Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dresden district court explained radio cells query on demo for unlawful - Times Online

2011 pinpointed the police in Dresden all phones a demo – and must now delete the data again. Because in two of three cases, they would have the data may not be raised.

protesters block on February 19, 2011 an access road to the main station in Dresden against a neo-Nazi rally. Protesters block 19 February 2011 an access road to the main station in Dresden against a neo-Nazi rally.

The police have the radio cells query the demonstration on 19 February 2011 in Dresden unlawfully conducted. A spokesman for the Regional Court Dresden confirmed TIME ONLINE that has violated the collection and storage of cell phone data connection against the law in two of three cases – so that the data collected must be deleted.

At the request of the prosecutor in Dresden were around 19 February dozens of radio cells were queried. The police had stated that they want to find the action, whether suspects who had attacked in the past, police officers took part in the demonstration. Anyone who was in the Dresden Suedvorstadt and had a logged mobile phone in your pocket, has been captured. The police filed more than a million records and more than 54,000 mobile phone users, the so-called master data (name, address).


Leipzig People’s Daily writes citing the Left even more than a million records with over 320,000 circulation numbers. The District Court of Dresden had the radio cells query initially approved and then explains his own decision to be legal. The decision established the Court so that the offenses were followed by significant importance and therefore the queries were necessary and appropriate.


now disagreed with the district court. Mainly for technical reasons, the two radio cells queries were declared to be unlawful in the Semper Opera, the spokesman said ZEIT ONLINE. This decision was taken on 17 Hit April, but only now become known. Why the decision has not been made public, the spokesman TIME ONLINE could not explain.

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