Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Munich Re, Allianz, Swiss Re: insurers test Blockchain-technology – Handelsblatt

the world’s largest reinsurers

Munich re tests, together with four other leading companies of the Blockchain technology.

(photo: Reuters)

FrankfurtThe “Blockchain”-encryption technology could revolutionise the way in which the global insurance industry. Five leading European insurers and reinsurers want to try, therefore, in a joint Initiative, whether and how the technology in the practical use, for example for the automation of processes. “The Blockchain has enormous potential, of digital contracts and transactions between multiple parties to ensure, in a transparent and verifiable to execute,” said Munich re on Wednesday. The Blockchain acts like a virtual cash book, the transactions in the financial sector directly between two parties can be settled.

The new “Blockchain Insurance Industry Initiative” (B3i) in addition to the world’s largest reinsurer, Munich re, Allianz, Swiss Re, Zurich, and the Dutch Aegon. It is a matter of “to set the necessary Standards for effective digitization of the industry,” said Harald Rosenberger, Munich re, responsible for innovations. The Initiative was, therefore, also for other insurers.

With the technology of the expenses for the management, administration and documentation of contracts between insurers and their customers, but also with reinsurers could significantly reduce. This could reduce the cost drastically and increase the efficiency. So an earthquake of a certain strength could automatically trigger a payment from the reinsurer to the primary insurer, a portion of the earthquake risk is passed. But that is future music. Previously, such uniform minimum standards for the exchange of data necessary. The five insurers want to test in the pilot project, first of all, whether and how transactions within the industry, with Blockchain.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

ZF sets the course for further technology acquisitions – SÜDKURIER Online

The automotive supplier establishes a subsidiary company interesting companies to strengthen the group’s eye –

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Friedrichshafen, Germany – On the way from the conventional auto suppliers to diversified experts in mobility technologies, ZF has made a further organizational step forward: The Foundation, the group founded a society for the involvement of ZF technology companies. Like ZF, the telling, the so-called future Ventures GmbH, based in Friedrichshafen, Germany, in September their work. The company is to identify companies that are in for ZF interesting technology fields, and participation to implement. Thus, ZF follows a much broader Trend in the industry. Also, companies such as Volkswagen, Porsche and Trumpf had recently launched similar models, in order to make themselves fit for the digital age, also known as industry 4.0. Common to these approaches is the attempt to complement the established but difficult-to-maturing business model through a more agile, digital innovation-oriented concept outside of the narrow boundaries of the parent group.

“With the founding of future Ventures GmbH, we are able to fill technological gaps faster and develop new business fields”, says ZF CEO Stefan Sommer. ZF offer today all the technologies required for the Autonomous Driving of Cars and commercial vehicles is necessary. To maintain “this Position and permanently expand, we need fast access to innovative technologies,” said Sommer. “With the flexible and fast Instrument of the future Ventures, we make sure that the speed of innovation in the company is maintained.”

model of Silicon Valley

The holding company have no fixed Etatvolumen. “We are open at the top, if opportunities arise,” says Torsten Gollewski, managing Director of future Ventures GmbH. The automotive expert was last in the service of Audi, and in June 2016 Director of advanced development at ZF Friedrichshafen AG. There he is responsible for the strategic extension of ZF expertise, including through investments. Gollewski: “The corporate responsibility remains with the respective companies, because we do not want to take from the market.” The company had neither technologically nor geographically boundaries. Technological investments in key technologies of the future, the existing fields of business innovation or disruptive processes accelerate. “We look at why companies around the world, in Silicon Valley, in Asia, in Israel, but also in Berlin or elsewhere in Europe,” Gollewski.

Only recently has participated in ZF at various technology companies, with 40 percent of the Hamburg company Ibeo. The Friedrichshafen-based Software company double slash, ZF has acquired a stake of 40 percent.


Monday, October 17, 2016

ZF sets the course for further technology acquisitions – SÜDKURIER Online

The automotive supplier establishes a subsidiary company interesting companies to strengthen the group’s eye –

Nice that you SÜDKURIER like Online.

Our thank you for your Loyalty

your 5 €voucher for the SÜDKURIER online shop* DANKE2016

*Please enter the coupon code DANKE2016 in the field provided in the shopping cart. Subsequently, the voucher can not be charged unfortunately. A cash payment is not provided.

Friedrichshafen, Germany – On the way from the conventional auto suppliers to diversified experts in mobility technologies, ZF has made a further organizational step forward: The Foundation, the group founded a society for the involvement of ZF technology companies. Like ZF, the telling, the so-called future Ventures GmbH, based in Friedrichshafen, Germany, in September their work. The company is to identify companies that are in for ZF interesting technology fields, and participation to implement. Thus, ZF follows a much broader Trend in the industry. Also, companies such as Volkswagen, Porsche and Trumpf had recently launched similar models, in order to make themselves fit for the digital age, also known as industry 4.0. Common to these approaches is the attempt to complement the established but difficult-to-maturing business model through a more agile, digital innovation-oriented concept outside of the narrow boundaries of the parent group.

“With the founding of future Ventures GmbH, we are able to fill technological gaps faster and develop new business fields”, says ZF CEO Stefan Sommer. ZF offer today all the technologies required for the Autonomous Driving of Cars and commercial vehicles is necessary. To maintain “this Position and permanently expand, we need fast access to innovative technologies,” said Sommer. “With the flexible and fast Instrument of the future Ventures, we make sure that the speed of innovation in the company is maintained.”

model of Silicon Valley

The holding company have no fixed Etatvolumen. “We are open at the top, if opportunities arise,” says Torsten Gollewski, managing Director of future Ventures GmbH. The automotive expert was last in the service of Audi, and in June 2016 Director of advanced development at ZF Friedrichshafen AG. There he is responsible for the strategic extension of ZF expertise, including through investments. Gollewski: “The corporate responsibility remains with the respective companies, because we do not want to take from the market.” The company had neither technologically nor geographically boundaries. Technological investments in key technologies of the future, the existing fields of business innovation or disruptive processes accelerate. “We look at why companies around the world, in Silicon Valley, in Asia, in Israel, but also in Berlin or elsewhere in Europe,” Gollewski.

Only recently has participated in ZF at various technology companies, with 40 percent of the Hamburg company Ibeo. The Friedrichshafen-based Software company double slash, ZF has acquired a stake of 40 percent.


DENSO and Toshiba make an Agreement for the development of the artificial … –

Stuttgart stock  exchange investors club

has been under-appreciated shares pearls

Peter Lynch as a Fund Manager of the Magellan Fund to a legend. He scored in the period 1977 to 1990, an average annual return of 29.2%. One of his secrets of success: Lynch sat in a simple and understandable business models, and preferably, then, if you appeared for most of the other traders as boring. In the new edition of the investor magazine for three companies are presented, the such an under-appreciated shares could be beads.


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Science Fact instead of Science Fiction – Like technology of the future – RT English

16.10.2016 • 08:22 PM

Nadine: A humanoid robot, which reacts even on their own people and interact with.

What if tomorrow is not more the bakery saleswoman in the Store, but a robot gives us the buns out? The music of the future? Puff cake. The robotization of the labour market has already begun.

Unstoppable robots and machines are the courses people are taking. The Futurist Gerd Leonhard files to this phenomenon in an interview with RT reporter Maria Janssen and gives an Outlook into a future which has already started.


Science Fact instead of Science Fiction – Like technology of the future – RT English

16.10.2016 • 08:22 PM

Nadine: A humanoid robot, which reacts even on their own people and interact with.

What if tomorrow is not more the bakery saleswoman in the Store, but a robot gives us the buns out? The music of the future? Puff cake. The robotization of the labour market has already begun.

Unstoppable robots and machines are the courses people are taking. The Futurist Gerd Leonhard files to this phenomenon in an interview with RT reporter Maria Janssen and gives an Outlook into a future which has already started.


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Battery technology: Which phone loads the fastest? –

The requirements of modern Smartphone-batteries are, in fact, impracticable. The battery should provide a long battery life, over the years, its capacity to lose and ideally können be insanely charged quickly.



A last resort to negative emissions?Researchers warn of “highly … – Germany radio

The candidate no. 1 for the removal of carbon dioxide from the air is called BECCS. For biomass power plants with CCS. Such plants burn plants, which have taken up the time of your life carbon dioxide. This CO2 is not deposited in combustion free again, but in a secluded and deep in the earth. Net to withdraw greenhouse gases from the atmosphere in this way, and comes to so-called negative emissions.

absolutely will be necessary to achieve the Two degree target, but still – at least retrospectively. Because in all realistic climate and energy scenarios, the world has an attempt on this goal. Niklas Höhne of the New Climate Institute in Cologne:

“There are models that say that almost half of today’s emissions would need to be taken out of the atmosphere out of it per year. Twenty times the emissions of Germany today.”

BSCCS was “highly speculative technology”

policy makers and the Public should not trust that anything will ever succeed. Writing two experienced climate scientists in the journal “Science”. Biomass power plants with CCS you refer to as “speculative in a high technology”. It would be unrealistic to assume that they could be built to the required extent. Glen Peters from the Norwegian climate research centre Cicero in Oslo, one of the two “Science”-authors: “the whole of the biomass for such a force to cultivate plants, you would need an area as large as India. Or even bigger”.

So much Land for the cultivation of energy crops will not be available, as the world population continues to grow, and thus the need for agricultural land for the production of food.

Peters expresses but also technological concerns: “ten years Ago, the world of the idea of CO2-capture and -sequestration is still very fond of. The International energy Agency introduced hundreds of new plants within a short period of time. But the technology is much more complex and more difficult than I thought. Today, worldwide there are just ten to 15 fossil fuel power plants with CCS – and only one larger plant that works with biomass.”

That CCS and BECCS are not from the children’s shoes, pointing to the climate protection projects of the industrial and emerging countries after the historic Paris agreements. In what is supposed to happen by the year 2030, so Peters:

“It’s just a handful of concepts in which CCS occurs. And then only in connection with fossil fuels. Technologies for generating negative emissions play in the plans of the countries. In doing so, you would have to be in accordance with the Two-degree scenarios in the next decade, on a large scale will be introduced.”

CCS as a pretext, the climate protection lax address

The world should not make of such a vague future technologies dependent, argues Glen Peters. This is risky and also immoral, since you have to dump the solution to the problem of future generations:

“If we expect these technologies to come, we mean, of course, our emissions today are not as strong reduce. But what if you work? Then, we have operated and, until then, much too little for climate protection. It is therefore likely dangerous, that such technologies will be available.”

For Peters and his British Co-author Kevin Anderson is divorced from negative emissions, therefore, as a kind of retrospective global insurance against climate damage. You should not be used as a large-scale technical solution for the Problem considered. Instead, the world should do much more energetic what you missed so far: the emission of greenhouse gases, chokes.


Friday, October 14, 2016

Wickeder Group: New technology bought Soester Anzeiger

Informed at the company’s headquarters Wickeder westfalenstahl about the latest technology growth for the Wickeder Group: managing Director, Andreas brown, and the head of the Marketing Department, on the main road, Sabrina Rössler. Photo: hut brink

Wickede – The Wickeder Group is continuing on its path of strategic orientation on promising markets. The separation from the cold band was in the previous year, an aspect of the development. This year, the group continues to grow by the Acquisition of 35 percent of the company Inflotek in the Netherlands, on the other, only a week ago with the conclusion of the purchase contract for the company MPU in Nachrodt-Wiblingwerde, a specialist of precision forming technology, e.g. for the production of electronics.

With the most recent tactical steps of the Wickeder Group is expanding its shares on the next level of the value chain, emphasises managing Director Andreas Braun. The distribution of Hi-Tech raw material is increasingly being supplemented by finished Hi-Tech products that are used in a wide field of the market of the Automotive and electrical industry, mechanical engineering to the food industry and their customers.

risk balance with metal and technology

the aim of this strategy is a further strengthening of the Standings in the international market. The Wickeder Group remains oriented 100 percent metal, explores the relationship of metal and technology in its corporate portfolio with the objective of a strengthened risk balance.

all This with the modesty of a medium-sized company, but with the claim, in the world market to join the fray. The Label “world market leader for clad materials” welcomes the visitors on a panel at the company’s headquarters at Wickeder westfalenstahl. With daughters as the company micro-metal in the Baden, Müllheim, or the new 35-percent stake in the Dutch Inflotek the company has the market leadership in the Etching of metals or water-jet cut in the visor.

With significantly increased product development site is to be developed in the market for clad materials. High-pressure compressed metal layers are traditionally used, e.g., for cookware or coins, more specialized products such as for heat shields, cooling systems or bearings. Currently the team is working on-site at new Plating technologies, for example, for the transformer or control technology. To replace this with the aim of traditional components in these industries by materials that are at the end of more effective, economic, environmentally sound and in the best case, unrivalled.

it’s often the cycles that extend far beyond the medium-term. If, for example, in components for electric mobility research is done, among other things, in anticipation of the phasing out of petrol – and diesel-driven vehicles, as this is envisaged by the policy from 2030 onwards. Also, topics and changes of morning, the (still) not in the public discussion, in the Perspective, but the options for the placement of products, take Management and development Department already in the view.

Clear commitment to the headquarters in Wickede

Basis of this policy of the Wickeder Group is the clear commitment to the location in Wickede, as managing Director, Andreas Braun confirmed in an interview with our newspaper. It is the commitment to the headquarters in that place is founded on the 1913 industrial pioneer, Bernhard Bauer, the original company, as the parent of the current group. And it applies even if a good third of the 1 000 permanent employees, in the meantime, offices in the USA, the Netherlands and China. Around

650 employees are sitting at the German companies, exactly 150 currently on the main street in Wickede. In the previous year, the family of Companies achieved a turnover of 97 million euros, in the case of this year’s revenue expectations precisely in the Setpoint, international even slightly above.

Against this Background, by the way, CEO Andreas Braun are clearly against our newspaper, not least that the Rest of the production on the two free days had not been in the past months, about a step to short-time work and an expression of a lack of orders, as this is rumored to be appreciated. Rather, it was given by a business partner, a bottleneck in the supply of raw material. Then they used the forced production break for the reduction of Overtime.


Blockchain critics: “The technology is overrated” – BTC-Echo – BTC-Echo

The Blockchain is one of the most hotly debated topics in the technology sector, the promise of new innovations. While the benefits of the Blockchain are quickly recognizable, are also the voices of critics in the foreground: After the Blockchain technology in the recent past, medially broad, it was reported, the question of the extent to which the Blockchain can really have an impact on our society. Some claim: The Impact of the Blockchain is grossly exaggerated.

A growing list of shows which major companies are already experimenting with the Blockchain and first prototypes and application of decentralised technology to investigate. So many consulting companies and auditors to include, in addition to the banks, to the narrow circle of the supporters: you will explore specific areas within the Innovation Hubs of the impact of such technologies on their industry and, in particular, the existing potential for the company.

The Blockchain: to Be More than they?

"Decentralized" would be one of the possible words that you would call if you had to describe the Blockchain technology with a word. Of the decentralization, which speaks in particular in the banking sector, all the structures of the past, promise for many supporters is a huge potential: Everything can be automated, streamlined, and with the cryptography mathematically testable. Bitcoin as a best known application is the example of a decentralized payment system that nowadays no longer is only for daylight-shy programmer.

but What the Blockchain outside of the pure value of transactions? The lack of answers to this question, criticize critics currently pointing to the limited scope of application of the Blockchain. Although you solve some problems and offer improvements to existing systems, it is nevertheless not a panacea. Rather, today is already known, in which areas of the Distributed Ledger use could be found.

Blockchain made easy: misconceptions of the technologies

But also ideas, which could be using the Blockchain to implement, are not subject to us as consumers in front of the feet. It is claimed: There are certainly use cases, from a theoretical point of view, and from this perspective, are feasible. However, The theories with the Transfer of the technology into practice, is much more complex than would be suggested by enthusiasts. A working Blockchain System, only the necessary acceptance of the society, but also from a technical point of view, a huge effort for the setup is not required. Finally, it should be developed in accordance with the decentralized principles of a System that can be accessed publicly, and is not stable enough, so it requires a Hard Fork. Ports of the system are difficult to impossible, depending on how they relate to the conceptual aspects.

views of the author (Max):

In the field of decentralized technologies, there was a General restlessness: Especially on the Blockchain-technologies is that already in the early stages of their development, in addition to the technical side, many players in the game who care about the social issues. This is, ultimately, the fact that the Blockchain may only rarely be used as a substitute in the sense of the interchangeability, but in many cases holistic application needs to find in order for the System to work.

Just this human component is currently leads to differences of opinion: while some put all their hope in the Blockchain us so huge (investment) recognize the potential for the future, on the other hand, clearly, what a huge effort from a technical perspective is necessary in order to establish the concept in certain industries.

original post Blockchain Critics Feel The Technology’s Importance is may be overstated via newsBTC

image sources

  • Globe smash with a hammer, isolated on a white background. Elements of this image furnished by NASA © Oleksandrum –

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Feasibility will be examined: Lingen refinery Power-to-Gas … – NOZ – New osnabrück newspaper

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

NOZ – New osnabrück newspaper
feasibility is checked: Sets the Lingen refinery Power-to-Gas …
NOZ – New osnabrück newspaper
The company Uniper and BP want to check whether the use of the Power-to-Gas technology in the Lingen refinery is technically and economically feasible …

and more »


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Interview – In the technology sector, there are only winners or losers –

the technology is a very fast-paced business environment, every company chasing the next Innovation. The companies in this sector divides faster in winners and losers than other industries. How do you select your Assets for the “Fidelity Funds – Global Technology Fund” (ISIN: LU0099574567)? They are also on-site in Silicon Valley?

HyunHo son: is The field of technology is characterized by innovation-driven growth. In the course of time, revenue, profitability, and market capitalization grew. Note that each stage of Growth was driven by a different technology, and each technology had a different winner. The key to success in this sector is, therefore, to identify the winners, because there is a big dispersion between winners and losers. As a Bottom-up Stockpicker, I am convinced that the Understanding of technology Trends, Innovation and new technology, the key is to recognize those companies that are in the long term, the clear leader in the industry, with significant payouts.

ch: focus on mispricing opportunities, whose long-term prospects are much better than the current rates. The stocks I select, Essentially fall into one of three categories: long-Term structural winners (companies that are focused on Innovation and creative destruction and changes). Secondly, the anti-cyclical share of the technical sub-sectors, which tend to follow a clearly defined cyclical Playbook, but a limited risk of destruction. Thirdly, companies in special situations, their analysis and estimation for the average Investor is too complicated.

In the search for ideas, I trust, also, to the Inputs of the world’s 24 TMT-analyst (technology, media and telecommunications) of Fidelity. I develop also ideas from the ideas of company meetings, industry conferences and leading Research. In particular, my regular interaction with other global sectors and regional portfolio managers also supports my efforts in view of the increasing convergence between the sectors.

One of the next big themes – if not the largest at all – Autonomous Driving. The self-employed, a vehicle, the more technology is installed. What is the significance of this theme for your Fund?

The Tech sector has a number of new technologies that are expected to drive growth in the future. Autonomous vehicles are a good example. Until cars can drive completely autonomously, it will take still a long time, but the vehicles are getting smarter, and the introduction of E-cars will continue to increase. I am glad if I can benefit from this theme by investing in the building blocks of this Innovation, for example in the semiconductor company. Our Fund has an overweight Position in the semiconductor sub-sector, since many of these companies are essential components for self-driving cars, electric vehicles, but also new technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

Can you give examples of other growth drivers in the technology sector?

There are a number of interesting growth drivers in the technology sector. The first area relates to the continuous innovations in the areas of Cloud Computing, digital advertising and E-Commerce, in which technologies have become Mainstream, and the inflection point on the adoption or monetization have already achieved. These areas of the technology sector connected with strong licenses, the Cash Flow generate, in addition, they have achieved dominance and business models established, are difficult to replicate.

IDer the second area relates to investment, the companies in their digital Transformation in various industries such as manufacturing, construction, agriculture and other. Specific software companies play an important role in this, supported by the continuous development of the Internet of things.

The third area relates to the technologies of the future. To do this, Virtual / Augmented Reality, artificial intelligence and self-driving cars. These technologies are still immature and it may take some time for them to be adapted in the Mainstream. However, here made significant investments that will benefit the component sector, such as semiconductors. Finally, the sector through continued M&A activity is likely to be increased as the technology for businesses is strategically important. In particular, the industrial conglomerates will be strategic buyers for Software Assets. The consolidation of the semiconductor industry will continue due to the lever effect due to research and development, while the outdated communications equipment industry will continue to be merged.

How do you rate the growth opportunities of companies that are already an IT giant like Apple or Google that you have in the Portfolio?

I rate all of the companies regardless of market capitalisation, in the same way. All investment decisions are made on the Basis of the Bottom-up Fundamental analysis. While the Fund holds a large Position in companies such as Apple and Alphabet, we avoid other Index heavyweights such as Facebook and Microsoft, where I see less and less benefits.

you have no significant German companies in the Portfolio. Lag behind German companies in the technology?

I note no regional views when selecting which shares to the Portfolio. I was kept informed on key technologies and topics, I pursue a “Go anywhere” approach for stocks. If there is a Lack of German companies in the Fund, it is because I have not found many of my fundamental stock selection process. This may change if opportunities arise.

What is the goal of the technology Fund? What is the typical investor?

The investment objective of the Fund is to offer shareholders long-term capital growth by investing worldwide in companies that benefit from the technological progress in terms of products, processes or services significantly. We have a wide range of investors, including private investors, Wholesale and institutional investors.

Mr. son, thank you for the interview!

The “Fidelity Funds – Global Technology Fund” (ISIN: LU0099574567) was able to achieve in the past five years, an increase in the value of 159,55 percent. The Fund’s management focuses stock selection on high-growth companies, established market leaders, as well as companies that have taken in emerging market niches feet. Main focus of investment by country the United States with 70 percent, followed by Japan (6 percent)and China (5,30%). Investment focus by sector information technology is a 87,10 per cent.


Autonomous Driving: BMW, Toyota, and the Alliance to secure a license for US … – Berliner Zeitung

San Francisco

In the race to secure systems for Autonomous Driving BMW, Toyota, and the Alliance put together on the technology of the US Startup company Nauto.

driving behavior is monitored by the Software and evaluated

The two automakers and the insurance company signed a license agreement with the company, making certain control devices, for example, for Taxis in the Metropolitan area of San Francisco, such as Nauto announced on Friday.

It monitors a windshield-mounted camera, the driving behavior is then evaluated by computers. Nauto-in-chief Stefan stern said on Friday to Reuters, the German and the Japanese would incorporate its technology into its test vehicles and the data obtained to develop their own strategy for Autonomous Driving.

Financial details of the agreement were not disclosed. However, BMW, Allianz, and Toyota participate in Nauto, informed the U.S. company. A third, unnamed car manufacturer, therefore, is also on Board.

New System provides insurance options

With the Nauto devices can be determined according to the company, potentially dangerous driving behavior such as texting. For insurers, this will provide the opportunity risks to better assess, prevent fraud, and to reward the careful driver.

in addition to the driving behavior could provide the artificial intelligence-based, and thus learners systems also provide information about dangerous intersections and traffic jam-heavy sections of the route for the development of self-driving cars. (reuters)

you could:


in Frankfurtinterest Tengelmann, summit achieved a breakthrough for the supermarket chain


Tuifly-plans: So Tui want=the Situation around sick relax

Just a typo?: Unexpected turbulence when British pound


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The centre for disaster assistance: “Look at this James Bond technology” – Handelsblatt

“Look at this James-Bond-technology”

Russia’s staging of Power: Putin tames the wild horses

“Look at this James-Bond-technology”, – joked the Russian Co-Director of the institution, Wiatscheslaw Vlasenko, while screens for a video presentation of the recent activities of the centre were rolled out. Out of the Russian trainers practiced meanwhile with the Serbian firefighters.

Vlasenko, the device is equipped in any manner in favour of the neighbouring Romania spy, where recently American interceptor missiles are stationed. Or Kosovo, where Nato peacekeeping troops and a US base.

“these are just rumors. It is not possible to transform this center into a spying device. It is very small, we only have a staff of three Serbians and five Russians, and beyond that, nothing else (…), and the buildings do not belong to us."

The Russian complained that the neighboring countries of the Nato and EU member, Croatia or even Macedonia and Bosnia, who want to be a member, be averse to, even in the case of larger humanitarian disasters, the Russian help. As in the refugee crisis, with nearly a Million people came last year via the Balkans.

Russia: data and information about the economy

Russia is in the statistical Overview of all the important Numbers at a glance. more…

The Croats would have also declined during recent forest fires on the Adriatic coast, the use of large Russian aircraft for fire fighting “without any explanation”. Even tents for the accommodation of refugees in Croatia is not what I wanted. And Bosnia did not respond to an offer, an agreement on joint actions in case of natural complete disasters.

“It’s all politics,” said Vlasenko. “You say that Vladimir Putin is bad, Russia wants to dominate (…). Political Motivation should be kept out of humanitarian aid."

Serbia also wants to join the EU, but don’t want to ruin it at the same time with Moscow. So it has refused to the American and EU sanctions against Russia because of its aggression in Ukraine.

The US-led bombing of Serbia in 1999, has upset many people in the country against the West and for Russia heats up. The inhabitants of Nis, which were hit hard, were divided, as they were asked, what do you think of the Russian presence in their city.

“I would rather see our (Russian) brothers in our city as the Western scum”, says Radovan Mihajlovic. Petar Jovanovic shares the suspicion about the true role of the centre. “The Public does not know the whole truth. I think that is something of which the Public knows nothing."


American campaign: The technology of lie – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

It was a debate the charges, you costume opened chasms of low, perfidy, and hatred. Rarely there was so much personal animosity in a candidate-duel that culminated, finally, in a previously unprecedented announcement: Donald Trump has threatened his opponent, Hillary Clinton, he would chase after the electoral victory of a special investigator on the neck, you’ll end up in prison. Only aspiring dictators were talking before, but not contenders for the presidency in the largest democracy in the Western hemisphere.

once Again, has revealed how the United States torn, as the political climate is polarized. According to the first polls, has expelled the scandal video with a woman hostile and obscene Remarks hardly Trump voters, at most, a few dozen Republicans from the upper ranks of the party. What Trump led in turn to condemn you as a washed up party elite, as a traitor, and don’t use. Just as it values its clientele.

More about

How is it that the voices of reason can get in this election campaign is so little heard? There are a number of reasons: A social climate of mistrust that has developed after the 2008 financial crisis, its consequences in the United States, still of all the places are noticeable. Over years of growing inequality, which came to a head particularly after the crisis, and many Americans feel that it was systematically suspended from the elites in politics and business.

but alienated the people of the still most powerful Nation in the world, especially from each other: This is a great dazzling country with more than 300 million inhabitants, its culture, products we devour, whose entrepreneurial spirit we admire, makes the we airs again and again, fear and sometimes even hate, can no longer agree on common truths. In the ongoing confrontation of the facts discussed to death, statistics bent, misused. Not only in public debate but up into the smallest units, families. Never since the Vietnam war, American families were divided.

42795166 © AFP Increase game characters of Clinton and Trump in a Store in Denver, Colorado

Trump has driven the reckless game with the truth up to the championship. In the night of the debate he Clinton issued with rüpelhafter attitude of a falsehood after the other, so that the Democrat must use up have your entire speech time, in order to correct only the inaccuracies: Clinton wanted a General Amnesty for anyone coming into the country. The government let hundreds of thousands from countries such as Syria to enter the country. Obama had signed a peace Treaty with the Assad Regime. The American growth had shrunk to under one percent, the taxes are the highest in the world.


Monday, October 10, 2016

American campaign: The technology of lie – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

It was a debate the charges, you costume opened chasms of low, perfidy, and hatred. Rarely there was so much personal animosity in a candidate-duel that culminated, finally, in a previously unprecedented announcement: Donald Trump has threatened his opponent, Hillary Clinton, he would chase after the electoral victory of a special investigator on the neck, you’ll end up in prison. Only aspiring dictators were talking before, but not contenders for the presidency in the largest democracy in the Western hemisphere.

once Again, has revealed how the United States torn, as the political climate is polarized. According to the first polls, has expelled the scandal video with a woman hostile and obscene Remarks hardly Trump voters, at most, a few dozen Republicans from the upper ranks of the party. What Trump led in turn to condemn you as a washed up party elite, as a traitor, and don’t use. Just as it values its clientele.

More about

How is it that the voices of reason can get in this election campaign is so little heard? There are a number of reasons: A social climate of mistrust that has developed after the 2008 financial crisis, its consequences in the United States, still of all the places are noticeable. Over years of growing inequality, which came to a head particularly after the crisis, and many Americans feel that it was systematically suspended from the elites in politics and business.

but alienated the people of the still most powerful Nation in the world, especially from each other: This is a great dazzling country with more than 300 million inhabitants, its culture, products we devour, whose entrepreneurial spirit we admire, makes the we airs again and again, fear and sometimes even hate, can no longer agree on common truths. In the ongoing confrontation of the facts discussed to death, statistics bent, misused. Not only in public debate but up into the smallest units, families. Never since the Vietnam war, American families were divided.

42795166 © AFP Increase game characters of Clinton and Trump in a Store in Denver, Colorado

Trump has driven the reckless game with the truth up to the championship. In the night of the debate he Clinton issued with rüpelhafter attitude of a falsehood after the other, so that the Democrat must use up have your entire speech time, in order to correct only the inaccuracies: Clinton wanted a General Amnesty for anyone coming into the country. The government let hundreds of thousands from countries such as Syria to enter the country. Obama had signed a peace Treaty with the Assad Regime. The American growth had shrunk to under one percent, the taxes are the highest in the world.


China: a New quantum-radar to make US stealth technology useless – RT English

The US stealth multi-purpose fighter aircraft F-35.

New developments in the Anti-Stealth research for armor say to the competent Institute of the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation could make on the paths of the photons of the cleavage complex American disguised cloaking technology useless.

Like a classic Radar works, is intelligible: It sends its waves on certain frequencies. These hit an obstacle, you will be thrown reflected and back. The radar device measures and then the reflections of those waves.

The way of thinking of the so-called quantum-radars on the other hand, in Science-Fiction movies. Here you bring about a cleavage of photons. The split Photon particles are connected to each other in a relationship, so that you can read on the basis of a particle even in the case of spatial separation of the States of the second particle. The space between two particles is thus overcome.

In practice, shot a particle in the space, the twin particles remains in the device. At this, the conditions of the freedmen of the same particle can be measured. In this case, the “captured” particles have also noticed the encounter with an object, such as a conventional radars invisible jet.

The Global Times, is now an Institute of the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) have developed such a device. It is of course conceivable that the Chinese government will celebrate the successes of the media in this respect, a little premature. If the message is true, it is, however, a prototype of an already operational system. The range is initially given 100 kilometers. But this would surprise all those skeptics who think that the Chinese arms industry, there is a lack of fundamental research.

This development may have consequences especially for the US defence industry are far-reaching. Especially the whole Stealth – and stealth technology for conventional radar obsolete. Against photons, the safety and invisibility cloaks useless.

this technological approach success, could China and Russia, the spring is also in the Anti-Stealth-technology leaders, by means of building on these developments in this way a number of US investments in the area of armaments will be useless.

The development of quantum radars reflects the strategic principles of Chinese armor projects: your goal is to neutralize with relatively cheap techniques, the extremely expensive armor projects in the United States. Thus, the war of the coffers of the new broke out.


China: a New quantum-radar to make US stealth technology useless – RT English

The US stealth multi-purpose fighter aircraft F-35.

New developments in the Anti-Stealth research for armor say to the competent Institute of the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation could make on the paths of the photons of the cleavage complex American disguised cloaking technology useless.

Like a classic Radar works, is intelligible: It sends its waves on certain frequencies. These hit an obstacle, you will be thrown reflected and back. The radar device measures and then the reflections of those waves.

The way of thinking of the so-called quantum-radars on the other hand, in Science-Fiction movies. Here you bring about a cleavage of photons. The split Photon particles are connected to each other in a relationship, so that you can read on the basis of a particle even in the case of spatial separation of the States of the second particle. The space between two particles is thus overcome.

In practice, shot a particle in the space, the twin particles remains in the device. At this, the conditions of the freedmen of the same particle can be measured. In this case, the “captured” particles have also noticed the encounter with an object, such as a conventional radars invisible jet.

The Global Times, is now an Institute of the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) have developed such a device. It is of course conceivable that the Chinese government will celebrate the successes of the media in this respect, a little premature. If the message is true, it is, however, a prototype of an already operational system. The range is initially given 100 kilometers. But this would surprise all those skeptics who think that the Chinese arms industry, there is a lack of fundamental research.

This development may have consequences especially for the US defence industry are far-reaching. Especially the whole Stealth – and stealth technology for conventional radar obsolete. Against photons, the safety and invisibility cloaks useless.

this technological approach success, could China and Russia, the spring is also in the Anti-Stealth-technology leaders, by means of building on these developments in this way a number of US investments in the area of armaments will be useless.

The development of quantum radars reflects the strategic principles of Chinese armor projects: your goal is to neutralize with relatively cheap techniques, the extremely expensive armor projects in the United States. Thus, the war of the coffers of the new broke out.


Sunday, October 9, 2016

The centre for disaster assistance: “Look at this James Bond technology” – Handelsblatt

“Look at this James-Bond-technology”

Russia’s staging of Power: Putin tames the wild horses

“Look at this James-Bond-technology”, – joked the Russian Co-Director of the institution, Wiatscheslaw Vlasenko, while screens for a video presentation of the recent activities of the centre were rolled out. Out of the Russian trainers practiced meanwhile with the Serbian firefighters.

Vlasenko, the device is equipped in any manner in favour of the neighbouring Romania spy, where recently American interceptor missiles are stationed. Or Kosovo, where Nato peacekeeping troops and a US base.

“these are just rumors. It is not possible to transform this center into a spying device. It is very small, we only have a staff of three Serbians and five Russians, and beyond that, nothing else (…), and the buildings do not belong to us."

The Russian complained that the neighboring countries of the Nato and EU member, Croatia or even Macedonia and Bosnia, who want to be a member, be averse to, even in the case of larger humanitarian disasters, the Russian help. As in the refugee crisis, with nearly a Million people came last year via the Balkans.

Russia: data and information about the economy

Russia is in the statistical Overview of all the important Numbers at a glance. more…

The Croats would have also declined during recent forest fires on the Adriatic coast, the use of large Russian aircraft for fire fighting “without any explanation”. Even tents for the accommodation of refugees in Croatia is not what I wanted. And Bosnia did not respond to an offer, an agreement on joint actions in case of natural complete disasters.

“It’s all politics,” said Vlasenko. “You say that Vladimir Putin is bad, Russia wants to dominate (…). Political Motivation should be kept out of humanitarian aid."

Serbia also wants to join the EU, but don’t want to ruin it at the same time with Moscow. So it has refused to the American and EU sanctions against Russia because of its aggression in Ukraine.

The US-led bombing of Serbia in 1999, has upset many people in the country against the West and for Russia heats up. The inhabitants of Nis, which were hit hard, were divided, as they were asked, what do you think of the Russian presence in their city.

“I would rather see our (Russian) brothers in our city as the Western scum”, says Radovan Mihajlovic. Petar Jovanovic shares the suspicion about the true role of the centre. “The Public does not know the whole truth. I think that is something of which the Public knows nothing."
