Berlin – Kai Ser “! Strategically exactly the wrong way” applied, he commented on the Facebook page, the new online tariffs of Deutsche Telekom. “I can not boast of more bandwidth and limit the volume of data!” What is happening on Monday evening on the telecom side of the social network since the announcement of the new prices, can be described as “Shit Storm”. Hundreds users express their displeasure – and not always they remain objectively
Telekom shows little surprised. “The fact that there would be some strong reactions in the network, we had expected,” said spokesman Philip Blank.
But the current market development leave the company no other option. “More and more bandwidth can not be financed with ever-lower prices,” the spokesman adds. The consequence of the Telecom: From May, get new customers internet instead of the usual volume of a flat rate tariff. That is, they can not surf the Internet almost unlimited, download files, watch movies or listen to music. From a data set of 75 gigabytes for beginners final. Who sucks more data from the network, do for the rest of the month at a snail’s pace – he booked or charged to capacity. “We have assumed that we technically do not implement the limitation before 2016,” says the telecom.
the end user then gets the regulated amount of data at high speed, the Group and its critics evaluated differently. The volume is sufficient for ten movies in standard definition and three movies in HD quality, expects the telecom ago. Additionally could hear 60 hours 16 hours play Internet radio, and online, the customer. Currently, the average user only consumes 15 to 20 gigabytes per month.
The lowest tariff would permit just to watch a movie in HD quality every third day, says Markus Beckedahl, blogger and chairman of Digital Society. “Then you have nachwerfen money.” His club is committed to civil rights and consumer protection in the network. In his eyes, the plans of the Telecom are not up to date. For a family with two teenage children, who also took advantage of video services like Youtube and listened to music via streaming services are 75 gigabytes is not enough.
But the volume limitation is not the only thing that bothers net activists. “Deutsche Telekom not only begins with getting out of the flat. It begins with the phase-out of network neutrality, “says Beckedahl. Several years ago, I started in the mobile telecom separate individual services from the package in order to make more money. The same is now happening in the fixed network with the video services. By throttling customers should be “forced” to book additional services. Separately offered TV deals namely Telekom should be excluded from the volume limit. Offerings from other vendors, for example, video rental services are not. This is a clear disadvantage and a violation of net neutrality. This ensures far is that there is no faster transport of certain data.
Telekom contrary. Television is just like Internet telephony is already a separate service which is paid by the customer. All other internet services – including the Telekom – would be treated equally. The Federal Network Agency you are unobtrusively. An attack on net neutrality could not recognize the authority says a spokesman. Specific complaints of competitors have not yet been received by the Authority. The competition looks at first, as the telecom through with their model. About Vodafone announced that there were no plans for a restriction.
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