Despite the protests of thousands of Google user closes at 1 July the RSS feed. The Internet company wants to lure users to Google+. However, for users to offer alternatives. From Benedict Fuest
The Internet giant Google closes with today’s news aggregator RSS reader – and users are up in arms against it. Ever since Google in March announced the end of the popular service, more than 153,000 readers signed various petitions for obtaining fans.
They protest loudly on forums and social networks, plead with the makers of Mountain View to a revision of the decision – and bite on granite. Google did not relent and closes the service. The number of users is broken, the programmer in the Reader team would be required for other tasks – a justification that seems contrived in the face of dozens of much less popular Google services to the hair
But the decision to end the reader makes sense, considering it as part of a new product policy at Google: way of open standards such as RSS, to a more Google-centric world of its own products and services are always preferable – whether that makes sense from the perspective of the user or not
Google’s co-founder and CEO Larry Page was in mid-May 2013 prompted the opening of Google IO developer conference, the competition to more cooperation in the network: “ I wish me more open standards that simply work and more companies that support it, “he said – but his product management diametrically contradicts this message
users must look for alternatives
RSS is a simple standard, users can subscribe to the news and blog entries from different sources. Google Reader had established whether its simple operation and its ability to search the RSS posts as standard.
Now the users have to look for an alternative, but so far no one can recreate the hastily programmed successor to Google’s fundamentally important search function. Since many intensive users sent recommendations to their friends in social networks from within the Reader, fear bloggers and IT news sites like Techcrunch already a collapse of public readership.
Elsewhere, too, the Group ended the support of open standards: Users of Google’s chat programs can be most recently, not via the open standard Jabber reach – the new version of “Hangouts” cuts support, who wants mitchatten must sign in to Google directly.
open Google browser home page iGoogle want the group shut down in November, and force users to switch to Google+ so. Withdrawing from the CalDav standard for comparison of calendar data between your organizer programs from different manufacturers, Google had also announced in March – after loud protest organizers call various providers Google revised the decision for now
Google standards should preferably be
With all these choices Google has pursued one goal: users should be forced to rely on Google’s own standards, all the lip service of Google chief Page notwithstanding. Instead of reading news via Reader, users should share them in Google’s social network Google+, rather than with open chat programs they should chat via Hangouts.
However, Google could miscalculate with this offensive. The Reader was about the most important reason to log permanently to Google particularly for intensive users. Their discoveries in the net they could recommend from there directly to the social network Google+.
With the end of the reader that motivation is not necessary. Rather more users to permanently bind to Google+, Google could have scared important opinion makers in the network. The users will look for alternatives to Google the more standards are no longer supported, more often.
beneficiaries of this trend are already those who are working on alternative solutions: The news aggregator Digg has just launched in time a reader’s successor, as the ailing online service AOL, or Startup Feedly. Mail or online services also offer Microsoft Office or on Yahoo.
The end users of the reader reminded not to trust all online activities of a single company. Only those who use as many different providers, the big forces in power permanently to cooperate.
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