Nasa scouts “Iris” has reached its destination in orbit: The satellite will explore the solar wind, which not only provide beautiful auroras, but also the mechanized civilization threaten div
With an unusual starting procedure, the U.S. space agency Nasa has successfully launched its satellite “Iris” into space. On board an aircraft, the “Pegasus” carrier rocket was launched into the air with “Iris” from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
About 160 kilometers from the coast at nearly 12,000 meters, the missile was disconnected and ignited. After a 13-minute flight, the satellite finally reached orbit.
The 2.1 meters long and 180 kilograms “Iris” to deliver from orbit with an ultraviolet telescope new knowledge about the Sun. This is, among other space weather with the solar wind can be predicted better that can affect the operation of communication systems on Earth.
The solar satellites should also clarify why the corona of the sun can be up to ten million degrees Celsius, while on the surface of the sun “only” temperatures of about 6000 degree rule. Compared to other NASA projects is “Iris” with a cost of $ 182 million mission an extremely convenient.
High-resolution photos in seconds
The telescope can make in seconds high resolution photos of the hitherto little-studied deep atmosphere of the Sun, which lies between the surface and the corona. The corona, the halo is characteristic spreads over several million kilometers.
In the lower atmosphere behind the UV rays of the sun that affect the Earth’s climate occur. Moreover, the region of origin of the solar wind of charged particles.
From the designed at least two-year mission, the NASA researchers also hope to shed light on the question of how the solar winds arise. In addition to the time points at which solar winds heading towards the Earth, can be predicted better.
because solar winds can have dangerous consequences: you can overload and collapse power grids, communications and navigation satellites put out of action and endanger astronauts and flight attendants
solar storms are a threat
experts have long warned that solar storms are a serious threat to our technology-dependent society. The civilization was ill-prepared for this threat.
solar storms it has always existed in the earth, but only the increasingly mechanized civilization is susceptible. Damage caused by solar flares are occupied already by the beginning of the electrical age to. A particularly strong solar storm had broken in about September 1859, the just-introduced telegraph lines, sparked fires in telegraph stations and produced auroras that were still visible in Rome and Havana.
today threatened serious consequences. So put a study of the UK electricity and gas utility National Grid UK suggest that such an event could cut some regions for several months from the power supply today.
Ifspectacular polar lights
The coronal mass ejections of the sun have an aesthetic side: the spectacular Northern Lights. The natural phenomenon occurs when the Earth is being bombarded by the sun with electrically charged particles. Every second, the sun hurls a million tons of electrically charged particles into space that flood the entire solar system.
This mostly consists of electrons and protons in the solar wind meets with speeds up to 750 kilometers per second on the earth. The high-energy particle bombardment would irradiate our home planet mortally that he possessed with its magnetic field is not an invisible cage.
The Earth’s magnetic field acts like a protective cocoon around the dangerous particle deflected around the Earth. Again and again, however, overcome charged particles from the solar wind, the magnetic shield.
In general, there are electrons traveling along the field lines of the earth’s magnetic field to penetrate into the polar regions of the ionosphere, where the typical trigger auroras.
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