Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Quantum stealth technology: the US military is testing prototypes Tarn, the soldiers … – ABC Online


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The so-called metamaterial interacts with light. A camouflage suit, which would consist of the artificial structures could be practically invisible soldiers. Currently, the US military prototypes of the new stealth technology testing.


Camouflage has always played an important role in the conduct of war and the military. While soldiers were earlier using camouflage clothing and much more difficult to discover it is now possible to have it be almost invisible.

The Hyper Stealth Biotechnology Corp. has taken on the task of this project and developed an exceptional technology. Using so-called metamaterials are redirected electromagnetic waves and curved light. Normally, these waves encounter a material and bounce off – thus the object is visible.

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An artificial material could wrap an object, so that the waves do not bounce, but diverted and it is therefore virtually invisible. The US military has now asked several companies to provide prototypes of the developed material, which are tested in a one-year test phase. The requirements for the new suits are high. So you should work without electricity, have a maximum weight of half a kilo and operate natural in all terrains and climatic conditions.

Guy Cramer, CEO of the Canadian Tarn-company Hyper Stealth says that he has been the US military introduced a metamaterial last year. So it seems to be only one a question of time until soldiers and stealth bombers are equipped with metamaterials and lead an almost invisible war.


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