Monday, May 18, 2015

Open Dots: Open-source technology invites smartphone and notebook in the car … – t3n Magazine

As an alternative to cable clutter and for inductive charging, the open source technology open Dots wants to present. Some car manufacturers are already on board and wish to participate in the system.

Open Dots: Open-source technology l & # XE4; dt smartphone and notebook in the car cordless

Open Dots: Smartphone Cases with four-point contacts. (Screenshot: Open Dots Alliance)

Open Dots wants wireless charging technology to achieve a breakthrough

Who is often in the car on the road or on business trips, the knows the problem: any mobile device, from smart phones Wearable and Bluetooth Headset to Tablet and Notebook, requires its own charging cable and of course also has its own power supply. This should soon be an end when it comes to the newly established Open-Dots alliance that wants to help the same wireless charging technology breakthrough.

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selection of cases for the wireless charging with open dots. (Screenshot: Open Dots Alliance)

A total of five automakers are on board (Ford, Chrysler, Scion, Dodge, RAM and Toyota), in twelve car models, the technology is already being used. The open dots standard differs significantly from other wireless charging technology, which focused on induction explains Mitch Randall of the Open-Dots Alliance. Open dots is characterized by four-point contacts on the charging cases that come to the mat with corresponding contact strips in contact through the laying on.

Open Dots promises advantages over inductive charging

In contrast to the inductive charging come thereby not the formation of electromagnetic fields, and multiple devices can be loaded simultaneously on the corresponding mats – the power of up to 160 watts should be sufficient to also equal to load the notebook next to the smartphone, Randall promises in a blog post. In addition, the technology is cheap and can be used royalty-free.

So far, the only visible flaw is the availability of appropriate accessories. On the website of the Open-Dots alliance only a few Smartphone Cases and some mats can be seen at low power, some of which are shipped in June. The merger with the automakers could make in the coming months for improvement here.



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