beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Or is rated by Samsung: The Smartphone maker has integrated in its camera App has a “Beauty Face mode” to beautify the Selfies of the users.
Samsung gives its customers the opportunity to enlarge their eyes, the face leaner and the skin soften. What used to be Celebrities, reserved, today, every. A professional graphic designer, the wegretouchiert the chubby cheeks and the big pimples on chin, need today, no one to hire. Photo Apps will do the Job automatically. Because they optimize to the same requirements, they produce a standardized image of beauty – the user can put the pressure on.
With the right App can all. be nice
Snapchat offers its users with a Beauty Filter with ready-made notions of Beauty – similar to those of Samsung The embellished Selfie can go so far that some women recognize the changing faces. In the case of the American serial actress Laverne Cox to other users even thought, you have to have the surgery. Cox’ narrow nose, but with Snapchat’s’ Beauty Filter explain.
This demonstrates how strong technology companies in the Online look can engage their users. The rules by which all the Beauty features of the faces to optimize, determine the manufacturer. The ideal of beauty comes usually from the Western world: slim, narrow face, narrow nose, big eyes. Just like a Snapchat Filter.
technologies manifest ideals of beauty
recently, an Online beauty contest has caused a stir, an algorithm assessed the faces of people: the winners, almost exclusively, White – even though it had logged a colourful mixture of people.
The scientists, the “the AI.Beauty Contest”, to indicated that the reasons for this are also found in the selection of personnel to, and when it was about programming: A very homogeneous group of white people had developed the algorithm.
the psychologist and attractiveness of researcher Martin Gründl explains that the artificial intelligence has been the competition to the white notions of Beauty. “White prefer white faces, Black prefer blacks and Asians more Asian faces. It’s just that one prefers one’s own ethnic group.”
self-optimization through the filters and Beauty Modes
But also non-white women use the Western-influenced beauty filters, and lay on their faces in a thick layer of stereotypical notions of Beauty. That the Western beauty ideal in many places on the rise, presumably due to the fact that it is spread by the media, the Internet included. Long American series and Blockbuster, the show very slim people dominate the international market.
The beauty-Filter the Apps, and Smartphones make it easier to keep up. You do not change but, according to attractiveness researcher Gründl the beauty of ideas as such. Flawless skin, for example, was earlier than attractive. Technology only makes it easier to adjust. The Filter and the ubiquitous decorator-colored photos could make people but also dissatisfied with themselves or the Partner, believes Gründl. The applications may promote, under certain circumstances, eating disorders.
is it new that you can allow it online, post a natural image. “It’s like passport photos: If the Standard is that everyone makes his own appearance in the case of photographers already optimize, and every flawless skin, then put under pressure to act,” says Gründl.
The desire to beauty does not bring the company revenue
And the possibilities of the digital optimisation are not yet exhausted: In the US, Snapchat has teamed up with l’oreal a sponsored Filter that sets one of the perfect eyeliner over the eye. A company makes money with Augmented Reality Mirrors, with women the best Make-up test. The market is huge: the US cosmetics industry is taking this year is estimated at 62 billion dollars – of a predominantly white audience.
However, with this unification, according to Western ideas, the technology is lagging behind companies the current beauty, understanding, believes Teresa Bücker, editor-in-chief of the Online women’s magazine “Edition F”. As an example, she cites the Video for the fall campaign from H&M:
the Video of The clothing manufacturer shows women of all Stripes: Black and White, some with bacon, some bald, others with armpit hair. A voice sings “She’s A Winner”. On the Internet the Video was very successful and has been clicked a lot. Bücker believes that the normalization makes on an ideal image of Beauty does not make sense: “you will not be asked of the users as well.”
had The same design flaw, too many Apps, angry feminist book. “This is a racist, but it is also a mistake in the marketing, because the market potential is recognized.” This would be a good Argument for the Tech industry to consider the notions of Non-White into consideration. The ideas of beauty in the Tech industry must be really hardened.
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