BMW hopes together with the Startup company’s first self-driving to develop cars.
(photo: AP)
San FranciscoIn the race to secure systems for Autonomous Driving BMW, Toyota, and the Alliance put together on the technology of the US Startup company Nauto. The two car builders and the insurance company signed a license agreement with the company, making certain control devices, for example, for Taxis in the Metropolitan area of San Francisco, such as Nauto announced on Friday. A windscreen-installed camera monitors the driving behavior is then evaluated by computers. Nauto-in-chief Stefan stern said on Friday to Reuters, the German and the Japanese would incorporate its technology into its test vehicles and the data obtained to develop their own strategy for Autonomous Driving.
Financial details of the agreement were not disclosed. However, BMW, Allianz, and Toyota participate in Nauto, informed the U.S. company. A third, unnamed car manufacturer, therefore, is also on Board. With the Nauto devices can be determined according to the company, potentially dangerous driving behavior such as texting. For insurers, this will provide the opportunity risks to better assess, prevent fraud and to reward prudent driver. In addition to the driving behavior of the artificial intelligence-based, and thus learners systems could also provide information about dangerous intersections and traffic jam-heavy sections of the route for the development of self-driving cars.
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