Monday, March 14, 2016

Computer CeBIT: Digital transformation captured German economy – Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung

Hannover . With a multi-billion dollar ten-point plan, the federal government wants to avoid a gap between Germany and the digital transformation.

The strategy of Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) includes a focus on fiber lines and building a digital agency as a control center. On the IT fair CeBIT the industry warned meanwhile of setbacks by hesitant grid expansion and professionals deficiency.

The “Digital Strategy 2025″ wanted Gabriel to open the world’s largest IT- imagine fair CeBIT in Hannover on Monday evening. “The successful digital transformation of our economy is a prerequisite for maintaining and strengthening our competitiveness,” said the Vice-Chancellor. “Our goal is to make Germany the most modern industrial site.”

The industry association BDI warned against economic backwardness of Germany due to the “dramatic faltering” expansion of digital networks. It is “imminent danger,” said BDI President Ulrich Grillo. “Our country is far from a high-performance digital infrastructure.”

From the perspective of the Ministry of Economy must not remain at the goal, Internet connections to a speed of 50 expand megabits per second. By 2025, there must be a Gigabit fiber are, going from the strategy paper produced.

With an average speed of 11 megabits per second you surf in Germany just about half fast as in South Korea, criticized Vodafone Germany chief Hannes Ametsreiter. “Germany’s digital future will not be decided on the copper wire, but with the gigabit fast fiber.”

The necessary investments in infrastructure by 2025 is estimated at 100 billion euros. This should come from the Ministry, especially from private investors. but is also proposed an investment fund for networks in rural areas. With its volume of around EUR 10 billion additional investment is to be triggered. For more venture capital flows into young companies that conditions should be improved.

The digitization solves meanwhile from first revolutions in the German economy. Four out of ten companies brought new products or services in the course of change in the market, the industry association Bitkom said at CeBIT. At the same time

had therefore accept offers from the market and every eighth company. For digitizing include the networking of machines and everyday objects, the analysis of their data and resulting new business models , Europe is only just beginning legal debates that would result from the change, EU Digital Commissioner Günther Oettinger said in Hanover.

Many more companies in Germany store IT projects because they can not find suitable professionals for it. In a survey by the industry association VDI gave this year a good 52 percent of outsourcing as a solution to the problem of. In last year’s survey, the proportion was still just below 40 percent.

“That must give us pause,” warned the VDI Director Technology and Science, Dieter Westerkamp. Because so just the know-how “about the things that make the digital transformation” will be outsourced.

The next fast wireless data generation 5G can Germany but more weight bring in the tech business. “We have largely lost as in Germany in the information and communications technology,” said Bruno Jacobfeuerborn, VDE-President and also technical director of Deutsche Telekom. “Now is a unique opportunity to change that with 5G.” A big advantage is the combination of auto industry and experience in sensors.

The CeBIT launched on Monday and runs until Friday. The number of exhibitors remained stable 3300.



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