Thursday, June 9, 2016

Lem met expectations – financial and economic

(AWP) The electronic component manufacturers Lem ( LEHN 879 – 0.17% ) has slightly in ended at end-March fiscal year 2015/16 order intake and sales and achieved a slightly higher net profit. The dividend is to be somewhat lower than last year.

The order intake for the full year by 2.2% to 256.5 million CHF to sales and by 1.4% to 261.5 million Fri Excluding exchange rate effects the increase was a 3.6% here, as Lem announced on Thursday.

the operating result on stage Ebit fell however by 2.4% to 52.9 million Swiss francs and the operating margin to 20.2% from 21% a year earlier. In this negative currency impact of 3.2 million Swiss francs be cited as a reason. Net profit came in 43.5 million Fri. to lie, which is an increase by 0.8%.

The Board of Directors proposes that a dividend of 35 Fr., and therefore less than the 40 Fr. last year. This corresponds to a payout ratio of 91.7%.

With the figures analysts’ expectations were slightly exceeded in sales and net income, and nearly reached the EBIT. The AWP consensus for revenue totaled 260.9 million CHF, for the EBIT at 53 million Swiss francs and the net profit was 41.9 million frs.

The industry segment has a sales decline from 2.7% recorded at 215.2 million francs. Adjusted for currency effects, however, there was a slight increase of 0.3%.

Sales in the automotive segment reached 46.3 million CHF, representing a significant increase of 26.1%. Excluding exchange rate effects, sales increased by 23.6%. In all regions, growth was recorded, however, particularly in the USA (+ 14%), China (+ 55%), Japan (+ 13%) and Germany (+ 33%).

For the new fiscal year 2016/17, the management expects a stable market development and stable sales in most markets. Only in China is – albeit slower – growth expected. The target corridor of an EBIT margin of 15 to 20% for fiscal year 2016/17 is confirmed.

The complete history to Lem page. “


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