Friday, May 31, 2013

Movie2k: streaming successor to is turned off - ABC Online

One of the most visited websites in Germany is offline: Perhaps the investigations have resulted in the shutdown of the case movie portal Movie2k. The Public Prosecutor in Dresden has long been illegal streaming services before.

Since Wednesday, the net community speculation about the sudden disappearance of the popular movie portal Movie2k that the free standing allowed by current films and television series – but not legal. As the “world” reported on its website, an action of the Attorney General’s Dresden as part of the investigation to the previous portal could have triggered the shutdown of the site.

“There are traces of to defendants who have contact with Movie2k should have, “said Attorney General Wolfgang Klein on request of the newspaper. “We think it is obvious that the shutdown of Movie2k is a result of our investigation.” To concrete measures, Klein was referring to “an ongoing investigation” not comment. Also the possible link to a dawn raid on Wednesday he would not comment.

The prosecutors had let search the apartment of a Lower Saxony, but by the nickname of “hologram” 120 000 movies, especially in, last should have also uploaded on Movie2k. The man was but confessed and cooperating, so he could remain at large, said Klein.

The Dresden prosecutors determine long been in the area of ??illegal streaming services. Their research had led to the end of the known streaming portal, 2011. Movie2k then had become the successor of the former rivals and surpasses to reach. Even on Thursday Movie2k ranked at number 17 of the most visited websites in Germany.

“If those in charge of Movie2k should have shut their illegal offer itself, we interpret this as a first signal of their readiness for the damage the film industry not to deepen even further, “said Matthias Leonardy, Managing Director of the Company for the prosecution of copyright infringement (GVU), the” world “. He urged Movie2k-leaders to “clear up the wrong committed.”

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