Thursday, May 2, 2013

Telecom: flat rate capping for all customers, managed services for all providers - Heise Newsticker

contemplated by the Telekom caps on the monthly data traffic in fixed flat rates for all DSL customers will meet no later than 2018. Then all fixed lines to be converted to the All-IP technology, Telekom confirmed to the newspaper The World , the customers would have to accept the new terms and conditions. It was previously known that from the second Contracts from new customers may just contain the new rules.

However, whether it will stay with the announced ceilings, is questionable, writes the newspaper. “Who knows how the data will look like in 2018 borders We are living in a very dynamic industry,” Thus said the Germany-chief of Deutsche Telekom, Niek Jan van Damme. For All-IP is already more than one million of the 11 million broadband subscribers

had decided.

Telekom also led loud van Damme talks with content providers who want to see their services other than the data volume – similar to the telecom TV service Entertain that the Deutsche Telekom not considered as a “managed service” as normal Internet traffic . His company wanted to “managed services” offer non-discriminatory, that is, with each talk about the logs at Telekom. The Agency is currently investigating whether “regulatory action” is necessary in order to maintain transparency and net neutrality.

Deutsche Telekom CEO René Obermann had argued that the IPTV service Entertain as a “managed service” can not be regarded as a regular internal traffic and therefore reflects the deduction of the telecom IPTV data volume from the volume limit does not constitute a violation of net neutrality. The Telecom IPTV service Entertain is not a typical Internet service, but a regulated through the state media authorities separate television and media platform, for which customers paid an additional fee. Entertain is thus an exception because it was a “managed service”, under which the Group guarantees the quality. “Entertain is a different data stream on the same line and therefore a managed service, and no regular Internet traffic,” said a spokesman for Deutsche Telekom. Regular Internet services were not subject to discrimination.

However, such “managed services”, which replace the traditional data streams, the goal of the telecom carriers as they with the so-called Next Generation Networks (NGN) and its IP Multimedia Subsystem want to achieve. Based on IP is the Internet so that a collection of “managed services” under the control of the carrier. These are then available for further monetization available. Each traffic type, whether it is, for example, traffic to web pages, streaming music or video transfers, then only a particular expression of a “managed service” in the NGN. From a best-effort network like the Internet, where all data is transported in the best possible way indiscriminately, such next-generation networks are far away – and the reasoning, Entertain is a special service that has nothing to do with the Internet, would be invalid.

See also:

  • The silent power struggle – Next Generation Networks: How to network operators and equipment manufacturers to introduce the future of telecommunications networks
  • Fiber to the Neverland – Telekom VDSL vectoring instead of pushing fiber
  • The mask falls – Telekom, bandwidth throttling and net neutrality
  • bandwidth throttling: Telecom severs landline flat rates
  • Telekom begins with conversion of conventional telephone lines to VoIP
  • (anw)

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