Thursday, April 7, 2016

Network Agency allows Telekom controversial vectoring expansion – Ludwig Kreiszeitung

Bonn (dpa) -. The German Telekom receives in Germany green light for expanding faster Internet connections using the controversial Vectoring technology

The Agency shall provide its decision now the EU Commission prior to release. offer Plan of Telekom, for approximately six million households faster Internet based on the conventional copper wires, had triggered heated discussions in recent months.

competitors spoke of a “re-monopolisation” and criticized, among other things, that thus the fiber expansion will away their profit base in the regions. For technical reasons, more than 100 000 lines have the Vectoring be disconnected by competitors.

Network Agency CEO Jochen Homann said on Thursday the revised draft grab on constructive proposals. Among other things, competitors of Telekom compared to the first proposal now develop more proximity zones even with vectoring. And they should be able to make a vectoring expansion even if the Telekom completely serves an area with fiber optic connections to the home. In addition, the Telekom is to be assigned to her suggestion with sanctions if they did not comply expansion promises

At the same time Homann said principle of the plan. “We come after double-intensive analysis to conclude that a vectoring expansion of vicinities helps to promote the deployment of broadband networks. There are stifling competition overridden other technologies will be wiped out. “

With the vectoring technology can on the existing copper lines, which were previously used alone to call, at least theoretically, a speed of up to 100 megabits be achieved per second. The Telekom is committed to open up 2018 with vicinities of the technology by the end.

The Telekom commented cautiously. It seems that their competitors would get more opportunities Vectoring develop exclusively in the vicinities. “It is critical because a complete removal of the vicinities can only succeed if it can be done to balance economic and uneconomic areas,” said a spokesman.

From the Association of telecom competitors VATM, the last in the months already campaigned against the plans, came new criticism. The Network Agency ignore remains largely the impact of the economic potential of fiber expansion, explained VATM CEO Jürgen Grützner. The investment competition law could be at “very central place” in favor of the incumbent. What is important now, what specific improvements for the competitors had been made in the new draft. but given there is still no concrete information.

Also the Federation fiber connection pointed out that only the text of the decision must be awaited. Among others was important means by which the network agency would ensure that competitors could develop more proximity zones.

The head of Oldenburg telecommunications and energy provider EWE, Matthias Brückmann, did not rule out a case to court. “We must await the full reasons, but we are on the basis of the information available to date, disappointed by the decision,” he said.

Communication from the Federal Network Agency


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