Youtube is now offering selected channels only against payment. As part of the newly launched pilot program content providers can charge a monthly subscription fee for access to their videos. This starts at 99 cents a month and is paid over Google Wallet.
all pay channels can be 14 days free trial. Also can give their customers a discount if they choose an annual subscription as Youtube explains in a blog entry.
To start53 pay channels are available, including HDNet, UFC and digital PGA Golf Academy. Some of these channels cost up to $ 9.99 per month. They are paying more than $ 2 U.S. customers of Netflix streaming portal as a monthly fee.
The pilot program is Google’s latest attempt to win away from commercials, content providers for its video platform YouTube. The Internet company retains 45 percent of the revenues generated by new payment channels. Smaller competitors like Vimeo owners speak some time with paid on-demand videos, to control the spread and generate revenue.
The Financial Times already had reported earlier this week of an impending launch the paid subscription channels. Youtube himself confirmed in February that it was planning a such an offer. They wanted to go beyond the existing business models and rental advertising, it said. Owners could use the channels for series, movies or TV shows.
In the announcement on Youtube Pilotgrogramm writes that it would be extended in the coming weeks to other “qualified partners.” Until then, owners have the option to register using a form for the pay channels.
from Germany, access to the pay channels not previously possible. In this country, users receive only the Note. “This fee-based channel is not available in your country”
[with Josh Lowensohn material,]
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