Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Infineon a leading role in European technology research project – Tiroler Tageszeitung Online

Villach (APA) – Intelligent and adaptive factories, that is the goal of the research project “SemI40″ cooperate in the total of 37 partners from five European countries under the auspices of Infineon Austria. The aim is to improve the competitiveness of European industry, Infineon’s Management Board Sabine Herlitschka said Tuesday at the project presentation in Villach.

A total of 62 million euros bringing EU, the countries and companies involved for on. “We use technologies of the industry to 4.0, while production systems are to be developed,” Herlitschka said. This is about nothing less than the creation of jobs of the future. This requires also secure data communication, work will also to an automation in the decision. Herlitschka stressed that it was not trying to save jobs: “The question is much more, how many jobs are at risk if industry 4.0 does not come.”

Peter Schiefer, the Infineon group for the production of competent Board, said at the cooperation it was important to bring a “critical mass” into existence in order to survive in global competition. Infineon operate six factories in Europe, “We are happy to produce itself”, which must, however, also be profitable.

said Willy Van Puymbroeck of the European Commission, the digitization of the manufacturing industry was the Commission a priority. Only in this way can remain competitive Europe. But one also take quite a lot of money in hand, namely EU 50 billion euros by the year 2020. However, it was not just about the technology leadership, but also about getting people on in this way.

the lead for the project start, took about one year Herlitschka reported. Monday and Tuesday was then in Villach prelude place, in which all project partners were represented. The research is divided into so-called work packages, which will be implemented by the partners. “The fact that we have been awarded the contract, was a great success,” said Herlitschka. After all, if it were one of the EU’s biggest research projects in terms of industry 4.0

~ WEB http://www.infineon.com/austria ~ APA375 2016-05-31 / 14:. 50


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