Lemgo / Bielefeld. machines organize themselves. the refrigerator will alert you when the milk is empty. So the future could look like. In OWL will it ever been, more precisely. in the company of the technology network “It’s OWL”
Behind the name hides a network of organizations, companies and universities, which together intelligent technical systems . develop Dr. Christoph von der Heiden, CEO of the chamber of Commerce (IHK) Ostwestfalen to Bielefeld in the field of industry, explains how machines think intelligently and then optimize itself: “the intelligent washer-dryer, for example, knows the current price of electricity and know when the laundry has to be done. The machine then automatically decides how and when the laundry is washed most advantageous and efficient. “
study meets practice
the Fachhochschule of the middle class (FHM) Bielefeld and the LZ working in project business journalism together. students of the bachelor program media communication and journalism have in their series of lectures in journalism at Prof . Dr. Jens Great reviews on the local economy written under the guidance of the LZ-editors who published the LZ at irregular intervals in the next few weeks.
This is one of . many innovations that “It’s OWL” comes from the technology network of the nations is for finance and the coordination of the top cluster on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce “Intelligent technological systems in East Westphalia-Lippe -” It’s OWL called. “- responsible
Since mid-2012, “It’s OWL” is one of a total of 15 clusters of excellence in Germany and is promoted by mid-2017 with a total of around 40 million euros from the Federal Ministry of Education and research. “Since we already have so achieved good results, we have also an extension of the funding received by the end of 2017″, would be of the Gentiles.
“It’s OWL” networked medium businesses each order with the universities of Paderborn and Bielefeld, the University OWL in Lemgo and the Fraunhofer Institute and the Heinz Nixdorf Institute in Paderborn. The aim is the theme “Industry 4.0″ to be filled with content, for example through the intelligent control of machines.
Such digital world offers opportunities but also challenges. “The way there pave called transfer projects,” explains von der Heiden -. Cooperation between finished forming industry and research, which gives the top cluster and funded by federal funding
In addition to the above example with the washer dryer which relies on energy efficiency, there are four other transfer projects. For example, the project “Human-Machine Interaction” attempted to reduce problems that can be made in the operation of machinery. Specifically, it can go to the development of a targeted voice control, so loud in a “Stop!” not hold the same all the machines, but only those to which the employee turns his command.
With the focus in the field of intelligent automation, the Campus Lemgo the OWL University accounts for about 25 percent to the current top cluster projects. They are ( “inIT”), scientific support of the Institute of Industrial Information Technologies Laboratory of Power Electronics and Electrical Drives and the Fraunhofer Application Center IOSB-INA on campus Lemgo.
However, the university is not research only, but also develops active technical systems for the economy. “We have developed, for example, together with the company Denios in the project, IGel? Intelligent hazardous material storage and together with Lenze and Weidmüller an intelligent modular system for efficient drive solutions,” says Professor Dr. Stefan Witte, Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer at the University OWL. The modular system is energy efficient and therefore save in automated logistics processes in a warehouse many costs.
currently participate in the projects 153 member companies and 24 core companies, including the aforementioned Lippe company Lenze and Weidmüller, but Phoenix Contact and KEB (Karl E. Brinkmann GmbH) GmbH are. Some 100 million euros was put in the past two and a half years in the research. EUR 40 million of which came as a conveyor of the country. “A certain proportion of funds therefore is in some ways even after the expiration of the funding available,” looks of the nations in the future.
The company itself finally invested in the research in order to benefit from the network and keep up with the competition. “The cluster is pointed is to generate knowledge transfer to the economy and to small and medium-sized companies the opportunity to work on unbureaucratic way with universities,” says von der Heiden.
superior Currently of the Gentiles and his colleagues how to proceed after the 2017th One consideration is, at the Knowledge and Innovation Communities of the European Union – to participate, quasi the continuation of cutting-edge research at the European level – the so-called KICs (Knowledge and Innovation Communities). “We have achieved a prominent position. The must now continue,” says von der Heiden.
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