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economic GT, is active in leading-edge cluster (© Christine Panhorst)
Gütersloh. Small and medium-sized companies the chance to cooperate on unbureaucratic way with universities. This is the recipe for success of the top cluster “it’s OWL”. Behind this title hides a strong network of organizations and businesses that allow the industry of the future is already in the region a reality. When transfer day in Gütersloh the makers take stock.
application until January
The top cluster it’s OWL is from
Federal Ministry of Education and Research for a term sponsored by five years until mid-2017
in order to implement innovative projects in companies
can. 39 so-called transfer projects in which work together
entrepreneurs and universities, have been successfully completed
, another 34 are in preparation. Until 31 January,
regional companies can apply for funding from the
Spitzencluster. The network aims to accompany 120 projects in the five years
In Gütersloh district council “It turns the first” transfer day “of the technology network’s OWL “is all about innovation from East Westphalia-Lippe. When exchanging included here the 230 participants from industry and academia, to the lectern in the lecture program and in the pages of info materials always a term: industry 4.0. Which has become in recent years the trend-word number 1 in business and politics -. International, in Germany and also in the strong medium-sized OWL
Under Industry 4.0 are the challenges combined, where mainly the manufacturing industry in the face of new opportunities must provide digitally controlled processes to. In other words: more and smaller, faster, cheaper and more accurate deployable computer technologies roll up our work into the production halls
The production of future control intelligent technical systems – abbreviated as “it’s” the network. names.
headquarters OWL should be the mark
Those who act quickly and take advantage of the new process optimization through computer programs uses early , a competitive advantage can provide. This is where “it’s OWL”. The site OWL is to become the brand and can withstand international competition race.
This has succeeded in the bottom line of network-manager Herbert Weber after two and a half years working in the SME funding. Which has been attracting attention beyond national borders. Also project manager Peter Ebbesmeyer looks OWL in a “pioneering role”. “We are one of Europe’s most innovative regions.”
The principle is simple: “It’s OWL” networked medium-sized businesses of all sizes with the Universities of Paderborn and Bielefeld, the University OWL, Fraunhofer Institut and the Heinz Nixdorf Institute in Paderborn. The goal is the concept “Industry 4.0″ to be filled with content and already employ future technologies such as intelligent control systems. The way there pave called transfer projects.
“it’s OWL” is a kind of development aid for the local economy
These describe cooperation between of due industry and research, which gives the top cluster and funded by federal funding. “Technologies should be carried in on short routes without red tape in the enterprise,” said Weber. “It’s OWL” thus operates a sort of development aid for the local economy.
A successful example is the Gütersloh company Bio-Circle Surface Technologies. Anne Catrin Schürer, authorized signatory at the Gütersloh chemistry specialists, is very satisfied: “We have revised our energy management concept in collaboration with the University of Paderborn and can reduce energy consumption by 20 percent.” Meanwhile, had been created in this area for a new job. Such long-term effects hope you look, there is the transfer day. Despite the successes, the creators of OWL must continue to convince people at the SME sector. “We have not yet all in the same boat,” says Ebbesmeyer.
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