Six technology driver for the work of the future – Computer Week
The future of work is characterized by cooperation from Photo:. Rawpixel –
The “Workplace of the Future” is already functioning in many companies today. Mobile working from anywhere, teamwork over temporal and spatial boundaries, increasing flexibility in working hours and place of birth – that is the world for many employees already a reality. To the workplace of the future, however, actually be able to turn into a productive place, businesses need the right tools. What developments do you need to keep in mind in order not to miss the boat?
Mobility is the Super Mobility
Designated “work” once primarily a place where we went, is the term today rather for the work – regardless of time, place and device. Therefore, conventional offices and meeting rooms soft open workspaces and mobile solutions that allow to work effectively. According to analyst firm IDC use in 2015 already 1.3 billion people worldwide mobile technologies for mobile work or for the home office. And smartphones and tablets make up 40 percent of overall IT growth. Around 87 percent of companies have already implemented a strategy for mobility and mobile devices, where seven out of ten companies are struggling to keep up with the frenzied development in the mobile space step.
computer in the traditional sense of the future workplace will only play a minor role. Telework or mobile working is increasingly becoming a standard and mobile devices thus increasingly becoming a fully-equipped mini-computer with a variety of functions for the Allocation of Labor. Companies should work towards their employees to provide technology for their mobile devices available with which they can work together productively and easily – for example, by integration into the video communication of the company and with solutions that enable content sharing and content editing. It is crucial, according to Sir Cary Cooper, professor of organizational psychology and health at the Manchester Business School: The solutions must be easy to use, so the user can use them without any problems and the potential of the investment is fully exploited. Ideal are solutions with intuitive user interfaces based on open standards, thus enabling a barrier-free communication with users who use systems from other manufacturers.
Collaboration Tools overcome global limits
Thanks to more effective tools can work anywhere Photo: Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley
More than ever companies are working on temporal, spatial and cultural boundaries globally together – with its globally distributed subsidiaries, partners, suppliers and customers. In order for this type of global collaboration works, effective collaboration tools are required that for every business and remit tailored solutions provide: While HR departments increasingly perform application and appraisal interviews via video or use it to perform faster and more cost-effective training, may in the product development with new technologies, the go-to-market time can be reduced. Service communicate with it better in the future with external customers and partners – for example, by an insurance advisor easily and quickly an expert can turn on for a certain area on his tablet via video spot. In production, the technologies are increasingly used to carry out remote maintenance or remote-quality controls. For all deployment scenarios applies: video, voice and content sharing in corporate quality are more in demand than ever and distances will in future play a lesser role
The cloud consists in the communication by
. Cloud solutions are a trend already on everyone’s lips. The cloud has also reached the field of communication and will help to ensure that this changed rapidly in the coming years. Much of the discussion around the cloud will revolve around what specific requirements the company and employees to the solutions have. Video Collaboration in real time or Video-as-a-Service (VaaS) will in this case be one of the solutions without a doubt, calling the staff.
VaaS offerings from the cloud to retrieve that user from any device may already exist. The advantage: They are accessible and highly customizable for any small or medium-sized enterprises. In addition, less costs incurred because no need for expensive investments in hardware and only use is also charged. Provided Video Services of service providers and do it fast, reliable and above all ensure the most varied platforms, networks and devices. A decision that pays off. And what comes next? In any case, open standards-based solutions, which can be safely connected to the cloud. Moreover, the cloud company will help you to control via remote monitoring how well the data centers are working and how often are video, voice and content collaboration solutions in action.
terminals are even more intelligent
Video as a Service is be one of the applications that employees require future Photo:. Andrey Popov –
IDC concludes that, and due to the enormous increase in smart wearables, household appliances medical devices, in future, expenditure will rise in relation to such intelligent and collaborating products. And all these devices will be connected in the next few years not only with each other but also to communicate with each other.
To allow however an interaction between the devices, these must be equipped with a certain “intelligence” to “act” actually kollaborierend to. Evolved Media Management solutions can already just that by capture, manage and present this content with an intelligent voice-text transcription. Moreover, these meta data can mark and are equipped with a search function, so that everyone will know immediately where the corresponding data are stored. And moreover, not only devices interact with each other, but terminals collaborate with collaboration tools in companies and merging. Meetings can then be started, content shared, music to be heard, etc.
Big, Bigger, Big Data
Intelligent Content Finding . the efficiency of work, no matter where Photo: Regus
Big Data is still the theme of presence – and is also in future continue to be represented in all trend-lists, especially when it comes to how Big Data with improved collaboration and productivity can be increased. According to IDC, the amount of data in this year tripled, especially with regard to image and video files. Because these were just “rediscovered” by companies in order therefrom to learn more about their customers. Large video analytics platforms will therefore contribute in the future to bridge the supply of unstructured data to structured knowledge -. So as to enable business intelligence
Intelligent Content-finding, based on analysis, the development is increasingly a say. By working with metadata tagging and intelligent content of each meeting and any collaborative experience can be recorded and can be activated for a voice-to-text translation – may searchable content are created. This content can be available to anyone who searches within a conversation or within a presentation on specific details then. Conclusion from this: A conversation does not have to spend hours belongs or a video recording can be viewed. This is not only much faster, but is also more effective.
Agile Programming
In order to promote collaboration and responsive to changing needs to be able to, the programming must be flexible to handle. The trend towards open standards for some time. But meanwhile, the idea took hold that not all open standards are the same. Many companies are using standards-based technologies, however, do not allow wide-ranging collaboration. Providers such as Polycom rely on so-called “open standards”. These allow developers to integrate with an open toolkit and open programming interfaces new collaboration solutions to start a video call or to create directly with a meeting in the calendar.
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