Friday, July 31, 2015

Heisenberg XF1: Premium eBike with new BMW i-Unit swing – Mobilegeeks

If by BMW i is the speech, a first come the BMW i3 Concept and BMW i8 to mind. From the BMW sub-brand but come not only lightweight and environmentally friendly electric cars, one also sees itself in the role of an incubator for innovation, who penned for example a patent for a system Unit Swing dates, which were approved for external use. In addition now you are looking forward to Berlin at the HNF GmbH that wants XF1 establish a new premium eBike with the HNF Heisenberg and the first time now the BMW i-technology is used in the form of said Unit swing. Together with the BMW Group Research and Technology HNF has this patent can now bring to series production.

It is in this Unit swing to a completely new frame technology for full suspension eBikes with central engine. The previously obligatory chain tensioner thereby falls away completely and the combination of rear suspension and the carbon belt drive according to BMW promises exceptional driving and handling characteristics. The following benefits called the company:

Advantages of 4-joint-Unit swing for the HNF Heisenberg XF1

  • mid-engine and balanced weight distribution
  • Maintenance-free belt drive with gear hub gears
  • High frame stiffness
  • no pedal kickback
  • Grip and traction in every situation, since no stiffening of the rear triangle
  • possibility for realizing a modular drive system
  • Design freedom for mainframe

I still will appreciate that a resonating engine in the middle of eBikes advantages over a totally rigid engine has, however, since leaving me then even my technical knowledge to half eBikes. Therefore, I refer you at this point in the press release of ( here the PDF file ), in their operation of the new technology gets explained clearly well-founded, as I could play it here .

eBike with bmw-i Triebsatzschwinge2

Alternatively, you can you, of course, the HNF Heisenberg XF1 directly on the Product Page View and then decide whether the bike maybe is just right for you. There, you then also that you can purchase the eBike from the autumn, initially in a special Launch Edition:

To Launch Edition of another set of very stylish bike gloves with HNF Heisenberg Logo and Launch XF1 belongs Edition T-shirt, which is signed at the request of Kalle Nicolai and Michael Hedges. The edition number is attached with a discreet, engraved plaque on the bike. Not yet on the market that is a collector’s item, which is achieving increasing values ​​in later years in the Launch Edition.

Who so pull XF1 with its innovative propulsion unit rotating equipment today is a part of the country want, which has the classic bike no longer care much about, of course, must also intervene little deeper into their pockets: At 8,345 euros the fun begins, but you get the wheel but then also ready to drive directly to the front door comes after it is assembled only after your job – you have to wait so so or including so. However, this waiting period is likely to be worthwhile, because with the HNF Heisenberg XF1 urges an absolute premium eBike on the market -. Not only, but also thanks to the BMW i-Technology


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Furnace technology of the future: Baking with ultrasound – German Turkish News

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bakeries could bake their bread in the future by using ultrasound. A signal generated by sound waves aerosol of water should lead to significantly higher product quality. The technology could save energy, time and money when cooling and fermentation process.


Baking is energy-intensive. That affects not only the environment but also your wallet Baker. The research project NanoBAK2 developed about a climate chamber that reduces the energy demand, which is produced by the fermentation, cooling and moistening of pastry. . They also state that the new method, the product quality significantly improved, so the manufacturer

The technology behind it is based on ultrasound: water is made to oscillate, thereby smallest droplets in relation to the introduction into the fermentation or cooling chamber and spread evenly. This moisture distribution in the room allows the production of baked goods with a constant product quality. The new method extends the freshness of the product and also promotes the shine, the volume, the windowing and the crunchiness and crispness.

"The use of NanoBAK2 technology, the energy requirements for the entire fermentation process by 30 percent are reduced as compared with conventional technologies. The baking time can be shortened so that, or the introduced thermal energy can be reduced. Thus, for the bakery, an economic and an ecological benefit, "says Markus von Bargen, Technical Director at the Institute of Food Technology and Biotechnology Department at ttz Bremerhaven. The technology is already used in practice by project partners and can also be integrated into existing plants in operation

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The land of worriers ?: Study: This technology is not a nation … – ABC Online

Thursday, 07.30.2015, 10:37

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An international study with respondents in 22 countries showed once again that the Germans are looking at technological developments that affect their data with great skepticism. When it comes to cloud storage, they are even the most skeptical people of all.

External HDD, DVD or USB flash drive no longer is needed for storage of information absolutely. Photos, music and other data can also be stored on the Internet on the computers of companies. But many German are hesitant with such cloud services. The Germans are a new study, by international standards the most skeptical when it comes to data storage on the Internet.

While Mexicans, Brazilians, Turks and Chinese could no longer do without the data storage on the network, half of the respondents in this country believes that they do not need such services. This according to a survey of consumer researchers Nuremberg Gfk. The researchers had it interviewed more than 26,000 Internet users in 22 countries

Expert:. German consumers very sensitive when data

are data storage services by the technical term “cloud” refers to the Internet, where music , photos or videos will not be stored on your own computer, but in large data centers. Users can through the Internet from different devices and mobile access to their data. In addition, computer programs and apps that are provided from the Internet, known as cloud services.

“German consumers are very sensitive when it comes to their personal data and their security”, says the GfK expert Robert usury. However, this does not mean that really deny German consumers this way.

Every other Mexican place the cloud important

For the study, Internet users were asked to indicate how important it is for them , store their data virtually and access to. 31 percent of respondents said that the cloud is important for them. Contrast, about 18 percent were not of this opinion.

Especially popular are cloud services in Latin America, China and Turkey. In Mexico such deals are absolutely necessary even for the half of the respondents. Even Brazilians, Turks and Chinese were 44, 43 and 40 percent support more open than people in Germany.

German particularly skeptical

As a rather unimportant, however consider the issue especially Canadians, Australians and Sweden. In the online data storage 39, 37 and 34 percent of consumers could do without here.

The Germans stand here particularly pointed out. Half of the respondents in this country does not believe that cloud services for personal data storage are necessary

In Video: Bald swim mini-robot through our bloodstreams

TMO / dpa

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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Autonomous weapon systems “Science has the technology for long in … – Germany Kultur

Listen to Hans-Joachim Wiese and Axel Schröder


Moderation >

Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Terminator 2″: self-combat robots could soon be in reality. (Dpa / picture alliance / dpa-film)

In an open letter Scientists warn of the dangers of independent combat robots. One of the signatories is Wolfgang Bible – one of the founders of Artificial Intelligence in Germany. We talked with him

It sounds like in the “Terminator” films. In the near future could be used which decide independently whether they kill a human being or not in the war fighting robots. Before such scenarios now warn renowned scientists from around the world in an open letter. The signatories also include the computer scientist Wolfgang Bible from the Technical University of Darmstadt, he is considered a pioneer in the research field of Artificial Intelligence in Germany.

Bible urges convention to outlaw fighting robots

“Our concern is to inform the society on: Fits as might come a little, let’s apply this technology rather for something better, “the researchers said in an interview with Germany Kultur. The science has the technology for autonomous weapons systems “already in the bag,” says the Bible. Now it is about the question of the application. The military is very interested in such systems. In addition, the risk that such weapons falling into the hands of terrorist organizations such as the IS there. Thus Bible calls for an international convention to outlaw these weapons systems

Find out more:

Fighting robots – death-bringing. Machines
(Germany Kultur, time issues, 04/09/2015)

United Nations – discussion about autonomous fighting robots
(Germany radio, research to date, 14/05/2014)

If the robot a matter of life and death ‘ br xmlns: papaya = “” /> (Germany Kultur, theme, 06.12.2012)


Compact, optical data transmission – scinexx | Knowledge Magazine

In order to exchange data faster and more energy efficient between electronic chips, are compact optical transmission possibilities of great interest. A component of this is the Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) adapted to convert electronic signals into optical signals. Researchers at the KIT and ETH now have a plasmonic MZM with only 12.5 micrometers in length developed the digital electrical converted to optical signals at a rate of up to 108 gigabits per second, and this presented in the journal Nature Photonics.

“Especially when transferring data between computer chips offer optical technologies enormous potential,” explains Manfred Kohl from KIT. In the run by him EU project NAVOLCHI, Nanoscale Disruptive silicone Plasmonic Platform for chip-to-chip interconnection, the plasmonic modulator (an electro-optical converter) has been developed which is based on the actual MZM. “Compact, optical transmitter and receiver units could break the speed limits of today’s electronics and help the bottlenecks in the data centers to abolish.”

tenth the thickness of a hair

In the current publication, an MZM is presented, the is only 12.5 microns long, or about one-tenth the thickness of a hair. It consists of two arms in which a respective electro-optical modulator is located. Each modulator consists of a metal-insulator-metal waveguide having an approximately 80 nanometer wide filled with electro-optical plastic gap and gold-side walls, the function at the same time as electrodes. To the electrodes, a voltage that is modulated in time with the digital data. The electro-optical plastic changes its refractive index in response to the voltage. Waveguides and coupler made of silicon cause the two portions of a split light beam path to the column or it.

The light beams of the waveguide rain in each gap to electromagnetic surface waves, so-called surface plasmons. By fitting the plastic stress, the surface waves are modulated. The modulation is carried out in two different columns but coherent, since the same voltage is applied with different polarity. After passing through the column, the surface waves occur first as a modulated light beams into the output optical waveguides and are superimposed afterwards. The result is a beam of light in the strength of the digital information has been encoded.

Data traffic is growing exponentially

In the experiment, the MZM is reliable for the full spectrum of broadband fiber-optic networks by 1500 – 1600 nanometers in an electrical bandwidth of 70 GHz with data streams of up to 108 gigabits per second. The high modulation depth results from the high manufacturing precision silicon technology. The MZM can be produced with widespread CMOS process from microelectronics and thus easily integrated into current chip architectures.

At present in Germany are around 10 per cent of the current consumed by information and communication technologies, such as computers and smartphones with the user, but also through the servers in large data centers. Because traffic is growing exponentially, we need new approaches that increase the throughput and simultaneously attenuate the energy consumption. Plasmonic components could make a significant contribution here. (Nature Photonics, 2015; doi: 10.1038 / nphoton.2015.127)


New technology in vascular surgery – Frankfurter Neue Presse


The heart and vascular specialists of urban clinic maximum working with a new technology: the so-called stents, which previously degrade unlike in the body itself. Narrowed or blocked coronary arteries can often cause chest pain or cause a heart attack. To repair them, stents are most often used. That were previously made of metal. Meanwhile, the doctors are stents made of a lactic acid-frame available, which dissolves within two years in the body.

“A possible disadvantage of the previous metal stents could be that one rigid from the vessel a kind pipe makes that no longer expand or may contract, “says Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Hink, head of the Department of Internal Medicine 1 Cardiology, Angiology and conservative intensive care. However, this support function for the vascular wall is often after a healing process not permanently required. The new stents from lactic acid scaffolds are – as well as certain metal stents – coated with drugs that prevent restenosis

(red) .


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Technology – The new super chip – Sü

  • The technology manufacturers Intel and Micron have developed a chip, which is 1000 times as fast as the fastest currently available storage disks.
  • The new technology is the result of ten years of research. The chips will hit the market next year.
  • The precise functioning and the material of the chips, the developers have not provided information.

The race lasted for years, and the goal is: Who will be first to develop computer chips that help the whole industry finally progresses a big step. The problem: The amount of data is growing so fast that conventional memory are simply too slow to shovel data to the main processor, where they are processed

The chipmaker Intel and Micron appear in this contest where. it also comes to billions of dollars to outsell. The two companies presented on Tuesday a new technology for memory chips in front, grows with impressive capabilities: 3D X Point, spoken Crosspoint, is a factor of 1000 faster than the fastest memory disks that you can put in computers today. And not only that, he also holds 1000 times from more traffic and can build ten times smaller while still finished at a reasonable cost. More than ten years have Intel and Micron research on the subject that was most difficult to find the right materials, said Rob Crooke, vice president of Intel.

The chips are already being produced

Because with 3D X Point, the two companies developed an entirely new class of computer memories. The difference: While trapped or released electrons in conventional technology and transistors as their state between two states one of the buttons, 0 or 1, the characteristics of all the material change in the new technology

To what material they are about to betray the two Companies just as many other details. One thing is certain: “The chips are already being produced in our factory in Utah,” said Ken Furnanz, who worked from Germany on 3D X Point development team. “The chips are real, towards the end of the year, we will deliver the first pattern, 2016, the first products to end customers.”

And what can be do with it? Had Apple held the presentation, visitors would have been emotionally packed and enthusiastic about inspiring videos. With Intel and Micron, the technology-heavy manufacturers, everything took very sober from – but the potential of new technology should not be underestimated. The first chips are able to store 16 gigabytes of data, a common size for smartphones. A smartphone with a thousand times faster memory – it would be a high-performance computer

The provider of Big Data solutions will be particularly interested in any case.. It is precisely here it all depends on large amounts of data as quickly as possible to the processor and to provide back again. Only in this way can be made of the data mountains that grow with almost frightening speed, are obtained almost in real-time information. Who’s good increases his chances considerably, in the data-driven world of the future to survive as a company.

To the material make the manufacturers a secret

As the new technology works exactly, to Intel and Micron have betrayed not too much – too offer to the competition no targets. This much at least is clear: The individual memory cells consist of a single piece of the mysterious material, they are connected via metal bridges. The special thing about it: While in the prior art memory cell can be addressed only in blocks, here can be individual cells Select

Other companies are researching storage technologies that can keep up with the frantic growth of data.. Hewlett Packard about pursuing a technique called memristor, which would be even faster than 3D X Point is, so far, however, not gone beyond the laboratory stage. Even the best technology must be even eventually be ready for the market, otherwise the moment of competition.


Monday, July 27, 2015

Market updates on the Technology Sector – Exclusive reports about sweet … –

Frankfurt am Main (ots) – July 27, 2015 / PRNewswire / –

To the editors: For more information about this release, please visit when down scrolling

Today published Market Update its research reports over the. SUSS MicroTec AG (ISIN: DE000A1K0235, WKN: A1K023, SMHN), Manz AG (ISIN: DE000A0JQ5U3, WKN: A0JQ5U, M5Z), GFT Technologies AG (ISIN: DE0005800601, WKN: 580060, GFT), Cancom SE (ISIN: DE0005419105 , WKN: 541910, COK), and Nemetschek AG (ISIN: DE0006452907, WKN: 645290, NEM). On Tuesday 21 July 2015, the Dax closed 1.12% in the red at 11,604.8, the HDAX fell by 1.09% to 6113.96 and the MDAX closed at minus 0.89% at 20,928. For the full reports, please register at the specified address below.

– SUSS MicroTec AG – The stock of SUSS MicroTec AG fell by 2.29% and closed on Tuesday 5.93 EUR and swayed on the trading day between 5.93 EUR and 6.18 EUR. The stock reached a trading volume of 0.10 million shares was so under the 50-day and 52-week average volume of 0.12 million and 0.14 million shares. Over the last 3 to 5 days, the stock of SUSS MicroTec AG increased by 3.28% and 6.99%. Over the last 3 months, however, the stock lost 5.35%. The price-to-book ratio (P / B) of the share is 1,18x and so well above the historical brand of 0,77x. The price to cash flow ratio (P / CF) and the price to sales ratio (P / S) currently achieved 6,09x 0,81x or. Register and read the report on SMHN at:

Frankfurt am Main (ots) – July 27, 2015 / PRNewswire / –

To the editors: For more information about this release, please visit the scrolling down.

Today published Market Update its research reports over the SUSS MicroTec AG (ISIN: DE000A1K0235, WKN: A1K023, SMHN), Manz AG (ISIN: DE000A0JQ5U3, WKN: A0JQ5U, M5Z), GFT Technologies AG ( ISIN: DE0005800601, WKN: 580060, GFT), Cancom SE (ISIN: DE0005419105, WKN: 541910, COK), and Nemetschek AG (ISIN: DE0006452907, WKN: 645290, NEM). On Tuesday 21 July 2015, the DAX closed 1.12% in the red at 11,604.8, the HDAX fell by 1.09% to 6113.96 and the MDAX closed at minus 0.89% at 20,928. For the full reports, please register at the specified address below.

– SUSS MicroTec AG – The stock of SUSS MicroTec AG fell by 2.29% and closed on Tuesday 5.93 EUR and swayed on the trading day between 5.93 EUR and 6.18 EUR. The stock reached a trading volume of 0.10 million shares was so under the 50-day and 52-week average volume of 0.12 million and 0.14 million shares. Over the last 3 to 5 days, the stock of SUSS MicroTec AG increased by 3.28% and 6.99%. Over the last 3 months, however, the stock lost 5.35%. The price-to-book ratio (P / B) of the share is 1,18x and so well above the historical brand of 0,77x. The price to cash flow ratio (P / CF) and the price to sales ratio (P / S) currently achieved 6,09x 0,81x or. Register and read the report on SMHN at:


Manz AG

– The share of Manz AG closed on Tuesday 1.90% higher at 76.10 EUR. A total of 0.1 million shares traded and it was so over the 150-day and 52-week average of 0.06 million and 0.05 million shares. Over the last 3 and 5 days, the shares rose to 17.08% and 17.53% and earned over the past 1 and 6 months, a lump-sum total return of 9.14% or 21.02%. Over the last 3 months the stock but a negative return of 16.65% brought. The P / B and P / S ratio of the stock is currently at 2,60x 1,32x or. The complete report on M5Zfinden you in pdf format at:


GFT Technologies AG

– On Tuesday, the GFT Technologies AG shares fell 1.76% to 22.37 EUR. The trading volume of the stock was 0.11 million shares and so below the 50-day moving average of 0.12 million, on par with the 150-day average volume. GFT Technologies AG put in last month 22.84%, in the last 6 months at 72.08% and 82.13% since the beginning in order to. The P / B ratio is 5,25x and so well above the historic P / B of 3,26x. The ratio of P / E, P / S and P / CF is currently at 27,55x, 1,51x and 17,82x. Register for free and read the complete market update and the latest reports on GFTunter:


Cancom SE

– The shares of Cancom SE rose on Tuesday by 0.17% and closing at 35.21 EUR. They reached a trading volume of 0.13 million shares was so similar to the 52-week average volume. The market value fluctuated between 35.00 EUR and 35.97 EUR. Over the last 3 to 5 days, the share price rose by 0.28% and 0.63%. CANCOM SE shares earned in the last 3 and 6 months, a negative total return of 9.99% and 3.15%. The current dividend yield is 1.42%. The stock trades at a P / E ratio and P / B ratio of 27,90x or 2,76x. The historical P / E and P / B values ​​are 29,58x or 2,85x. To see the full report on it COKgibt free at:


Nemetschek AG

– The share of NEMETSCHEK closed on Tuesday 1.26% lower at 36.08 EUR. The trading volume of securities reached 0.11 million shares and was thus above the 50-day and 150-day average volume of 0.08 million and 0.07 million shares. The price fluctuated between 35.61 EUR and 36.95 EUR. The stock is currently trading at a P / E ratio of 42.95 and is thus below the historical P / E of 102.24. The company trades its shares also below the historical P / B ratio of 23,85x currently at 8,93x. Nemetschek AG shares rose in the past month and in the last 3 and 6 months respectively to 31.20%, 29.43% and 71.18%. The detailed report on NEMkann at the following address be retrieved:

Market Update

– Market Update was founded to bridge the gap between investment professionals and retail investors. In today’s markets it is essential for investors to have access to important information at the right time. For this reason, Market Update effort involved about delivering its growing number of members of current analyzes, new insights and actionable trading ideas. –

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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Trading Place Nasdaq: Nasdaq operators want even faster trading … – Finanzen100

07/24/2015 Finanzen100

 New York is already on its rapid life known. Can Bitcoin technology the pace increased even further?
New York is already known for its fast life. Can Bitcoin technology increase the tempo yet? (© Stocksnapper /

On the floor are often about minutes – soon perhaps to seconds? The exchange operator Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. intends to accelerate trade and simplify and has for an innovation taken into view: Bitcoins! Or rather, the technology that is used to take action with the digital currency.

The implementation should take place as soon as a project in the business of private enterprises of the stock market operator

will go live in the fourth quarter. Nasdaq is working with the infrastructure supplier chain together to output on the block chain shares of unlisted companies and to act. The block chain is a public online directory of all transactions and forms the backbone of the digital currency Bitcoin.

Bitcoin technology important for exchanges

The technology will” be for Wall Street is fundamental, “said Nasdaq CEO Bob Greifeld on Thursday. “The advantages for the industry are immense and can not be ignored.”


Proponents of software that allow trade of all possible – of shares through loans to derivatives – accelerated and simplified. Wall Street professionals were called in a recent survey by Greenwich Associates, the block chain well; 94 percent said they could be used in the financial sector.

Modern, rational, safe?

“We are planning to continue further block chain initiatives to announce,” Greifeld told a conference call with analysts. “The application of the block chain technology within the private market of Nasdaq aims to modernize cumbersome administrative functions to streamline and truly secure.”

Other companies want to take advantage of the technology behind Bitcoins advantage. Symbiont wants to transfer more quickly from vendors, for example on the block chain assets on buyers, and gathered last month for $ 1.25 million. At the financing round to industry heavyweights such as former head of the New York Stock Exchange Duncan Niederauer and the former manager of Citadel LLC Matt Andresen and two co-founder of high-frequency trading firm Getco LLC, Dan Tierney and Stephen Schuler involved.

Large prospective

Among the companies that look at the possibilities of the block chain in the financial sector, there are also digital asset Holdings LLC Blythe Masters, a former banker from JPMorgan Chase & amp; Co., as well as block stack, which is headed by former employees of Google Inc. and Nasdaq.

Bloomberg News / lis


Billion fund in China to buy foreign technology –

From Rick Car

Hong Kong – Chinese companies go increasingly in search of international pearl in the technology sector. Now the Chinese venture capital company GSR Ventures has a five-billion-dollar fund that should elicit foreign investment opportunities, as say people familiar with the situation. The Fund shall take such acquisition targets from the technology, Internet and biotechnology industries targeted, for the Chinese market is a key growth driver.

GSR Ventures was founded in 2004 by Chinese technology entrepreneurs and has sharpened in March its international profile by in cooperation with the US venture capital firm Oak Investment Partners, 80 percent of LED components and automotive lighting division Lumileds had taken over from Philips. The deal had a volume of 2.8 billion dollars.

The new action comes at a time when Chinese companies, encouraged by the policies in Beijing, step up efforts to such foreign technologies that will be introduced to China. In many of these fields of technology, such as semiconductor and automotive technology, China is the world’s largest purchaser of end products such as mobile phones or cars.

A particularly ambitious step had already made this month, the Chinese government Tsinghua Unigroup with a 23 billion dollar bid for the US chipmaker Micron Technology. This deal, however, is to be expected with a very thorough review by the US regulators.

Also, companies in the US and Europe are looking for partners who support them in their China business. Many US companies have agreements with Chinese companies and share with them their technology in order to guarantee their sales in China. So Hewlett-Packard has sold 51 percent of their network Equipment business to Tsinghua Unigroup for $ 2.3 billion in May.

In the new style transactions billion fund could be an attractive partner, particularly with a view to its knowledge of China’s technology scene. GSR Ventures has positions in Beijing, Hong Kong and Silicon Valley.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 26, 2015 10:27 ET (14:27 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2015 Dow Jones & amp; Company, Inc.


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Saturday, July 25, 2015

D Car Company Technology Ingénierie: Daimler sends self-propelled … – THE WORLD

The self-propelled car could come sooner than expected. Later this year, the Daimler Group will tentatively send trucks on highways, where the computer replaces the driver, such as Daimler Board of Management Wolfgang Bernhard of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” said. “We are confident that we will get over the next few weeks, the authorization for tests on the German Autobahn,” he said – and added:

Daimler is planning, according to the managers nationwide tests, starting with Baden-Württemberg. With the mass production of the semi-autonomous trucks Bernhard counted “in two or three years” before the respective cars come on the market. “Technically, we can get it out,” he expressed confidence.

The new technology increasing the safety of road traffic, Bernhard said. “97 percent of accidents based on human factors. The machine moves a total safer than man.” Quite unnecessary drivers using this technique will certainly not: “There will always be a man sitting there who ensures that nothing happens.” It will be possible, “driving while completely over to the machine, also the braking and accelerating.” But man must monitor the drive.

Until the fully autonomous driving but will take some time, Bernhard said. “As well as Apple, Google and Co. want to be there.” Terror Daimler let itself not by the new competition: “We drive in this matter forward and let us not take the bread the butter.”

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Friday, July 24, 2015

Technology & Industry shares in Review – Free reports of SMA Solar … – (press release)

Frankfurt am Main (ots) – July 24, 2015 / PRNewswire / –

To the editors: For more information about this release, please visit the scrolling down.

Today published Market Update its research reports over the SMA Solar Technology AG (ISIN: DE000A0DJ6J9, WKN: A0DJ6J, S92), Bilfinger SE (ISIN: DE0005909006, WKN: 590900, GBF), Infineon Technologies AG (ISIN: DE0006231004, WKN: 623100, IFX), SAP SE (ISIN: DE0007164600, WKN: 716460, SAP) and AIXTRON SE (ISIN: DE000A0WMPJ6, WKN: A0WMPJ, AIXA). On Monday, 20 July 2015, the DAX closed at 11,735.719, with plus 0.53%, which increased by 0.55% HDAX and closed the day at 6,181.5391 and the MDAX closed at 21,117.536, with plus 0.58%. For the full reports, please register at the specified address below.


SMA Solar Technology AG


The SMA Solar Technology -Share fell on Monday at 3.56% and ended the trading day at 30.06 EUR. The share price fluctuated between 29.52 EUR and 31.38 EUR. The stock reached a trading volume of 0.26 million shares was so under the 50-day Druschschnitssmarke of 0.28 million, but over the 52-week Durchschnitssmarke of 0.16 million shares. In the last week and last month they reached an SMA Solar Technology stock appreciation of 15.26% and 49.52% and in the last 3 months and 6 months of share value also increased by 104.77% and 106.46 %. Over the last 3 trading days, however, the value fell by 10.93%. The stock trades at a price-to-book ratio (P / B) of 1,96x and is thus below the historical value of 0,96x. Register and read the report on S92 at:


Bilfinger SE


The share of Bilfinger rose on Monday by 2.04% and closing at 38.18 EUR. Overall, 0.27 million shares were traded and therefore one was below the 150-day and 50-day average volume of 0.44 million and 0.43 million shares. In the last month, and last week, the share reached a pauschalisierte total return of 8.42% or 18.70%. The share earned in the last 3 months and 1 year but also a total return loss of 30.79% and 36.93%. The stock trades at a P / B ratio of 0,83x and a price to sales ratio of 0,23x. The complete report on GBF see in PDF format:


Infineon Technologies AG


On Monday, Infineon Technologies shares fell 0.79% and closed at a price of 11.28 EUR. The stock reached a trading volume of 6.23 million shares was so over the 50-day and 150-day moving average of 5.87 million, 6.03 million shares. The share price rose in the past week and in the previous 6 months by 0.40% and 21.62%. However, he fell in the last 3 months by 1.96%. The company’s shares were traded at a P / E ratio of 25,81x and thus the historic P / E-mark 18,74x. The value of the price to sales ratio was 2,62x. The Infineon Technology currently has a market capitalization of EUR 12.7 billion. Register for free and read the complete market update and the latest reports of IFX below:

 - - 



The SAP share closed on Monday 0.54% higher at 68.77 EUR. The stock reached a trading volume of 2.79 million shares was so under the 52-week moving average of 3.24 million shares. The company shares fluctuated on the trading day between 68.35 EUR and 69.39 EUR. To 7.29% and 2.02% and since the beginning of last month and over the last 3 months, SAP stock rose by 19.93%. The company’s stock was trading at a P / E ratio of 25,98x, opposite the historical P / E ratio of 21,26x. To see the full report on SAP’s it for free at:




The AIXTRON shares rose on Monday by 3.23% closing at 5.49 EUR. The stock reached a trading volume of 2.12 million and was thus above the 50-day and 150-day average of 1.03 million and 1.29 million shares. The company shares fluctuated between 5.36 EUR and 5.60 EUR. The company’s shares were traded at a P / B ratio of 1,42x, which is below the historical PE value of 2,52x, reaching a price to sales ratio of 3,15x. The AIXTRON shares fell in the last 3 months by 20.34%, but increased over the past 3 trading sessions to 10.97%, and to 4.71% in the last week. The detailed report on AIXA can be downloaded at the following address:


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Trading Place Nasdaq – Nasdaq operators want even faster trading … – Finanzen100

27 minutes before Finanzen100

 New York is already on its rapid life known. Can Bitcoin technology the pace increased even further?
New York is already known for its fast life. Can Bitcoin technology increase the tempo yet? (© Stocksnapper /

On the floor are often about minutes – soon perhaps to seconds? The exchange operator Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. intends to accelerate trade and simplify and has for an innovation taken into view: Bitcoins! Or rather, the technology that is used to take action with the digital currency.

The implementation should take place as soon as a project in the business of private enterprises of the stock market operator

will go live in the fourth quarter. Nasdaq is working with the infrastructure supplier chain together to output on the block chain shares of unlisted companies and to act. The block chain is a public online directory of all transactions and forms the backbone of the digital currency Bitcoin.

Bitcoin technology important for exchanges

The technology will” be for Wall Street is fundamental, “said Nasdaq CEO Bob Greifeld on Thursday. “The advantages for the industry are immense and can not be ignored.”


Proponents of software that allow trade of all possible – of shares through loans to derivatives – accelerated and simplified. Wall Street professionals were called in a recent survey by Greenwich Associates, the block chain well; 94 percent said they could be used in the financial sector.

Modern, rational, safe?

“We are planning to continue further block chain initiatives to announce,” Greifeld told a conference call with analysts. “The application of the block chain technology within the private market of Nasdaq aims to modernize cumbersome administrative functions to streamline and truly secure.”

Other companies want to take advantage of the technology behind Bitcoins advantage. Symbiont wants to transfer more quickly from vendors, for example on the block chain assets on buyers, and gathered last month for $ 1.25 million. At the financing round to industry heavyweights such as former head of the New York Stock Exchange Duncan Niederauer and the former manager of Citadel LLC Matt Andresen and two founders of the high-frequency trading firm Getco LLC, Dan Tierney and Stephen Schuler involved.

Large prospective

Among the companies that look at the possibilities of the block chain in the financial sector, there are also digital asset Holdings LLC Blythe Masters, a former banker from JPMorgan Chase & amp; Co., as well as block stack, which is headed by former employees of Google Inc. and Nasdaq.

Bloomberg News / lis
