mario
Nokia yesterday before the District Court of Munich I ban the sale of all Android devices from HTC enforced. They violate a patent for a “method for transmission of information resources” via NFC or Bluetooth. Judge Matthias Zigann decided despite the admittedly broad system of the patent, in favor of Nokia to judge.
FOSS Patents blogger Florian Mueller points out that it is not a standard-relevant patent, so it does not even have to be licensed on FRAND terms. The injunction is also durable – HTC could therefore unlimited disappear from the shelves in Germany. Previously, HTC will probably appeal.
question Nokia’s Patent EP1148681 should also represent other Android manufacturers a threat. It describes simply a method of exchanging data between two devices via radio. While it does not apply to Wi-Fi networks, but also Bluetooth and NFC are omnipresent in the Android world.
Earlier this month, HTC has already missed by a modification of a well erwirkten by Nokia sales ban in the U.S.. Such a modification would be an alternative to an appeal, whether such a possibility exists technically, it is unclear
While Nokia and HTC continue their long-standing patent dispute , Apple and Samsung negotiate in South Korea reportedly over a global patent peace. However, just tried in an exploratory phase in the presence of cartel guards to allow for alignment at the level of the license fee, where both are far apart: Apple supposedly expected $ 30 compensation per device sold, which violated his rights.
[With material by Don Reisinger, News.com]
Tip: How well do you know Nokia? Check your knowledge – with 15 questions on silicon.de
Suddenly she stood on the stage: Sarah Harrison, who accompanied the former intelligence official Edward Snowden, in his flight, is surprisingly occurred during the Chaos Communication Congress
an announced presentation of Wikileaks Julian Assange and activist Jacob Appelbaum Harrison also stepped onto the stage at the Hamburger congress center.
The three activists targeted a distinct appeal to the hackers and computer experts: You should infiltrate intelligence agencies and other institutions and how to make Edward Snowden secret information public
system administrators have enormous power, said Assange via video link from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. The so-called sysadmins manage networks and therefore know the structure of the systems. You should intelligence agencies and companies to join, gather information and make it publicly called for Assange. Even individual system administrators could have a major impact when they released information.
video connection to Assange via Skype broke more than once – so also with the question of how the activists organized the escape of Edward Snowden from Hong Kong. His colleagues on stage joked that probably put the secret behind the faltering video connection. They harvested secure laughs from the audience. Harrison got to the beginning of their performance standing ovation.
She stressed Wikileaks work despite pressure from the U.S. government on. “We are continuing our publications continue,” she said. You can not return to the UK at present for fear of prosecution. “That’s why I stay in Germany.”
to the appearance of Assange had previously also been criticism. Some activists did not find it appropriate to let them speak Assange, while allegations of sexual offenses are more open to him.
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30 December 2013 11:55
steering wheel in an Audi – soon with Google software
? (Photo: Press Inform )
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tablets, smartphones, glasses – and soon even cars: Google plans seem to cooperate with the German automaker Audi. The on-board computer could continue running with the Android operating system.
Apple for some time working with automakers, now probably attracts Google for. According to information from the Wall Street Journal of the search engine company is planning a collaboration with the German automaker Audi. Here it is a question that entertainment and information systems to run in Audi vehicles in the future with the Google Android operating system.
The plan was to be presented next week at the CES electronics show in Las Vegas. the motion data of cars are interesting for Google. improve the prognosis the map service Google Maps.
Further participants in this alliance is the chip specialist Nvidia. According to the company 4.5 million cars were already equipped with Nvidia processors, over the next four or five years, this number is expected to increase by another 25 million. Also the Nvidia competitor Intel, Qualcomm and ARM want to deliver in the future more chips to automakers.
Android dominates the smartphone market with a market share of around 80 percent last – and Google is testing for some time prototype of a self-driving cars
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In cooperation with car manufacturers rival Apple, however, is one step ahead: For some time negotiating the Group, among others, General Motors, Daimler, BMW, deeper integration. The “iOS in the Car” project mentioned is to make the driver the central data center for the iPhone on-board computer of the car.
Apple expects that “a dozen” car manufacturers in 2014 will put on this technology. The Japanese carmaker Honda will soon bring models to the market in which Apple’s Siri voice control can be activated via a button on the steering wheel. Thus, the driver can read aloud text messages and e-mails and dictate the phone messages or calendar appointments – without having to take your hands off the steering wheel
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A four-leaf tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) dips his tongue into a flower (photo: dpa).
Tuesday 31 December 2013
The tobacco hornworm caterpillars use a substance their preferred host plant to ward off predators: nicotine. They warn the robbers by stink. Without the nerve agent, they are more often captured by spiders.
In a lab at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena eats the larva of the tobacco hornworm on a tobacco plant (photo: dpa).
With a kind of bad breath, the caterpillars of the tobacco hornworm protect from being eaten by wolf spiders. A portion of the nicotine from the tobacco leaves gelange in the insect blood and will be exhaled through small openings in the skin, so to speak, report biologists from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena in the “Proceedings” of the U.S. Academy of Sciences (PNAS). That was a foul-smelling warning to predators that deters spiders.
caterpillars on nicotine-free tobacco plants spiders devour well, as those in which the gene has been switched off for a given enzyme digestion. As a result, the butterfly junior was hardly to no stinking warning from the researchers write.
nicotine-free tobacco plants
The team led by Ian Thomas Baldwin researched for years the caterpillars of the tobacco hornworm. The butterfly is found in North and South America and feeds mainly on tobacco plants. The researchers noticed that at night especially many caterpillars were destroyed when they sat on by genetic engineering nicotine-made tobacco plants. Wolf spiders of the species Camptocosa parallela they had eaten.
an elaborate study, the researchers have now found out why: Normally, the tobacco hornworm caterpillars eat leaves of tobacco plants containing abundant nicotine. In the cells of the midgut, a gene designated CYP6B46 is then turned on. Then a specific protein is produced, which acts as a digestive enzyme cytochrome P450 6B46
nicotine exhaled
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This protein ensures that approximately 0.65 percent of the nicotine is released from the digested midgut in the so-called hemolymph. The hemolymph is the body fluid in invertebrates that do not have a closed circulatory system. About finely branched channels of the skin, the nicotine is then as it were exhaled.
In an experiment of this seizure protection mechanism was checked again: Some caterpillars were exposed to specially prepared tobacco plants which, although containing nicotine, but made sure that the caterpillars CYP6B46 the gene is shut down. Then significantly less nicotine was transferred to the hemolymph. “That’s why come CYP6B46-disused larvae less nicotine and are easy prey for spiders,” the researchers write. 25 of 50 such larvae survived the night not – while 40 of 50 larvae survived on normal tobacco plants, the night
With a kind of bad breath, the caterpillars of the tobacco hornworm protect from being eaten by wolf spiders.
A portion of the nicotine from the tobacco leaves gelange in the insect blood and will be exhaled through small openings in the skin, so to speak, report biologists from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena in the “Proceedings” of the U.S. Academy of Sciences ( PNAS). That was a foul-smelling warning to predators that deters spiders.
caterpillars on nicotine-free tobacco plants spiders devour well, as those in which the gene has been switched off for a given enzyme digestion. As a result, the butterfly junior was hardly to no malodorous warning from the researchers write.
The team led by Ian Thomas Baldwin researched for years the caterpillars of the tobacco hornworm. The butterfly is found in North and South America and feeds mainly on tobacco plants. The researchers noticed that at night especially many caterpillars were destroyed when they sat on by genetic engineering nicotine-made tobacco plants. Wolf spiders of the species Camptocosa parallela they had eaten.
With a kind of bad breath, the caterpillars of the tobacco hornworm protect from being eaten by wolf spiders.
A portion of the nicotine from the tobacco leaves gelange in the insect blood and will be exhaled through small openings in the skin, so to speak, report biologists from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena in the “Proceedings” of the U.S. Academy of Sciences ( PNAS). That was a foul-smelling warning to predators that deters spiders.
caterpillars on nicotine-free tobacco plants spiders devour well, as those in which the gene has been switched off for a given enzyme digestion. As a result, the butterfly junior was hardly to no malodorous warning from the researchers write.
The team led by Ian Thomas Baldwin researched for years the caterpillars of the tobacco hornworm. The butterfly is found in North and South America and feeds mainly on tobacco plants. The researchers noticed that at night especially many caterpillars were destroyed when they sat on by genetic engineering nicotine-made tobacco plants. Wolf spiders of the species Camptocosa parallela they had eaten.
an elaborate study, the researchers have now found out why: Normally, the tobacco hornworm caterpillars eat leaves of tobacco plants containing abundant nicotine. In the cells of the midgut, a gene designated CYP6B46 is then turned on. Then a specific protein is produced, which acts as a digestive enzyme cytochrome P450 6B46
This protein ensures that approximately 0.65 percent of the nicotine is released from the digested midgut in the so-called hemolymph. The hemolymph is the body fluid in invertebrates that do not have a closed circulatory system. About finely branched channels of the skin, the nicotine is then as it were exhaled.
In an experiment of this seizure protection mechanism was checked again: Some caterpillars were exposed to specially prepared tobacco plants which, although containing nicotine, but made sure that the caterpillars CYP6B46 the gene is shut down. Then significantly less nicotine was transferred to the hemolymph. “That’s why come CYP6B46-disused larvae less nicotine and are easy prey for spiders,” the researchers write. 25 of 50 such larvae survived the night not – while 40 of 50 larvae survived on normal tobacco plants, the night
The fixed on board the “Akademik Shokalskiy” polar explorers and tourists should be flown. Still the weather is too bad for a helicopter use.
30 December 2013 clock 19:20
“Still here, all well – waiting for relief” , that is the most recent entry in the Google map on which the participants of the Australian Antarctic Expedition The Spirit of Mawson daily mark their position in the Southern Ocean. All are still there, all doing well, you wait for rescue.
since Christmas Eve has just changed her status, the position of their ship no more. The good 70-meter-long expedition ship MV Akademik Shokalskiy, sailing under the Russian flag, has become bogged down in the eternal ice . The nearest port is 1500 nautical miles, converted so almost 2,800 kilometers removed.
74 people on board are firmly seated in the Commonwealth Bay, in heavy snowstorm and outside temperatures around the freezing point. After several icebreaker had tried in vain to approach the distressed expedition ship, now i only have a rescue by helicopter. But have to wait for the trapped in the ice. Only with better visibility and less stormy weather to helicopter could approach the castaways.
The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday, the passengers and crew members should be brought by air from on board as soon as the weather permits. Currently is neither life nor the safety of the people on the ship Stuck in danger.
Two journalists of the British Guardian , Alok Jha and Laurence Topham, are on board the ship, which has a working Internet connection. They report daily from the situation on the expedition ship.
Already on the first day of Christmas the crew of the converted for passenger traffic Polar cruiser had become clear that the ship from the thick ice on its own would not escape. She sat up a distress call, whereupon three ships began to move to are the MV Akademik Shokalskiy to help.
first approached on Friday, the giant with about 170 meters long Chinese research vessel Xue Long – to German Snow Dragon – the stuck vessel which at this time is a 20-kilometer ice extending from the open sea separated. From the bridge of the MV Akademik Shokalskiy one had been able to see the approaching helpers, which was hoping for a quick recovery. But six kilometers before the finish had to give up the Snow Dragon: where the ice was too thick even for the icebreaker. A French ship that had also taken courses at the scene of the accident, had to give up earlier and turn off.
The Chinese icebreaker stops further on near the stuck vessel. He has a helicopter on board, which could be used for recovery.
now failed another rescue attempt by sea. The nearly 95-meter-long icebreaker Aurora Australis had to turn back because of a heavy snow storm. “Today the weather was shocking,” tweeted expedition leader Chris Turney. While it abolished the Aurora Australis up to ten nautical miles (about 18 km) to the crash site approach. However, the visibility deteriorated such that further travel would have been too dangerous, said the rescue center of the Australian Seesicherheitsbehörde (Amsa) with. The Aurora Australis is to start a new rescue attempt as soon as the weather clears.
Of the 74 people on board the ship built in 1982 in Finland are 50 passengers and 24 crew members. In addition to a team of Australian, New Zealand and British scientists, including marine biologists, botanists and climatologists take 26 tourists participated in the commercial expedition on 8 December had set out from New Zealand towards Antarctica.
Audi presents at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas on 6 January, “Electronic innovations” before . (Photo: Footprint for press purposes free of charge)
Monday 30 December 2013
smartphones to be used in cars as a central entertainment and information media in the future. Apple is here Google a few car lengths ahead, but could be overtaken by Team Audi / Android soon.
The dominant smartphone system Android is on the way to the car. The carmaker Audi wants to leave the entertainment and information systems to run in its vehicles with the Google software, reports the “Wall Street Journal”. Google and Audi wanted to present the cooperation at the electronics fair CES in Las Vegas, it said, citing informed people. Audi wanted the report did not comment.
The project is part of a larger movement that wanted to establish Android in the car, the newspaper wrote. Another participant of this alliance was the chip specialist Nvidia. At trade fairs such as the International Motor Show IAA various prototypes of cockpit electronics were already seen on Android. The big advantage for users of Android devices would be a direct access to services and information in their smartphones as well as a standard interface.
Apple is negotiating with BMW and Daimler
Android dominates the smartphone market with a market share of around 80 per cent last. Google wants to make to the platform, for example, for integrated home automation software as well. Apple is also working to better integrate its iPhones in the car. Since last year, Google’s rival agreements for a deeper integration of its devices and services negotiated among others, General Motors, Daimler and BMW.
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It is partly a question that Apple services such as the talking assistant Siri are directly accessible from the car systems. So get steering wheels a button that activates Siri. On the other hand, the car can also access services from the iPhone as Apple cards, which are then displayed on the display of the vehicle.
A broad thrust of Android in the car would be another bad news for the smartphone pioneer Blackberry. His is the QNX operating system, which has often came into use in the car electronics. In the smartphone business BlackBerry lost last massive market share, QNX is regarded as one of the pillars for the future.
test drop in exploration hall of the Institute of Space Systems at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Bremen with the full-scale model of the spacecraft “Philae” in December 2012. In November 2014 “Philae” is scheduled to land on a comet (photo: dpa).
Monday 30 December 2013
What happened at the birth of the solar system, how life came to earth? Maybe white “Rosetta” soon reply. The spacecraft, one of the most spectacular operations of the European space, is to visit a comet and the first time to settle a research robot on such a celestial body.
its ambitious “Rosetta” mission enters the European Space Agency’s new territory. Never has swung into orbit around a comet a research probe, and never was a lander exposed to such a leftover from the formation of the solar system 4.6 billion years ago. This is the “Rosetta” mission “one of the most complex and demanding far at all,” the ESA described before their planned in Autumn “Riding the Comet”.
Computer Illustration of the landing stage Philae (M) . on their flight from the space probe Rosetta (above) to the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (Photo: AP)
The destination of “Rosetta” is the comet 67P/Tschurjumov-Gerasimenko – a cosmic boulders with four kilometers in diameter, which orbits the sun once every 6.45 years. Like its countless cousins, he is considered an important witness the primordial solar system. In addition, researchers believe that some of the water on Earth by cometary impacts comes from – and probably many organic molecules, which have played a key role in the emergence of life
No wonder then that scientists have some burning questions to comets. How are their nuclei chemically and mineralogically composed? Which thermal, electrical and magnetic properties do they have? And how exactly caused the gas tails form the comet approaching the sun? Questions to answer “Rosetta” and its lander “Philae”.
start in March 2004
Whether the Mission brings the expected scientific findings, decided in the new year. The first important date for the fate of “Rosetta” is the 20th January: On this day, which was launched in March 2004, almost two meters by two meters wide probe is 800 million km from the Earth to wake up from a “deep sleep” phase, in which they had been transferred in June 2011 to save energy. Then sets the reactivated “Rosetta” continued their flight to Tschurjumov-Gerasimenko. When they reach the comet is in August.
Then begins a series of tricky maneuvers: The controlled from ESOC in Darmstadt probe to pivot into orbit and initially map the surface of the comet. In November, to the land of robots put “Philae” on the comet’s surface – controlled way by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Cologne. If “Philae” touched the comet’s surface, a harpoon is fired, which drills into the ground – so that the comet lander will not be thrown back into space
nearest point to sun in August 2015
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01/28/13 first time in the history of space “Philae” exerts Comet landing
05:06:11 deep sleep until January 2014 “Rosetta” must save energy
04:11:10 Spectacular danger from space asteroids, meteorites and comets
While the “Rosetta” Mother probe the comet orbits further, “Philae” will examine the core of Tschurjumov-Gerasimenko and make holes first. Together with his earthly companions the comet is then steadily approaching in the next few months the sun to reach closest to the Sun in August 2015. In this case, the comet is determined by the sun’s heat gradually active. What exactly this happened with the chunks of dust and ice, the gauges of “Rosetta” and “Philae” to record.
Runs the “Rosetta” mission as planned, it could set a milestone in the study of comets. Incidentally, as their namesake in archeology: Named the ESA probe of the Egyptian city of Rashid (Rosetta). There the famous stone was found in 1799 by Rosetta, whose inscriptions together with those on an obelisk from Philae the city allowed the deciphering of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
In the case of warnings of users of internet porn portal Redtube, there are new doubts about the legal procedure: Perhaps has not the Swiss company, on whose behalf the warning letters have been sent, the online rights for the sex film in question. This interpret contracts to present the “Welt am Sonntag” in copy.
Tens of thousands of warnings to users Redtube
early December, the German law firm Urmann and colleagues had sent (U + C) on behalf of the Swiss company The archives AG tens of thousands of warning letters to customers of Deutsche Telekom. The accusation: they had looked over an Internet connection Telekom on Redtube Porn movies such as “Amanda’s Secret” or “Miriam’s Adventures”, so that the rights of The archives injured. Now to the alleged porn consumers ever total of 250 euros in legal costs, fees and damages paid, and sign a declaration of failure, reports the “Welt am Sonntag”.
Following a decision of the regional court Hamburg is signed Redtube users, however, have not violated in this case against the rights of The Archive. There are also considerable doubt that the IP addresses of telecom customers have been determined on legally permissible manner.
doubts about legality of exploitation rights
contract copies available to the “Welt am Sonntag”, also raise doubts as to whether the The Archive has ever legitimately purchased online exploitation rights to the four films at issue. According to copies of contracts The Archive has taken the online exploitation rights of porn by the Berlin firm Hausner Productions. Hausner, in turn, acquired the entire, worldwide rights to a total of ten pornos of the Spanish company Serrato Consultores SL from Barcelona, ??whose German managing director Julia Schilling signed the sale agreement, the newspaper reports.
But Serrato Consultores S. L. is also not even the originator of the films. The porn strips were originally shot Combat Zone USA under completely different English titles from the American porn production company, as evidenced by entries in the database industry Adult Movie Database – Serrato Consultatores has only relabeled apparently. Combat Zone USA, the film material itself markets continue online under the original title, writes the “Welt am Sonntag”. The fact that the U.S. company has their complete rights to Serrato assigned, therefore, is unlikely and has so far not be used by The Archive.
questionable whether Abgemahnt get money back
Should come out that The archives the rights to movies Abgemahnt has not, the entire case would collapse – the porn fans who have already paid would have another reason to try to get their money back. However: The Firm U + C could then refer directly to the client The archives in Switzerland those affected. Whether the Abgemahnt Internet users have opportunities, there successfully sue their money is questionable. The Archive has recorded for the year 2012 only 100,000 francs capital and not taxable income.
Thus, the state can read, De-mails are not encrypted properly – that is unsafe and dangerous, security analyst Linus Neumann said the chaos Congress 30c3.
Just so there are no misunderstandings: De-Mail is the declared attempt by the Federal Republic to build all Germans a secure way of electronic communication. Not since the NSA all technical systems has been infiltrated, emails are a problem because they can be read by anyone as postcards. De-Mail will change all that actually, they should – as stated in the relevant law – “ensure safe, confidential and verifiable commerce to anyone on the Internet” one. The certified provider can show each of their ID card and register it by name. That they are allowed money for each De-Mail require 39 cents are usually.
claim to be confidential and secure, is not nearly satisfied. There has long been criticism of the system. Meanwhile, security analysts, given the apparently deliberate uncertainty of De-mails but only cynicism left. Just as Linus Neumann. He blogs for years about such issues, working at a company that tests technical systems for their safety and was invited as an expert to the De-Mail topic in the Bundestag.
Neumann presented at the 30th Chaos Communication Congress (30c3) a comprehensive analysis of the State-mails ago in Hamburg. It is devastating: De-mails are not safer than ordinary mails, they were “unnecessarily and intentionally incompatible with the rest of the world”, they are an attractive target for criminals and would also entail more legal risks for users
And not only that De-Mail was the chance Neumann said, comprehensively introduce an encrypted and secure communications in Germany. “Thus I have explained why that was not done.” De-Mail is deliberately designed so that German security services could read the content, he believes. “No government is stupid enough to provide their citizens with a tap-proof system for communication.”
It is all about that in De-mails no end-to-end encryption is built-in. The term describes that data can be encrypted by the sender and decrypted only from the receiver and read. Although De-mails are quite encrypted, but not on her all the way through the Internet.
The encryption is performed by the provider, that provider of the system, such as the telecom or Web.de, not the customer. And the provider decrypts the De-mails in between back in to read them. The argument: The serve of safety, only it would be possible to guarantee that De-mails contain viruses. The virus scanner should look into the mail.
Neumann however, said the serving alone of uncertainty. After all, there is thus a central server on which the mails were lying around unencrypted, even if only for a short time. This server is guaranteed a worthwhile target for any attacker, and will therefore also be attacked guaranteed. For Neumann, it is only a matter of time until De-mails are hacked.
In addition, he holds the thing with the virus scanner is a false argument to justify that the state wants to get at the contents of the mails. “If I intend to infect many computers with a virus, I do that but not with a mail, which costs 39 cents and is registered in my name,” he said. Virus attacks by criminals are mass attacks, want to reach millions of computers in the hope that you can then take a few thousand. The system De-Mail is no interest for such attacks to be too expensive.
In the case of warnings of users of internet porn portal Redtube, there are new doubts about the legal procedure: Perhaps has not the Swiss company, on whose behalf the warning letters have been sent, the online rights for the sex film in question. This interpret contracts to present the “Welt am Sonntag” in copy.
Tens of thousands of warnings to users Redtube
early December, the German law firm Urmann and colleagues had sent (U + C) on behalf of the Swiss company The archives AG tens of thousands of warning letters to customers of Deutsche Telekom. The accusation: they had looked over an Internet connection Telekom on Redtube Porn movies such as “Amanda’s Secret” or “Miriam’s Adventures”, so that the rights of The archives injured. Now to the alleged porn consumers ever total of 250 euros in legal costs, fees and damages paid, and sign a declaration of failure, reports the “Welt am Sonntag”.
Following a decision of the regional court Hamburg is signed Redtube users, however, have not violated in this case against the rights of The Archive. There are also considerable doubt that the IP addresses of telecom customers have been determined on legally permissible manner.
doubts about legality of exploitation rights
contract copies available to the “Welt am Sonntag”, also raise doubts as to whether the The Archive has ever legitimately purchased online exploitation rights to the four films at issue. According to copies of contracts The Archive has taken the online exploitation rights of porn by the Berlin firm Hausner Productions. Hausner, in turn, acquired the entire, worldwide rights to a total of ten pornos of the Spanish company Serrato Consultores SL from Barcelona, ??whose German managing director Julia Schilling signed the sale agreement, the newspaper reports.
But Serrato Consultores S. L. is also not even the originator of the films. The porn strips were originally shot Combat Zone USA under completely different English titles from the American porn production company, as evidenced by entries in the database industry Adult Movie Database – Serrato Consultatores has only relabeled apparently. Combat Zone USA, the film material itself markets continue online under the original title, writes the “Welt am Sonntag”. The fact that the U.S. company has their complete rights to Serrato assigned, therefore, is unlikely and has so far not be used by The Archive.
questionable whether Abgemahnt get money back
Should come out that The archives the rights to movies Abgemahnt has not, the entire case would collapse – the porn fans who have already paid would have another reason to try to get their money back. However: The Firm U + C could then refer directly to the client The archives in Switzerland those affected. Whether the Abgemahnt Internet users have opportunities, there successfully sue their money is questionable. The Archive has recorded for the year 2012 only 100,000 francs capital and not taxable income.
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29 December 2013 17:56
hacker conference in Hamburg: Political discussions take on gadgets
. (Photo: Getty Images )
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“All our fears were confirmed”:. At the Congress of the Chaos Computer Club discuss thousands of hackers monitoring – and how to defend themselves against it
From Hakan Tanriverdi Hamburg
all 3000 audience raise their hand. They sit in Hall 1 of the Congress Center in Hamburg, the hall is full. The place referrers have the dozen people sent out of the room, because these have simply placed on the ground and violating fire safety regulations. Presumably, however, would have the audience who had to go back, her hand raised to that question, which clarifies what breed of people want to listen to that day here. The question is: “How many of you have your hard drive encrypted?” 3000 hands, just all, followed by 3000 short laugh. Digital self-protection, which is in this place for granted.
It is the express first day of the annual conference of the Chaos Computer Club, the Chaos Communication Congress, in short: 30c3. He is traditionally held annually on 27 to 30 December. Those taking part in this Congress, is part of the hacker elite. He or she can manipulate everything, divert and control for your listening pleasure. Drones, Sim Card or alcohol. And who can not yet practicing diligently. However, women are far less present than men, which is 30c3, as every year, a men’s conference.
Not everything is hacked, some is also shaken. The production of the perfect Mai Tai drinks is when a hacker takes the thing, done in ten seconds. The bartender on the fourth floor with the CCC served of 17 clock on for this purpose only a smartphone app, while quiet music plays. The app sends commands to the computer, saved the recipes, automatically the necessary amount for a Mai Tai Rum with a hose from pump bottles and fill them with the remaining ingredients in a glass. Only the shaking then resumes the man, and then only because the Congress no one has yet built a shaker. Can still come.
Technical finger exercises are the operating system
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the CCC is always learned, popular as always it zusammenzulöten small little light on complex systems is flashing. Lena, who does not want to give her last name, is a kit purchased, a cost of 15 euros. Irons has brought along, just like her baby and her stroller. The physics teacher has used and tinkered the time between two lectures. Now on the stroller, the name of her son flashes. Mai-Tai, Baby names – all just gimmick
No, there are technical finger exercises, they have always been part of the conference that they are so to speak, its operating system. Constanze Kurz, spokeswoman for the CCC, said that behind the gimmick put more than just fun: “There really creates the expertise, the understanding of the technology,” she says. There are basic courses, awaken the understanding of the digital world.
Short from the press room on the first floor goes up to the fourth floor, take the fifteen minutes, usually the path is not so long. But short is constantly asking for help, sometimes missing a moderator for the next lecture, will ring their phone, it’s the People’s Daily, a Chinese newspaper. By Saturday evening came in the entire year 8973 press inquiries to the Chaos Computer Club, many of them end up in short. And the Congress has grown. The speaker expects 9000 visitors in four days, compared with the previous year would correspond to an increase of one third. There are more than 150 speakers, plus the many workshops.
“You can not have the impression that we have been here technopolitical,” says Short. Techno policy, which is another word for that technology and politics have come together closer in recent months: The NSA affair connects foreign policy and hacking technology like never before in world history. Wars are fought with digitally controlled drones, even topics such as education or diplomacy be influenced and changed by the internet. The Chaos Computer Club benefited from it because its members more closely and better understand the technology than many politicians – and citizens. It can be an advocate for civil rights in the digital society. Nevertheless, there is a lack of money. The Congress may therefore only take place because 1,000 people to help volunteer. Just as the CCC operates a total of volunteers.
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