Neubeuern – Antonia Kilger familiar technology. “Since nothing can go wrong,” says the 18-year-old. The twelfth grade high school student at the boarding school Schloss Neubeuern one of the first in Germany who do not write their school on paper, but on tablet computers. 28 more high school graduates of the prestigious private school you do it right, when starting the written final examinations in Bavaria on Friday.
No blackboard, no chalk, no magazines, no books – instead, futuristic desks with docking station for PC: The classroom of the future is in the castle near Rosenheim long life. Teachers and students refrain here from the ninth grade on ink and paper, instead, all students have a tablet PC. They write on the screen with an electronic pen. The software recognizes the handwriting of the student. Work will be digitally collected by the teacher.
This principle isTested in everyday teaching at Castle Neubeuern for years – now is the first paperless Abiturjahrgang the next step on. According to the school, it should act in Germany the first tests of this kind.
electronic spiking is impossibleOnly
have the cult bureaucracy in Munich the suggestion been skeptical about or hostile to head Jorg Muller recalls. “But then we were able to convince the lawyers in the Ministry of Culture.” Closed networks to ensure that high school graduates do not have access to data from outside, so they can not peek electronically. You get for exams new laptops provided by the school, in which only a single program is installed.
the students, however, may only write to the input pins The first school on the Tablet PC – The QWERTY keyboard is also taboo. “We’re not there yet arrived where we want to go,” says Müller. The problem: with the keyboard it writes much faster than with the pen, and the time for the Abi-exams is required by law. Müller’s suggestion on how to solve the dilemma could be: “What would it be like if instead of five hours for the German high school diploma would get only four and a half hours?” The head teacher is confident that his charges would accept that.
For now the keyboard doesban that 65 percent of the students-their German Abitur – and only these – but still write on paper. Without this all the papers are printed by the electronic charge and corrected in ink and archived for several years. Müller also wants to abolish but still.
“It was exciting and went on bumpy”Antonia learns Kilger for four years, only using her tablet PC. “At first I thought it was cool, but then came to doubt,” the petite young woman who wants to study business administration or law later recalled. “After a year, but all doubts were gone.”
classmate Christopher Hardy was confused with the Tablet PC in the first weeks. “It was exciting and was bumpy,” says the 18-year-old. “But if Neubeuern makes something, then completely.” All reservations were dispelled after a short time.
English teacher Sebastian Görlitz is then also confident that when the first digital Baccalaureate everything goes well. “The students have a very few problems with it,” says the 31-year-old. Some of the older teachers would do more difficult with the change. “But we younger accept it”
The Ministry of Culture
the premiere closely monitored. “We gather first experiences as a high school in the context of equal treatment of all students can also be written on a PC,” said ministry spokesman Ludwig Unger.
The unique selling point as the first paperless school in Germany is apparently good. On the Schlossberg Neubeuern just created an extension with 35 new boarding places. 180 home and 50 day students will have in the castle with turrets picturesque place. Who wants to send his child to Neubeuern, but must have a well-filled bank account: Just the boarding fee is 2840 euros per month, deposit and registration fee added
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