Monday, June 30, 2014

Crowdfunding with Bitcoin technology: Swarm will swarm Financing … – t3n Magazine

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based on the latest Bitcoin technology Crowdfunding Swarm platform will provide a paradigm shift in the swarm financing. Businesses should it be giving out the crypto-currency and fans can participate in fair projects.

 Crowdfunding with Bitcoin technology: Swarm will swarm financing shake up

Swarm: Crowdfunding with Bitcoin technology. (Image: Swarm)

Swarm brings Bitcoin technology into crowdfunding

The market for crowdfunding platforms has recently started a new fellow: Swarm his name, and should clean up with some adversity around the topic swarm Financing

 Swarm is a crowdfunding platform with Bitcoin 2.0 technology (Source: Swarm).

Swarm is a crowdfunding platform with Bitcoin 2.0 technology. (Image: Swarm)

To achieve this goal, Swarm is currently funding itself and that after exactly the principle with which it obsolete in the future, not only leading crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo want to do. Swarm is based on a new protocol after Bitcoin 2.0 technology, the less said the currency itself than its follow-up technique to raise capital. The “Counterparty” called the Bitcoin protocol allows the user to create a digital wallet and above to trade property rights in the form of shares in the startup or project. To create a virtual wallet and above to trade property rights in the form of shares of

The case Oculus Rift:. Swarm promises more than T-Shirts

detachment of middlemen such as banks or crowdfunding platforms is it as a result of the decentralization of the Swarm financing. The flows according Swarm-founder and CEO Joel Dietz in closer alignment between startups and fans and promotes a community fair conditions.

 The Swarm-founder Joel Dietz and Jef Cavens: With a new Bitcoin protocol breath of fresh air to come into the crowdfunding market (Photo: Swarm).

The Swarm-founder Joel Dietz and Jef Cavens: With a new Bitcoin protocol is to get fresh air in the crowdfunding market. (Photo: Swarm)

Why are used, shows the case Oculus Rift, which has highlighted the risk of financial unilateral successful crowdfunding projects. The data collected glasses on Kickstarter first two million dollars, but was later sold for two billion dollars to Facebook. The Supported, in this case, the paying fans, saw nothing of this money, however. “I backed Oculus Rift On Kickstarter And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt”, it illustrates Dietz ‘platform on their website

With Swarm this should change. Besides some software projects on open- source basis are to be financed at the start of the platform about to SpaceX owned small satellites via crowdfunding. These companies give out virtual coins, each one of them represents one of these satellites. So who buys such a coin, which also includes a satellite -. Having ownership rights that can be traded and transferred alike

Interesting concept with question mark

Next Dietz want this crowdfunding push through a “simple as Tinder” push-to-use app, which will bring together companies and investors with a tap. All this sounds promising, throws in the early stage – in which the platform is up to date – but still some question marks on. In addition to some legal ambiguities, for example, is not sure how the trust between borrower and lender should be established. Finally, investors go at Swarm with the purchase of coins directly into paying advance, as they provide collateral Kickstarter and Indiegogo with the credit card process, there is not in fact so far Swarm. According to Dietz is already working on the solutions but.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

“The U.S. space agency has developed a test to prepare for future landings … – Ad-Hoc-News (press release)

These reports further attempted landings on Mars, NASA has tested new technologies with a hint of flying saucers device. The? Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator? was about Hawaii on 55 more …

These reports further Hawaii (AP) – For attempted landings on Mars, NASA has tested new technologies with a hint of flying saucers device. The “Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator” was born and dropped over Hawaii to 55 kilometers altitude. Two new technologies have been tested for braking: A huge airbag and an even bigger parachute. The ignition of the rocket and the separation from the balloon had successfully worked out, it was said by NASA. For success of the other parts of the experiment, there was initially no information. According there were problems with the parachute. Read more …

articles by science fiction dreams come true: NASA has dropped over high Hawai a flying object that looks like the famous “flying saucer”. A parachute should take the vehicle back to Earth. The test was intended for a possible mission to Mars. Read more …

These reports further After the launch of the Low-Density Supersonic Decelerators (LDSD) has already been postponed several times, wants in on Saturday night (06/29/2014) perform the test flight NASA. This was planned at the beginning of June (Short News) reported. more … continues: After the start of the low-density Supersonic Decelerators (LDSD) has already been postponed several times, wants in on Saturday night (06/29/2014) perform the test flight NASA. This was planned at the beginning of June (Short News) reported. Read more …

USA Science Space Travel Mars: Nasa polishes of technology for future … – Times Online

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Nemetschek Allplan does cloud technology from bim + –

                 Construction Software -> Editorial | | >> |
<- Tractor VERSION = "2.0" -> <- Webbot bot = "HTML markup" start span ->

 (27/06/2014) Nemetschek Allplan and bim +, two subsidiaries of
 Nemetschek AG, structure their respective BIM activities again. For this purpose, has
 Nemetschek Allplan acquired bim + Cloud Technology including BIM Server.
 This platform will form the basis for future developments which
 Benefit more Allplan users of the benefits of BIM-operation
 be. Allplan wants to expand the open cloud technology even further.

 bim + promises from the sale of the Cloud technology to be able to focus more on their core vision: “Making BIM happen faster”. The Nemetschek daughter wants to be in future it
 focus to help “Wholesale, BIM projects successfully
 designed to build faster, better and more cost-effective. ”
 These solutions are based on the new Open BIM IFC server
 Cloud technology Allplan, and BIM Apps and individual
 Software components. bim + planning solutions together with the customer
 to work out and also in the implementation of the projects
 to accompany and support.

 The cloud technology – open and flexible

 The central element of cloud technology by bim + is a
 open, cloud-based BIM Server. This supports collaboration services
 such as version and revision management, analysis and
 Clash Detection. To this end, in a central data memory
 different models for architectural, structural and building services
 connected and managed together. This technology
 offers open interfaces to common AEC systems and
 supporting open standards such as IFC or BCF. This is
 particularly advantageous when it comes to the heterogeneous
 Mapping infrastructure or processes of major customers and
 to address individual needs.

 Dr. Jörg Framers, CEO, Nemetschek Allplan, “BIM is the
 new way of working for our customers. This development to
 support, we will continue on the Internet an open
 Platform that will appeal to anyone on the planning and construction process
 stakeholders aimed. After the tools we our
 Customers have digitized, it is now our task to
 Digitization of the design and construction processes based on BIM
 further advance. “

 Information about bim + and BIM-servers can be made by
  email to Nemetschek required

see also for additional information.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Technology data Glasses or radio chip in the brain? – Germany radio culture

How we communicate in the future mobile

By Dirk Asendorpf hear


data glasses take users to Social. (Picture alliance / dpa)

From the first phone to data glasses – the mobile communication has developed rapidly in the last 30 years. In the research labs are already engaged in the next step. Important:. Societal impact

bone was called the first phone that brought Motorola 30 years ago on the market, almost two pounds. 15 years later, one in four had in the industrialized countries have a cell phone in your pocket. It weighed only 150 grams and you could make calls, send SMS messages, perform an address book, play and be woken up in the morning. Today, another 15 years later, stuck in the smart phones that we carry around with us, enormously powerful computer. Telephoning is secondary, the traffic for the mobile internet usage is doubling every two years.

How are the devices for mobile communication in 15 years, look and function? Certainly completely different to today.

For example, as shown in the advertising film, with the Google’s use of his data glasses advertises that will soon be on the market? Who looks through, receives additional information about the real world, for example the names of the persons in the field of view, or a notice from the Navi, in which road you should turn. And a voice command triggers the mini camera.

has together look at the screen something social

The technology is fascinating, but it will also prevail? Coordinated at the TU Darmstadt, the computer scientist Max Muehlhaeuser all research activities related to mobile communications. Even sociologists and psychologists are part of his team – and express concerns

“For example, the fact that you can better share on visible displays that you can have in your hand, the information about it to bend. that young people are the extreme are already using their smartphones to get together that the so’n link is. course I can give you what beam down to the glasses, you see it too, but this effect of the common plan contemplation is then gone. “

Not technically, but also from such social reasons, the team looks to the future rather Max Muehlhaeuser in rolling and folding screens. This tiny device can display the content of large sizes.

For example, in the football stadium, already a hotspot of smartphone usage. More and more fans next to the action on the pitch, the games of the competition in view – the internet video. As the network of the future should be like, so it does not collapse under the weight of huge traffic, the communications engineer Armin Dekorsy researched at the University of Bremen. Instead of a few large masts he relies on the flexible interplay of many smaller radio cells.

“Then of course you also have the ability to turn them off much easier as a large cell towers and as such you can view the entire energy balance optimize the network significantly, if you go here in this smaller cell structures, “

share data -., for example, in the stadium

Part of the traffic could even without going through a centralized wireless network directly from mobile phone running with intelligent network technology to mobile. If many fans want to see the same video stream at the same time, it would be sufficient to bring the data only once into the stadium.

“This is called in the future, in the fifth generation mobile communications device-to-device communications. means that devices can directly replace somewhere, can be found. “

Nowhere is the technical progress as rapidly as in mobile communication, perhaps even increasing rapidly. Reminded Michael Lauster from the Fraunhofer Institute for science and technology trend analysis in Euskirchen.

“There is a constant in the development, and that is the man. The developed so fast not, and our equipment is just not the initial endowment, version 1.0 or perhaps at best 1.1., we can use our hardware and our operating system do not change as rapidly as do our electronic devices. “

But here too, is technical help is at hand: a so-called brain-computer interface, so a direct interface between the computer and the brain. Tight-fitting electrodes on the skin or a tiny radio chip implanted connect people and technology directly to each other – without the annoying detour through data glasses and touch screen

“Imagine: We could now write emails between our. . both brains That would be a kind of artificial telepathy but Maybe I could also try to hack you I might try to break into your brain in this way And that’s a question:…? Shall we allow this to happen “

Friday, June 27, 2014

New Technology: No drilling and no injections at the dentist – German Economic News

A new technology helps unhealthy teeth using electric currents to heal itself. Tooth decay and fillings of smaller cavities could thus soon belong to the past. The treatment is painless and could even become a reality in three years in the UK dental practices.

 The new technology of British researchers painful treatments for tooth decay or cavities can be prevented. (photo: dpa)

The new technology of British researchers painful treatments for tooth decay or cavities can be prevented. (Photo: Reuters)

researchers from King’s College in London developed a technology that can help with low-frequency electricity teeth that are affected by cavities to heal itself. The technology is based on an “electrically accelerated and enhanced remineralization” and can stop tooth decay at an early stage as well as dental fillings. The restocking of minerals could also contribute to a new treatment method for rotten teeth at an advanced stage. In three years, the technology would be applicable in UK dental practices.

Before the dentist can diagnose cavities in the tooth using an X-ray image, the enamel loses minerals and eventually rots. teeth can therefore regenerate itself if you are instilled the missing minerals. A natural restocking is done every day by saliva or fluorides. The researchers studied how to speed up this process.

The new treatment in this case provides two steps. It was not until the tooth is free of any obstructions such as tissue, so that the remineralization process can begin. In the second step, the electric currents are used to continuously carry out the minerals in the tooth. The treatment process is quick, cheap and painless .

The Dental Research is the remineralization since the 80s known , but it has been difficult even if those to realize large and deep dental injuries. “With the electrical method, we can remineralization, which would otherwise take weeks to accelerate some and perform better,” says Nigel Pitts, a professor at King’s College London, the Washington Post.

Previous treatment methods in which local anesthetic syringes were necessary and had to be cut from caries cavities would thus be void . “For some patients, the dental visit is a real phobia. When patients are relaxed, they will also get the regular check up, “said Pitts again.

Pitts and his partner, dentist Christopher Longbottom, who together founded the company Reminova to raise money for further patient studies in collaboration with the Kings College to collect.

The WHO estimates that worldwide suffer 60 to 90 percent of the students and almost 100 percent of adults from dental caries . The painless treatment method could help to ensure that patients are not put off longer visit the dentist in more serious problems such as gum disease

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Shoes predestined as carriers of wearable technology –

A SmartWatch perhaps can not convince each user of shoes, you will pass barely over, Nike hopes and integrated gyroscope and acceleration sensor in the sole.

When Google-I/O-Konferenz Smart Watches were one of the highlights. They should facilitate the operation of the smartphone and bundle the essential information on the wrist. They should also be an essential part of health applications from a number of manufacturers have been proclaimed one of the trends of the future. But not a few smartphone users frown at all the watches euphoria forehead, they have the clock but why was filed because all the necessary information – including the time – are served on the smartphone display that lies always handy in your pocket. Classic watches on the other hand carrier does not want to know their favorite model replaced by a SmartWatch or even a smart Braclet, a smart bracelet, you may disagree about their visual appearance quite.

It is for this reason sees Shen Chun- te, chief developer of Compal, shoes as the actual carrier for the electronic sensors that make up the so-called wearables. Besides the usual suspects like Apple, Google and the Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi mainly Nike is considered active developer in this area. The athletic shoe manufacturer has specially opened to a development center in Taiwan, will be integrated into the gyroscopes and accelerometers in the shoes. There you can not only capture a variety of (health) data of the user, but also monitor its movements. In this way, the shoe should also prevent imminent injury, by issuing a warning about for hazardous movements.

Iiyama offers Blue Light Reduction Technology for fatigue-free working … – Prad

In the office everyday life LED flat screens have become established in nearly every workplace. After scientific studies suggest the assumption that the amount of blue light to strain and eye fatigue, and at worst even to long-term damage to the macula, ie the fundus of the eye, can lead acts iiyama the now meet with his new Blue Light Reduction technology. This will in future be used in almost all models used and introduced continuously.
In daily work at the computer today uses virtually any TFT flat panel monitors that work with an active backlit by white LED lights. Most over several hours a day, many people sit in front of their monitors work-related. The light spectrum of such LED screens, however – similar to an energy-saving lamp – a very high proportion of blue light. Blue light has a similar wavelength such as UV light, but is a part of the visible spectrum. It may interfere with the UV light sensitive and sustainable manner similar to the eyes. So many people working on the screen, people complain of typical symptoms such as burning, watery and red eyes, eyelid flutter, tension, concentration problems, and headaches. Scientific studies even suggest that the blue light in the long term detrimental to the macula, ie the fundus acts. This is particularly sensitive to the blue light.

Bluelight Reduction of Iiyama (Picture: Iiyama)

To enable a healthier and optimizes the working screen provides, Iiyama therefore a future technology which reduces the amount of blue in the light, without lowering the color temperature. Thus, for the blue component (460-nanometer) adjusted separately – what the color display visually hardly changes. The gain of the three color values ​​red, blue and green is more or less reduced, so that the color temperature can be maintained approximately. This can be enabled or disabled with a single click, to will need to manually place the settings for all three colors. Three different intensity levels can be selected, where Level 3 reduces the amount of blue most effective. Brightness losses can be doing while not entirely avoided, but should not be largely relevant only minimal and working at the monitor.

Although this subject is as yet no input in regulations such as the Regulation on Safety and Health at Work with display screen equipment ( BildscharbV) has found, is a reaction of the legislator to an introduction of limit values ​​not excluded. Employers should therefore take into account the new technology reduces blue light component in the establishment of computer workstations today. That at least is the statement of Iiyama on this topic.

The new Blue Light Reduction technology will in future be used in all desktop models from iiyama, ie all newly delivered models already include this feature. The first two models that have the new technology, are the ProLite GB2773HS-GB2 and ProLite GE2488HS-B1. For Large Format displays this feature, however, is not provided, because this is not the problem, because no one is working for hours on electronic information terminals.

Additional links to news

The best-selling monitors on Amazon

PRAD Buyer’s Guide: selection of recommended monitors the editors

21:9 Ultra Wide 34UM95-P: bring your Mac to the full format

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Technology and Innovation Manager found Invention Center – MM Machinery

at around 1,000 m² built on the campus of the RWTH Aachen University an Invention Center, to further qualify the company around the technology and innovation management, and develop solutions for specific challenges. Was initiated by the Invention Center of the KEX AG, the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT and the Time Research Area at the RWTH Aachen.

At the inaugural meeting on 24 June in the building of the cluster logistics on the RWTH Aachen Campus was attended by more than 50 regional and national companies. The institutes and companies on the campus do with the Invention Center scientific research results and trends for their partners accessible. This benefit by being able to quickly specifically and individually, in the form of technology or market studies on the experience and services of research institutes to access.

The aim of the Invention Center is to facilitate access to technological know-how, excellent technology and qualify innovation managers and developing, together with industrial partners in the technology and innovation management to research and partner with experts in a technology- networking and innovation management community.

Cancer: Merck Serono relies on new antibody technology – Pharmaceutical Newspaper Online

The biopharmaceutical company Merck Serono plans to expand its oncology division. For this, the subsidiary of the pharmaceutical company Merck Darmstadt plans to cooperate with the U.S. company Mersana Therapeutics. Along one wants to develop antibody-drug conjugates of the next generation, Merck Serono says. For this, the company Mersana want to use Fleximer technology. A biodegradable polymer system (Fleximer ® ) is thereby loaded on each appropriate chemical compounds with drug and coupled via a linker to a tumor-specific antibody. The linkers are designed so that they remain stable during circulation in the blood and release the cytostatic drug at the target cell. This is a higher and better controlled drug concentration can be achieved at the tumor, is increasing the risk of side effects decrease.

Benefits of new technologies over conventional immunoconjugates is the ability to transport many different drugs and the dose of drug per antibody to control relatively precisely. A coupling of antibody fragments, or other targeting molecules is possible. The application of the technology was not limited to oncology, Merck Serono announced the Pharmaceutical newspaper with on demand. Other active substances will be transported as targeted. However, it would initially focus on cytostatic conjugates. This could draw upon both their own compound library as well as on the portfolio of Mersana Merck Serono. Mersana already has three preparations licensed. Auristatin The derivative Dolaflexin TM , the vindesine derivative Vindeflexin TM and the tubulysin derivative Cytoflexin TM

Merck Serono is providing monoclonal antibodies and be responsible for the clinical development and commercialization of all products. For Mersana receive an upfront payment as well as performance-related milestone payments and royalties on worldwide net sales. (Db)


 More about cancer and cytotoxic agents


 06/25/2014 l PZ

 Photo: Fotolia / Sebastian Kaulitzki

Technology you leave the parking Ray! – Germany radio culture

World’s first park robot works in Dusseldorf

By Stephanie Kowalewski

contribution hear

robot “Ray” promoted in Dusseldorf a car in a parking space. (Picture alliance / dpa – Federico Gambarini)

allow his name is Ray! Ray is a robot who is now at the Dusseldorf airport passengers decreases the parking. A great convenience to passengers, and the airport saves space. A trial run last year was successful, so the technical world novelty can now take up their duties.

annoying curves through tight parking garages in search of the one free parking – this can travelers at Düsseldorf Airport now save. Here they put their car just in one marked with a blue light box, complete the Driving Show and insert the key. The rest is done Ray, explained one of his fathers, Rupert Cook:.

“They drive their car into a transfer station because the car is 3D presumptuous because we need so the height, length and width from their cars Then comes the robot takes the car very carefully at the wheels on, raise it to about ten centimeters and then parked it for her in a parking garage. “

Good three and a half years has fiddled in an old boat shed in Upper Bavaria on the fully automated robotic parking and finally called him Ray, the small start-up company Serva transport system. Now he is ready to go and the world for the first time in a separate parking area at Düsseldorf Airport in use, explains Christian Jancke, car park operators and responsible for all IT offerings at Düsseldorf Airport.

“We start with three robots. And from the side, it’s a world first, we want still to gain experience. And Invest, even for 300 parking spaces located in the seven-figure range., it is that we provide more than one million euros for this purpose in technology. “

high-tech robot crammed with sensors, cameras, computers

Ray is a high-tech robots – replete with sensors, cameras, computers and laser technology. He cautiously approaches a car, it embraces almost on three sides – without actually touching, Rupert Koch describes the operation of the robot Park

“the robot can be thought of as a flexible U.. and driving apart the U in the center and thereby adjusts the length of the cars in. ”

In the middle of this U-shaped steel robot strong forklift arms are attached, the slide gently under the front and rear wheels of the car, lift it slightly and then contribute to the next available parking space. This requires neither Ray rails or cables. A key advantage, says the car park operator.

“That’s the difference to the transport logistics, since it comes from originally. Here the vehicle is moving on a pure wheeled operation. Enable them to old infrastructure to revive, to the effect that they park the cars flexible. “

Any guidance systems installed in old park buildings would just be too expensive, says Christian Jahncke. The electric parking robot rolls on its wheels alone and almost silently through the parking garage, explains developer, Rupert Koch.

“The technology of the Ray is based on a driverless transport vehicle, which completely autak in a hall can move. Battarie We have an on board, we have our own navigation system on board and so the Ray just can autonomously navigate through the park and to park their cars. “

cars are tightly parked at you

And extremely space-saving. Since no longer a driver has to off and get in, the cars are parked close together and sorted by size. A dream for every car park operator, Christian Jahncke raves about the so gained parking.

“It depends on the car park, to the effect that in a perfect construction, they can be much more efficient, up to 60 percent. But here we have started on a 25 year old car park times. And there is our number between 30 and 40 percent. “

And already at 30 percent more parking space, the acquisition of the three counting fully automatic parking robot, says Christian Jahncke. For him, Ray is the perfect solution, because as it is precisely in Ballungegebieten with chronic shortage of parking spaces and very expensive land much more profit do with a car park. Customers can also benefit from automatic parking assistant, says Thomas Schnalke. The manager of the airport is Düsselsorfer überzuegt that especially business people will use the new service because they want to spend as little time at the airport. Since Ray offers exactly the right thing, he says.

“speed!, You can with our new product as quickly as possible to park their car at the airport but also as quickly as possible to get back the car again when the flight has ended and they are back in Dusseldorf. “

Ray knows exactly when the cars are due back

Thanks to an ingenious software, white robot Ray also when to provide for extending what car again, explains Rupert Koch.

“Here the Parktiket is linked to the ticket, dadaurch we know exactly when they again come. We also know that if they, for example, have a delay and we will then make it were just in time the car in the transfer station ready. “

In addition, the customer may at any time on a smartphone App communicate with the system and inform him of any changes in the itinerary. Christian Jahncke is confident that the technology friendly Germans Ray will be happy to confide in her car.

“The Germans are the love, because the Germans want to keep their keys and do not want anyone with car driving around and the car will be parked by foreign people somewhere. “

But the robotic parking system has its limits. Whenever many drivers want to place or have their vehicle at the same time, Ray is overwhelmed. In soccer games or even music concerts, visitors will therefore continue to go on their own parking space.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

“Böblingen (ots) – The inkjet-based HP Page Wide Technology is now … – Ad-Hoc-News (press release)

Böblingen (ots) – The inkjet-based HP Page Wide technology is now being used for large-format printer and enables an even faster and cheaper, high quality printing. From the second half of 2015, the first HP Page Wide Format Printers

HP are expected to be available also expands the current large-format portfolio with new solutions that have been developed specifically for the requirements of high-volume, commercial print jobs. The HP Designjet T3500 Printer Production eMultifunction (eMFP) is the most productive large format MFP in its class. (1) The printer is suitable for use in the company, a simple IT management as well as high safety standards are important for the. The software program HP Designjet SmartStream optimizes the entire printing workflow. The new HP solutions are capable of the volume and the different printing needs of businesses, in-house printing, architecture and engineering firms, construction companies and design agencies to fulfill as well as that of authorities, quick printers and small to medium repro companies.

Faster production process with the HP Page Wide Technology

The innovative technology Wide Page prints with more than 200,000 nozzles which are mounted on a fixed, over the entire width of the page reaching pressure beam. The entire page is printed in one pass, which speeds up the production process. This provides users with the ability to produce a variety of printed copies in color or black and white, such as drawings, maps and posters. The HP Page Wide Technology is the production printing market, which has a value of 1.3 billion U.S. dollars change, because currently there are monochrome LED printer is the default. (2)

“Our customers are constantly looking for cost-effective and reliable printing technologies that can provide them with improvements,” said Roland Farian, Head of Large Format Design, HP Germany. “The new HP Page Wide technology for large format printing is distributed in the professional printing market the cards because the customer now an affordable alternative for high-quality prints are offered in large numbers., The fact that, in this industry, in the mostly still is printed in monochrome now color prints are suddenly possible and without compromising on speed, will effect lasting change. “

Pioneering innovation in ink-jet printing

For more than 30 years, HP has held a leading position in the inkjet market, because the company consistently at the Research and Development invested printheads and inks. Building on the success HP Page Wide technology in industrial production and the use of small business, HP offers its enterprise customers now also reliable and economical solutions for creating high-quality large format prints, and with high speed.

is decisive for the output quality of ink jet printing is the stability of the ink formulation, in combination with the precise placement of the droplets and the geometry of the print head. The HP Page Wide printhead has thousands of identical droplet generators that ensure an absolutely same amount of ink, speed and orientation. The result is a precise expression. The technology also regulates the speed of the original HP pigmented inks and their penetration into the paper. This will speed up the drying, controls the point size and also controls the spread and progression of colors for best print results.

Together with the HP Thermal Inkjet technology and HP pigment inks reduces the new HP Page Wide technology for large format printers, the Cost per page. In addition, the technology for more flexibility

Current large-format solutions, no warm-up time ensures, as for graphically rich applications also inexpensive photo paper can be used., Quality and productivity offer the compact 36 inch / A0 + HP Designjet T3500 Production eMFP needed and offers an ultra-fast processor as well as a highly productive scanner. This allows users to scan a number of pages and the creation of multi-page PDFs. He can also send scans directly to e-mail addresses. The product can be without supervision operate cost-effectively and produces monochrome prints for the same cost per page as a LED MFP. (3) is the printer with a self-encrypting For jobs with high security requirements hard disk, a secure disk wiping and access control function equipped.

The HP Designjet SmartStream software makes print management more efficient by optimizing the workflow in demanding print environments. It offers PDF management and makes using the HP Crystal Preview technology for precise, error-free prints. In addition, it can reduce the preparation time by up to 50 percent for multi-page print jobs. (4)

For the IT manager has also a brand new HP Designjet HP Universal Print Driver presented. Thus, the entire HP Designjet fleet of a company over a single standardized Manage Drivers. This reduces the time and cost required for testing and deployment, and ensures that the software in all HP Designjet printers is always up to date.

With optional hardware accessories and software tools such as the new HP the customer can Designjet HD Scanner Pro, forklifts and Online butterfly efficiency further increase.

Prices and availability (5)

– Page HP Wide Large format printers are expected to be available in the second half of 2015. – The HP Designjet T3500 Printer Production Production eMFP is now available at an RRP including VAT and UGH from 11,500 euros available. – The HP Designjet SmartStream pre-flight managers and controllers are expected to be available from 30 June. Prices will be announced at a later date.

For more information on the latest products of the HP Designjet portfolio is available in an online press kit. These can be found on and / go / designjet. Videos and updates on the new products are available on the “HP for Designers” Facebook page, the “Graphic Arts” YouTube channel and on Twitter at @ hpgraphicarts.

Images of the HP Designjet T3500, see here:

About HP

HP creates new possibilities for a meaningful impact of technology on people, businesses , governments and society. With an extremely broad technology base that spans printing, personal computers, software, Services and span IT infrastructure solutions, the company offers its clients in all regions of the world solutions for the most complex challenges. More information about HP (NYSE, Nasdaq: HPQ) and its products, please visit / de

(1) Compared to large-format color MFP $ <. / strong> 25,000. Based on the fastest color print speeds according to the manufacturer (as of January 2014). The test methods may differ. (2) Figures are based on internal HP data. (3) Compared to large-format LED printers with low volume and a print speed of up to 7 Arch D pages per minute. (4), based on both an internal HP test, in which the time was measured that was required to extract individual pages of a 50-page document and print them on different printers, as compared to the use of corresponding software products. (5) Rates and availability differ from country to country and from subject to change

OTS. Hewlett-Packard GmbH newsroom: newsroom via RSS: http :/ /

Press contact: Eleanor grains PR Manager Printing and Personal Systems Tel: 07031 14-6260 E-mail: eleonore.koerner @

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www.nzz. ch on: 2015 is to deliver the first components of a new computer to bring about a paradigm shift in computer science Hewlett-Packard. Read more …

message from In addition, it has also been the Ukraine crisis intensified, what came to notice especially the Exchange in Moscow. Had a positive impact beginning of the week but strong economic data from the U.S. aus.Sind European shares overrated? With in the last two years sharp rise in prices on European stock exchanges, the voices that warn of an overvaluation increase. Since June 2012, the total European market imaging Stoxx 600 index rose by 48 percent. According to the data of the more …

These reports further ATHENS (AFX card) – Chinese companies want to invest in large euro-crisis country Greece. This was announced by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on the eve of a two-day visit to Greece at. “We will transform together with Greece, the port of Piraeus to the best harbor in the Mediterranean”, Keqiang said the Athens newspaper “Kathimerini” on Wednesday. Read more … These reports further: Athens (dpa) – Chinese companies want large invest in euro-crisis country Greece. This was announced by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on the eve of a two-day visit to Greece at. Read more …

More news from Böblingen (ots) – Cross reference: documents with further information is available on the digital press kit to download before and are available at – HP introduces new notebook for consumers before and thus presents an exceptional development of its consumer more .. .

New Technology: No drilling and no injections and at the dentist – German Economic News

A new technology helps unhealthy teeth using electric currents to heal itself. Tooth decay and fillings of smaller cavities could thus soon belong to the past. The treatment is painless and could even become a reality in three years in the UK dental practices.

 The new technology of British researchers painful treatments for tooth decay or cavities can be prevented. (photo: dpa)

The new technology of British researchers painful treatments for tooth decay or cavities can be prevented. (Photo: Reuters)

researchers from King’s College in London developed a technology that can help with low-frequency electricity teeth that are affected by cavities to heal itself. The technology is based on an “electrically accelerated and enhanced remineralization” and can stop tooth decay at an early stage as well as dental fillings. The restocking of minerals could also contribute to a new treatment method for rotten teeth at an advanced stage. In three years, the technology would be applicable in UK dental practices.

Before the dentist can diagnose cavities in the tooth using an X-ray image, the enamel loses minerals and eventually rots. teeth can therefore regenerate itself if you are instilled the missing minerals. A natural restocking is done every day by saliva or fluorides. The researchers studied how to speed up this process.

The new treatment in this case provides two steps. It was not until the tooth is free of any obstructions such as tissue, so that the remineralization process can begin. In the second step, the electric currents are used to continuously carry out the minerals in the tooth. The treatment process is quick, cheap and painless .

The Dental Research is the remineralization since the 80s known , but it has been difficult even if those to realize large and deep dental injuries. “With the electrical method, we can remineralization, which would otherwise take weeks to accelerate some and perform better,” says Nigel Pitts, a professor at King’s College London, the Washington Post.

Previous treatment methods in which local anesthetic syringes were necessary and had to be cut from caries cavities would thus be void . “For some patients, the dental visit is a real phobia. When patients are relaxed, they will also get the regular check up, “said Pitts again.

Pitts and his partner, dentist Christopher Longbottom, who together founded the company Reminova to raise money for further patient studies in collaboration with the Kings College to collect.

The WHO estimates that worldwide suffer 60 to 90 percent of the students and almost 100 percent of adults from dental caries . The painless treatment method could help to ensure that patients are not put off longer visit the dentist in more serious problems such as gum disease

. <- SurveyMonkey Javascript code ->

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Controversial technology: “Fracking Europe would be good” – Business Week

The controversial fracking method has the U.S. economy brought a surprising boom. Should Europe take this chance also?

Given the shale gas revolution in the U.S., BP’s chief economist Christof Rühl advocated to test in Europe, the possibility of gas and oil production with the controversial fracking method . In this case, however, the chemicals used would have to be made transparent and approved by regulatory authorities worldwide, Ruehl said on Monday in Dusseldorf at the presentation of the energy market report of the British mining giant BP.

“That would Europe be present not bad. You should open the access, but with a reasonable regulation “demanded the expert. In the fracking technology rock is broken into 1,000 to 5,000 meters deep using a mixture of water, sand and chemicals at high pressure in order to be supported in trapped oil and gas. What chemicals they use in detail, share the concerns previously mostly unfamiliar with. In the U.S., the process led to a boom of cheap energy and strong economic impulses.

Unconventional gas resources

  • shale gas

    shale gas stored in dense Tonsteinschichten, where it has also been formed. In northern Germany they lie at depths of about 1000-25000 meters. Shale gas is not yet supported in Germany. To promote it, it requires the hydraulic fracturing method – so fracking.

  • coalbed

    Coal Seam Gas means gas that is created and included in the coal layers. These deposits are located in this country in the depths of about 1000 meters. From international experience, a probability of 50 percent can be derived to be able to dispense with the production of Kohlflözgas on fracking.

  • Tight Gas

    Tight gas is located in a particularly dense sand or limestone layers at depths below 3500 meters. The rock layers are characterized by an extremely reduced permeability. The natural gas is located Unlike slate or Kohlflözgas here in reservoir rocks, and not where the gas originated. Tight gas is produced in Lower Saxony since the 1990s, with about three percent but only a small proportion of the total funding. Tight gas can be promoted only by fracking. Because of the many experiences of professionals, Tight gas is today hardly referred to as “unconventional”.

In Germany there should be legislation for the controversial technique before the summer break, as Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) had announced. Planned are requirements such as an environmental impact assessment and a ban in water protection areas. Thus, about 14 percent of the area would be excluded in Germany.

Greens and environmentalists that enough but far from. They demand a complete ban on fracking because of possible risks to drinking water. North Rhine-Westphalia state premier Hannelore Kraft (SPD) had even determined that the technology will not be introduced in their state, as long as it is state chair. Also in Germany appreciable occurrence of so-called unconventional gas are about shale suspected.

The prestigious BP-annual report shall certify the U.S., with its strong expansion of promotion thanks Fracking significantly to stable oil prices of recent years despite funding interruptions about to have contributed in Libya. U.S. President Barack Obama had the EU Member States recommended in April, “to find additional ways on how to expand and accelerate their energy independence” could.

Dealing with the fracking process is controversial in Germany. The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources but sees no obstacles, such as its president Hans-Joachim Kuempel said recently.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Controversial technology: “Fracking Europe would be good” – Business Week

The controversial fracking method has the U.S. economy brought a surprising boom. Should Europe take this chance also?

Given the shale gas revolution in the U.S., BP’s chief economist Christof Rühl advocated to test in Europe, the possibility of gas and oil production with the controversial fracking method . In this case, however, the chemicals used would have to be made transparent and approved by regulatory authorities worldwide, Ruehl said on Monday in Dusseldorf at the presentation of the energy market report of the British mining giant BP.

“That would Europe be present not bad. You should open the access, but with a reasonable regulation “demanded the expert. In the fracking technology rock is broken into 1,000 to 5,000 meters deep using a mixture of water, sand and chemicals at high pressure in order to be supported in trapped oil and gas. What chemicals they use in detail, share the concerns previously mostly unfamiliar with. In the U.S., the process led to a boom of cheap energy and strong economic impulses.

Unconventional gas resources

  • shale gas

    shale gas stored in dense Tonsteinschichten, where it has also been formed. In northern Germany they lie at depths of about 1000-25000 meters. Shale gas is not yet supported in Germany. To promote it, it requires the hydraulic fracturing method – so fracking.

  • coalbed

    Coal Seam Gas means gas that is created and included in the coal layers. These deposits are located in this country in the depths of about 1000 meters. From international experience, a probability of 50 percent can be derived to be able to dispense with the production of Kohlflözgas on fracking.

  • Tight Gas

    Tight gas is located in a particularly dense sand or limestone layers at depths below 3500 meters. The rock layers are characterized by an extremely reduced permeability. The natural gas is located Unlike slate or Kohlflözgas here in reservoir rocks, and not where the gas originated. Tight gas is produced in Lower Saxony since the 1990s, with about three percent but only a small proportion of the total funding. Tight gas can be promoted only by fracking. Because of the many experiences of professionals, Tight gas is today hardly referred to as “unconventional”.

In Germany there should be legislation for the controversial technique before the summer break, as Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) had announced. Planned are requirements such as an environmental impact assessment and a ban in water protection areas. Thus, about 14 percent of the area would be excluded in Germany.

Greens and environmentalists that enough but far from. They demand a complete ban on fracking because of possible risks to drinking water. North Rhine-Westphalia state premier Hannelore Kraft (SPD) had even determined that the technology will not be introduced in their state, as long as it is state chair. Also in Germany appreciable occurrence of so-called unconventional gas are about shale suspected.

The prestigious BP-annual report shall certify the U.S., with its strong expansion of promotion thanks Fracking significantly to stable oil prices of recent years despite funding interruptions about to have contributed in Libya. U.S. President Barack Obama had the EU Member States recommended in April, “to find additional ways on how to expand and accelerate their energy independence” could.

Dealing with the fracking process is controversial in Germany. The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources but sees no obstacles, such as its president Hans-Joachim Kuempel said recently.

German OEMs want Blackbox technology for self-driving cars – AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTION

06.23.2014, 15:22 clock


-> German manufacturers want to combine the black-box technology from the aircraft with the self-driving car. The ultimate goal was in the process to ensure the safety of the occupants.

BMW Autonomous driving Wide

BMW works – like other German manufacturers – to self-driving cars. Image: BMW Group

Google has already made great progress with his self-driving car. The German carmaker already developing their own systems around autonomous driving.

The data collection and the reliability of the system will play a crucial role in implementing the goal of “self-driving car”. When looking at the NSA affair, however, raises the question of what happens to the collected data. The issue will be discussed at the ‘Roundtable for autonomous driving. ” Representatives of the Federal Government, car manufacturers, representatives of the insurance industry and lawyers will sit at this table. It is the legal framework are discussed in which the self-driving car to move.

Still calls the collection of data indicate most consumers, in the case motorists skepticism. But when once roll self-propelled cars in large numbers on the streets, collecting data is simply a necessity. Because the cars are no longer controlled by humans, but by computers that rely on the data from cameras and sensors to communicate with each other.

The idea of ​​using a black box, as known from the aircraft in some countries is already accepted. So insurance companies offer more favorable terms in the UK on when a black box records the driving style of the car owner. The idea behind this is that a cautious style of driving will be rewarded with cheaper insurance policies.

Whether the self-driving car in the future will actually be accepted you have to wait, however. It is still uncertain how the drivers react when they should relinquish control of their vehicle to a computer.

Gabriel Pankow / IHS

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Science: AEG washers with completely new technology – Ad-Hoc-News (press release)

Madness: ARD and ZDF threaten Erzwingungshaft more continues: Unlike normal washing machines, there are at a new line of AEG adds a whole new technology, such as the laundry is washed. more …

More news from Transfer tick bites pathogens dangerous diseases transmitted. But you can protect yourself from the blood-sucking parasites. Deer or sheep turn out to be even as a biological washing machines. Read more …

These Read more … continues: POL-RT: accident with fire truck, hit and run, burglary more … reports: KREMS. While in Brazil, the ball rolls, a very special World Cup will take place at Media Markt in Bühl Krems Center on June 20? a? washers target shooting?. The main advantage of this demand are targeted football fans that bring the round into the square? ie directly through the porthole in the washing drum. From 9 to 20 clock everyone can try their luck. After that, take a look at the Media Markt TV Department. ? With 4K, LED, LCD screens and projectors every football game is more …

Saturday, June 21, 2014

New technology with great potential –



Pulsed Light: Overview of the use in packaging:
Faster and better – linked to social and demographic changes, trends and preferences, the number of pre-packaged and ready to eat foods in the trade is increasing rapidly. To correspond with regard to organoleptic, diet Aryan, hygienic and toxicological aspects of the ever-increasing expectations, new, gentle but also effective technologies and processes are being developed. The strong demand for minimally processed foods makes the “Pulsed Light technology” for both current and future markets attractive.


Microbiological examination (photos: ACR / Alice Lace)

Microbiological examination (photos: ACR / Alice Lace)

Pulsed Light (English Pulsed Light, PL) is one of the emerging, non-thermal decontamination process, which is characterized by a non-selective inactivation of microorganisms and at a variety of foods and food contact materials such as packaging materials can be used.

Currently, further research is needed to close gaps between basic research and applied research. However, it is anticipated that the technology is used more and more in the coming years.

As a further development of decontamination with continuous UV light (coherent radiation of a defined wavelength), the PL technology to the generation of High voltage pulses are returned which (a plurality of J cm-2) are converted in succession light pulses of short duration (microseconds to s), high frequency (up to 10 Hz) and intensity. The lamps used for this purpose are usually inert gas lamps (primarily xenon gas-filled), which emit radio (light) in a wide range of 180-1100 nm (UV to IR) and thus largely reflect the spectral composition of sunlight. The intensity of the emitted light pulses is sufficiently strong to bring about 20,000 times the intensity of sunlight on the surface of the earth to a significant decontamination.

The extent of decontamination depends on three main factors. These are (i) the treated matrix such as liquid or solid state, (ii) the nature and characteristics of microbial contamination, and (iii) the process parameters such as device structure, intensity, and duration of treatment.

influence : Matrix
addition to clear liquids PL is mostly used for the decontamination of surfaces. This is due to the fact that for a sufficient penetration of the radiation into the matrix is ​​a low-reflection, high absorption and transmission coefficient condition which is not fulfilled by most (semi) solid bodies as food. This should a priori, however, not be regarded as disadvantageous as, for example, washing solutions also act on the surface.

In addition, the treated surface should be as free of irregularities, as these microbial contamination protection from the incident radiation can offer. The same applies to light-absorbing organic or inorganic matter between the light source and the contamination.

Last should the matrix itself only a few substances which can contain competitively absorb light. These substances are, for example, fats and proteins. Carbohydrates, however, do not show this effect is pronounced.

from goods receipt to output PL can be used at various stages of the production chain of a company. On top of this, for example by decontamination of food and food contact materials, the microbial load in production and thus the likelihood of recontamination of processed goods already be lowered. Furthermore, PL can be used to prevent cross-contamination or decontamination of the manufactured goods. The latter can occur before, in the use of appropriate packaging materials, but are also decontaminated after packing. Prerequisite for the use of PL after packing is mainly the transparency of the (plastic) material to the radiation. In addition, however, the packaging should have a suitable product protection, process stability and compliance with the provisions of law

influence. Contamination
Inactivation of microorganisms by PL is based on a non- selective process that overwhelms the cell functions and therefore leads to death. In this context, three effects which are parallel or in series to contribute to cellular damage, to be identified. These are photochemically (DNA damage), thermal (cell destruction and bringing about structural damage) and physical (structural cell damage) caused. How far these effects are pronounced, it depends on the energy input, the light spectrum as well as by the microorganism itself. Seem, for example, Gram-positive to be more resistant, in contrast to Gram-negative bacteria. As there is potential for sublethal damage to the microorganisms, it is recommended to incorporate the technology into a hurdle concept. Efficiency are increased by the use of photosensitizers (dyes). These form by irradiation from free radicals, which damage the microorganisms on oxidative pathways in addition.

Currently, however, the research also deals with issues such as inactivation, repair mechanisms and possible development of resistance of microorganisms.


influence: process parameters
Generally carries the entire spectrum of the emitted radiation for the inactivation of microorganisms with. However, since shorter wavelengths higher energy transfer, the UV (C) fraction is of particular importance. Although filters allow flexibility in the wavelength setting, however, the exclusion of radiation below 300 nm minimizes the Dekontaminierungserfolg significant. By measuring the UV or energy output of the addition, the system performance can be checked and corrected if necessary. Another important process variables are the fluence (J m-2), the pulse duration (s) and frequency (Hz). This is also influenced by factors such as disinfection rate, treatment temperature and sensory influence of matrix components (for example, lipid oxidation)
. For the successful implementation of PL, it is crucial as a result, pay attention to the structure and geometry of the system. So the positioning and orientation of the lamps should allow a uniform and complete irradiation of the matrix. This may be achieved for example by a plurality of lamps, movement of the matrix and transparent areas of conveyors and reflectors. And the absolute and relative distance between the lamp and the matrix is ​​an important determinant, because the shorter the distance the greater the vertical effect and the matrix and heating the frame, the smaller the effective treatment. From this follows the general trend towards short intervals and treatment times. On the flip side, however, can thus globular body, even if they are rotated about an axis that is difficult to decontaminate evenly. Remedy therefore provide greater distances and longer treatment times. The relative distance, however, influenced the results due to the fact that the intensity of xenon lamps decreases from the geometric center to the ends.

advantages and disadvantages of technology
side the extent of decontamination is crucial in deciding for or against a new technology, whether an improvement of food safety and the minimum durability date is given and remain organoleptic and nutritional characteristics of the food. In addition, it is checked whether residue freedom, convenience and efficiency are given and no rejection on the part of consumers or legislators there.

PL can generally be viewed by the user as a secure technology. However Automatic shutdown of the system when opening the aperture as well as a removal of ozone are a precondition for this. In addition, PL can reduce or even replace, which allows a residue-free food production the use of chemicals, disinfectants and preservatives. Also ask the xenon lamps used a good alternative to the mercury lamps used in the treatment with continuous UV light dar.

In addition to the ease of use of the technology are the short treatment times, the small footprint, the ability to batch-wise or continuously work and lack of warm-up phases, the clear strengths of the technology. Existing continuously operating UV systems can also be easily converted to PL.

The investment costs for industrial plants can discourage the purchase intention and make the technology particularly for certain market situations and the high-price segment interesting. Reasons for the high cost is due to the complex circuitry, which in the 10 to 100-fold and are for the highest possible UV output and long lamp-life (6 to 12 months) are essential in comparison to continuous light. The fact that the bulbs are more expensive, but is offset by the low running costs.

The strong demand for minimally processed foods makes the PL technology for both current and future markets attractive. However, marketing problems can arise from consumers due to misunderstandings, if the negative lossy term “irradiation” instead of, for example “light” is used, even though PL does not affect ionizing. Thus, properly selected information on technology increase the acceptance by the consumers.

While the FDA evaluated in 1996 the PL technology from a technology-oriented access and with a maximum permissible fluence of 12.0 J cm- 2 has been approved for food, the legal status in the EU is not clearly defined to date. One possible approach would certainly be those established by Regulation (EC) No 258/97 on novel foods and novel food ingredients. In current projects, the OFI research in Vienna on the applicability of the pulsed light for decontamination of packaged and exposed meat and meat products as well as the impact of treatment on the packaging material

authors. V. Heinrich, A Petschnig, B. Ecker, M. Washüttl, J. Bergmair, OFI





ofi Austrian Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology

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exklusivUni ranking: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is the new leader – Business Week

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is in engineering the most popular German university hiring managers.

This is the result of the current university ranking of the consulting company universe and of the personnel service access KellyOCG, is available to the business week exclusive.
in the survey involved 571 personnel managers. They gave information about the question of what universities and colleges, the students best training in the respective compartments for the needs of enterprises.

KIT lands in three subjects in the first place: Nearly 44 percent of HR professionals could convince KIT specialist mechanical engineering, computer science and 20 percent in industrial engineering, it was 51 percent. To displace the Karlsruhe former leader RWTH Aachen. The Aachen show now in electrical engineering (37 percent) and in the natural sciences (29 percent) the first place. In mechanical engineering (39 percent), industrial engineering (49 percent) and in computer science (19 percent) is the RWTH Aachen second.

The TU Darmstadt is in Business computer science continues to leaders (19 percent). The Technical University of Munich and the University of Mannheim share the second place with 14 percent.
In Business Administration, the University of Mannheim was able to convince the majority of hiring managers (46 percent). In second place, the LMU Munich lands (28 percent), followed by the University of Cologne (27 percent). In economics, the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main conquered the first place (25 percent). This is followed by the University of Cologne (23 percent) ranked second and the LMU Munich in third place (21 percent)

Particularly striking in this year. The Berlin universities put about. The TU Berlin was able to advance in the natural sciences in second place. In the colleges the HTW Berlin is in mechanical engineering the first place and in the subjects of economics and computer science computer science each second.
The complete university ranking 2014 will appear in the next issue of Business Week.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Wearables: The body hugging Revolution – Handelsblatt

San Francisco The question of whether wearables, so wearable technologies that could be “next big thing”, surprised Daniel Gonzales clearly. For a few seconds the young man with the already slightly grizzled Jimi Hendrix hairstyle do not know what to say until he says amused and with a slight shake of his head: “They’re a long time.”

Gonzales’s top executives at California’s business incubator NestGSV and has just named the winner of the “Wearable hackathons”. In this competition, participants have 24 hours time to teach an existing device new functions. The winners have a “Driving tracker” developed from a SmartWatch, so an intelligent wristwatch: The clock radios road and driving style of a motorist on an app that can check the about parents if their child has arrived safely at the destination

On this day, twelve other groups presented their ideas at NestGSV. They range from smart eyewear for diabetics, measure the sugar content of the food while eating, to sensors in shoes that combine the walking speed with the music player.

cyborg technologies

  • man-machine I

    Neil Harbisson is considered the first cyborg of the world, a hybrid of living organism and machine. The Catalan has a chip installed in the back of his head, which is connected to a color sensor next to his eye. It allows him to hear colors.

    Harbisson is completely color blind since birth, he sees everything in black and gray shades. Thanks to the electronic sensor can now more different colors than the human eye. In 2010 he founded the Foundation cyborg.

  • man-machine II

    Also, the Canadian computer scientist Steve Mann is one of the first of its kind, the professor at the University of Toronto is known as the father of wearable computers. He carries himself for years a device that is intended to improve his sight, without medical necessity. So far, his inventions were always pure research objects

    Now man has developed a device that could be marketable. EyeTap. It is worn in front of the eye and mixes the light rays that hit the eye with artificially generated. Unlike glasses, such as Google Glass, which are more a miniature projector in front of the eye, EyeTap can change what the user sees.

  • Medical Technology who has to swallow the bitter pill ever I

    , is intended to have at least an additional benefit, thought the U.S. company Proteus Digital Health, the collaborates among others, the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis. It develops pills which in addition to the remedies additionally a small sensor in itself. He should give the patient feedback on how he tolerates the drug and whether he really takes it regularly. This will also help care for family members.

  • Medical II

    The company provides Vancive under the name Metria forth an intelligent patch that in addition to physical activities among other things, measures the blood pressure. It is offered by Deutsche Telekom in collaboration with Medisana. The data is stored on the Internet and should help the physician to better assess habits of the patients and give advice.

  • Medical III

    Even industry giant Google does not want to miss the trend. The U.S. company has announced the beginning of the year to work on contact lenses, which can measure the blood sugar levels of diabetics by sensors. The Group has already patented an electronic tattoo that can be associated with smartphones.

Most of these inventions, it will probably never get to market. But that is what neither the participants nor the organizers. They want to show why the topic Wearables in Silicon Valley is currently omnipresent. The technique has become easy, cheap, easy to program – and the application possibilities are endless

About Google Glass, the intelligent eyes of U.S. Group, which is brought into Germany almost immediately with wearables in conjunction, many developers are shaking your head here. A prominent name, much too invasive. They have long since moved on to other options.

The market research firm Gartner predicts that by 2017, 268 billion mobile apps were downloaded and create over $ 77 billion in sales. Half of the interactions with the apps is thereby pass on wearables.

According to a study by the U.S. market researcher Transparency revenue is with the portable devices of 750 million dollars in 2012 to about 5.8 billion in 2018 increase. Analysts at Juniper Research even go from $ 19 billion in the same year.

Innovations: scent sent as a file across the Atlantic – Business Week

by Meike Lorenzen

to transform odors in and sending data via email, has long been a desire of science. Well first make apps and gadgets the venture possible.

Wrapped has a Harvard professor David Edwards in his office in New York, “American Museum of Natural History” expected an email from Paris on Tuesday. It contained in the appendix a very special document – the scent of champagne and macarons from Paris. What sounds crazy, actually happened.

Our primary focus was the technology of oNote, developed by the French company Le Laboratoire. Supposed to work easily. Just “take a picture” your shot. In retrospect, can be to the photo then assign different flavors at your fingertips. To make it easy for the user, each odor is given a different color, then just on the Fioto “tagged” is. So as if to mark a person on Facebook

There are eight different flavors -. Grilled bread from the (yellow) to the smell of walnut (light brown). The elements can be as varied combine that total up to 300,000 odors.

The smell that is at the end in New York is unmistakable have smelled of chocolate, but also a little musty. The champagne scent, however, is rather gone down, according to a press report.

“Especially when three or more different smells come together, it can still be problems when sending,” says David Edwards. He has developed the device, which can be the smell of files OSNAP again decode. Only with the smartphone does not yet have the technology. This is currently still needs to be coupled with another gadget that the smell then releases again. The small white column is provided with a button that releases the combined flavors.

users who want to try oNotes today, thus have a problem. The English App can indeed invite for iOS devices easily from the App Store. To play the smells but you need the column described.

Especially museums are interested in the new technology, but it offers completely new possibilities, exhibitions to more tangible making. According to a public hotspot to play the odors directed the “American Museum of Natural History” in New York on July 12, the first time a. In addition, the users then shown exactly how to flavors ever put together meaningful. Here, experts support such as a chocolatier. Also in Paris and Cambridge similar events are offered.

already shows that the users are very creative in dealing with the app. You store not only food photos with odors. Even beaches and gardens are provided with flavors.

One day, the fragrant images are may even be shared via Facebook and Twitter, hope the developers. Currently, the technology is still at the development. Financial support will inter alia by individuals on the crowdfunding platform Indigogo.

The Klaxons philosophy: music between technology, nature, space and time –

When talking about the Klaxons, then usually falls and the music genre term “Nu Rave” with the genre of music they are brought into connection until today. Also we wrote in our recent review of the new album LOVE FREQUENCY, that the British have known with their new album to “temporarily ostracized Nu Rave”. But for the band, the plate seems to be much more than just a new “Nu-Rave” plate. In our interview James Righton sees in music, however, things from many genres gathered, all inspired by space, time, technology, and above all . things of nature

stereotyped thinking

In an interview with Music Express Righton into perspective the idea of ​​categorizing their music: “I do not think that it is our task is our music to define. Yet meet for me in the music meet a variety of interests. We are neither a pop, indie, dance, house or psychedelic band. If, then, we are called by all the things a bit. “ on their own plate had managed to interpret them for the first time dance music in their own point of view: ” Before, we were boys, the dance music liked and liked it with this music even a little success to have . Now we have our own style, which allows us now to write contemporary dance music. “ In advance of the release of the new disc Jamie Reynolds had said in the interview that the plate of the present RELATES and “a very emotional, honest album about the technological and personal development” is. And even in our conversation is essentially about technological and personal progress as well as living in a digital world.

nature for their livelihoods

However, it is far of the whole technological progress nature, holds the world together by Jamie Reynolds: The Song, Children Of The Sun ‘is the fact that every living being depends on the planet from the sun. “It is the merit of nature that we can live on this planet. The sun is the livelihood of our lives, which ensures that we can make plans and gives us energy. It is about the connection between us and nature and what it does to us and the planet. “ The influence of nature is disappearing in the last decades, however, due to growing technological progress. To describe songs like “New Reality” this progress, which is quite essential for the sound. “The electronics and their equipment such as greater use of synthesizers, was in some ways even a wish.” , however, sees the band, the new album by the way of the LCD Soundsystem frontman James Murphy and Tom Rowlands of Chemical Brothers was produced.

technology and time

So says Simon Taylor-Davis to the question of what they mean by one of their song title called “There Is No Other Time”: “ I do not think I want to live in a different time, despite the negative consequences of technologisation. For me there are two types, the term time to define ‘. On one hand I mean the personal inner clock, when it comes to that you caught the right moment to tell someone, for example, that you love him or other things at the right time doing the right place. And then there’s a second technical time definition that is mapped on iPhones or digital watches. One must be sure that the personal sense of time, given the fact that you can look at every street corner, what time it is, is not lost. “


The fear that machines eventually take over all the work of the people – Make Jamie Reynolds already face “We also use a lot of social media portals such as Facebook or Twitter, but still it is very scary that more and more jobs are replaced by working through computer and other machines. But on the other hand, means all the technology is also a liberation from the constraints of nature, which allows people to be able to plan better. “The band is agreed that in some industry sectors social interaction is possible only by computer, but would at some point the time has come where there is a longing after face-to-face conversations.

The problem sees the band in the fact that one can hardly separate the working world of privacy. So James Righton says at the end of our conversation: “You can not deprive yourself of the time. You can work 24 hours, making phone calls, or surfing on Facebook. But when people come home from work does not mean that, to have that they actually stopped. Because today you can access constantly emails you to call or write someone on Facebook. The only way to get and not be at least for a short time depending on the technology is put away his phone and computer to go into nature and find out the sunrise and watch sunset.

Who now will still attend to the various social networking sites Klaxons, can find their official Facebook homepage.

The album LOVE FREQUENCY appeared on 13 June 2014.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

German technology in Russia asked –

Germany is in the EU, the largest consumer of oil and gas, but not a major oil and gas producing country. However, the Federal Republic is a major supplier of equipment, which are required for the development of deposits and the production of oil and gas. Clearly you can see this at the 21st World Petroleum Congress, a technical meeting for the oil and gas industry closely associated with it, which is currently being undertaken (16.6.-19.6.2014) in Moscow.

Most of the participants , speakers and exhibitors come from Russia. But oil and gas companies from the United States are strongly represented, in the Ukraine crisis is surprising given the current political tensions between Moscow and Washington. Come many Chinese experts and companies.

equipment from MAN in action

are a German supplier of systems and equipment for oil and gas producers, Volkswagen subsidiary MAN. “All leading companies use in the oil and gas market in the Caspian region equipping MAN, such as compressors and gas turbines,” says Dmitry Mitichuk, Regional Manager of MAN Diesel and Turbo, the DW. You would, for example, in Azerbaijani deposits used, whose gas is to be exported to Europe.

Currently, as Mitichuk, his company performs an order of a subsidiary of the Russian state company Gazprom in the city of Salavat. It is located in the Russian republic of Bashkortostan. “Of course we want to continue the cooperation with the Russian giants,” said the manager of MAN Diesel and Turbo.

Also Linde wants orders from Gazprom

Bernd Holling at the World Petroleum Congress in Moscow (photo: DW)

Bernd Holling: Linde hopes to further orders Russian partner

on orders of Gazprom is also the German company Linde interested., the industrial gases specialist is active on the Russian market since the Soviet era. “We offer innovative technology solutions for the Russian oil and gas industry,” says Bernd Holling of DW, which is at Linde responsible for business development in Russia and the CIS countries.

in the Munich headquarters it is, Gazprom wants to be reinforced with the production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) deal. Necessary equipment it could deliver Linde Engineering., the Russian side have already shown interest in the German plants. Details wanted Holling not call, he just said. “We are very hopeful talks”

Wintershall largest German exhibitors

Large oil and gas company, which are directly involved in the development and exploitation of deposits, in Germany there are two: Wintershall and RWE Dea. The energy company RWE has announced in the spring to sell its oil and gas division to the LetterOne group of Russian businessman Mikhail Fridman. However, the Federal Ministry of Economics will consider whether to be hurt by the deal strategic interests of Germany, such as security of supply yet.

Wintershall is a wholly owned subsidiary of chemicals giant BASF. At the Moscow Fair is the Kassel-based company is the largest German exhibitors. Both the Nord Stream pipeline, which runs from Russia through the Baltic Sea to Germany, as well as the South Stream project, a planned gas pipeline under the Black Sea to Bulgaria, Wintershall partner of Gazprom.

The implementation of South Stream, however, have been stopped. In Brussels, there was doubt as to whether the works in accordance with EU law had been forgiven. The Russian company Gazprom namely controlled 50 percent of the total planned South Stream network, including the entire pipeline in Bulgaria. That violates the so-called third energy package of the EU: A key point here is the need to decouple the production of natural gas from the transport and the supply of consumers, so as not to distort competition

. Technological competence

Rainer Seele, Wintershall (photo: DW)

Rainer Seele: Russia is for Wintershall most important business partner

Russia is for Wintershall, according to the CEO Rainer Seele most important business partner. The company is currently finishing an asset swap with Gazprom. The Russian partner will receive the full control of the joint venture WINGAS, as well as pipelines and underground gas storage facilities in Germany .

In return, the German company to expand its presence in Western Siberia: it will contribute financially and technologically in the construction of two additional locations on sibrischen Urengoy gas field “Money is not alone the ticket.. The also have other. It takes us about technological competence and project management, “says Michael Sasse, Head of Corporate Communications at Wintershall, for DW.

willingness to invest

But money and investments play a major role. At the Moscow Fair said Wintershall Board member Mario Mehren, his company has invested 170 million euros in Russia last year. Again this year will reached approximately the same amount. Overall investments alone in the company Achimgaz subject so far at two billion euros.

Furthermore accepts Wintershall 15 percent of the cost of laying the South Stream pipeline in the Black Sea. The total cost of the project would amount, according to official records, ten billion euros. German Wintershall representatives to participate at the Moscow World Petroleum Congress, are confident that the pipeline project will be implemented despite the current political difficulties.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Technology companies as privacy advocates eavesdropping is not worth it – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

not only at the political level and in issues of human rights has been fought at the end of Snowden-year sums up and thinking about the future. In the economy the consequences of Snowden revelations were not a small issue. The Vice President of Symantec Corporation, Cheri McGuire, which is responsible for relations with the governments in the American Group, complained at a discussion on Snowden Anniversary that every time new revelations were leaked, the business overseas upsets. One must now constantly ask the probing questions of customers who inquired about intelligence back doors and demanded the most recently permanent additional contractual safeguards for the confidentiality of the data. This was an entirely new phenomenon.

McGuire speaks for many in their industry. For as Symantec, it is also other American providers, even companies that were not previously mentioned in the Snowden papers. Not without cynicism she added that elsewhere in the world takes place no ordinary intelligence control, but the Americans suffered most under the increasingly critical demands of customers.

The good news is that a little in the future manufacturer is still willing to cooperate show if NSA, GCHQ or the little brother BND knock on the door. The business risk has become immeasurably great and now not only in theory but clearly quantifiable. The collateral damage can be expressed for some industries already in bare numbers: Forrester Research estimates the losses alone among American cloud providers 180 billion dollars in just two years

The company will also need to have their ask. what they do to prevent backdoors are installed without their participation – as in transit to the customer. In May, had John Chambers, CEO of Cisco Systems, so spoke directly to Barack Obama. Not about the usual channels, maintain the business leaders to communicate with highest circles, but in an open letter in the “Financial Times”.

More Theme

It calls Obama on it, the NSA finally in the barriers. Chambers had just learn from the newspapers of the new Snowden-revelations that show how the NSA people en masse intercept Cisco packages in the mail, smuggle monitoring technology into their products, and afterwards send to the buggy router to the customer. Although also other companies’ products have been stocked in the NSA spying repacking with implants, however, was emblazoned on one of the photos posted visibly a large Cisco logo. It had only become known figures on the business burglaries at Cisco in November. Between twelve and thirty percent of the international orders were already slumped on the various markets. Chambers warned in no uncertain terms, that the NSA activities would undermine confidence in the American IT industry. He added: “We simply can not function.”

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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Electric car maker Tesla is its technology free – TIME ONLINE

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The U.S. <- - FROM HERE YOUR CONTENT!> Manufacturer of electric cars has passed all patents to the public. The reason is the company to want to spread their technology.

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