Thursday, March 31, 2016

If the technology makes you want to Fitness –


Image: Sensoria

fitness apps, pedometer, portable technologies – the sports world has long passed the step into the digital world and leaves you wanting more. Previously only ambitious athletes have written their training – now the smartphone assumes almost automatically

From (ee), 01 April 2016

. sporting goods industry no longer struggling long with chic shoes and functional clothing for the favor of the athlete. Even with technology wants to conquer the world of sports. In addition lure online sports studios with workouts and training schedules in the living room, fitness apps can find access to smartphones and portable instruments for health monitoring can now measure more than just the heartbeat.

Apps runtastic, MyFitnessPal, Apple Health or Shealth and many more: with fitness apps athletes can document their activities, undertake training plans or their weight, their diet and even monitor their sleep. “Humans can thus compare themselves. How much I have done this week? How many times I was running and how much it was in the previous week?” Said Runtastic founder Florian Gschwandtner the app trend. “You can network with peers and share success with others. Men tend indeed to bring in competition factor and trying to compare yourself with others.” Exactly these functions can accept apps.

The hurdle to go to a fitness trainer or to register in the studio, is still high for many. Now you can try it at home, invites an app down, logs in and jumps right. “The coach has been digitized.” Access to sport and physical activity is therefore easier than ever

Wearables:. The sale of so-called wearables, such as bracelets and watches, measure the distances covered or calories and steps count is rising rapidly. Although Fitness Tracker technically not yet fully developed and include the steps and calorie consumption are not always very precise: like sports, they make all

By the way. As a global leader in wearables applies the US- company Fitbit, which last June has gone public. But the competition is greater. The technology giant Apple is advancing into the sports world with his watch. The sports companies themselves to invest in technology. For example, Adidas has an eye on it – that showed the German sports company with the purchase of the Linz app developer Runtastic last year. Also Runtastic has long been not just Apps for sports on offer. Also bracelets and watches and balances are in portfolio

Smart Scales for body analysis. was the conventional bathroom scale yesterday – modern body analysis scales also measure the percentage of body fat, the amount of water and the amount of muscle mass. The measurements are carried out by electrodes that pass a small current through the body. The balance then calculated based on the resistance values.

It is important to weigh yourself always at the same time of day. In addition, one should not immediately after showering on the scale. One hundred percent accuracy of values ​​there is not usually. But: We can see a change, for example, if one changes the diet or operates more sports. And that should be motivation for more

Videos: Anyone in non-real coach or Apps wants to bring action can do so via online videos. About platforms like Youtube today is a variety of sometimes even free training programs. Easy to join in the living room: Yoga, Pilates, weight training, training and more. The coach makes it on the screen before – even makes one’s home with

heart rate monitor:. is a classic and from the training routine is not indispensable: the heart rate monitor including chest strap for heart rate measurement. Not only professionals use pulse watches for targeted training. Even beginners can use the monitoring her pulse run their training better and check whether they work out in the appropriate area of ​​the heart rate. Thus, even an overtaxing be avoided.


173 million Wearables: from 29 million units in 2014 to around 76 million in the previous year has increased sales of fitness bracelets and similar products. According to market research firm IDC could 2019 then world more than 173 million are deducted.

EUR 15.1 million noisy the “Digital Market Outlook” of statistics Portals statista implemented in 2016 in the segment “fitness” in Austria. This segment, portable, networked fitness equipment and digital fitness and nutrition applications for the smartphone and / or tablet. According to the forecast a market volume of EUR 27.5 million will be achieved in 2020.

600,000 users of wearables and apps, there are currently in Austria. The largest group of them (200,000) are persons between 25 and 34 years old. The second largest group is that of the 16- to 24-year-old.


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Technology: IT error leads to double charges for savings bank customers – THE WORLD

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IT error results in double charges at Sparkasse customers

problem with debit cards apparently relates to various banks


Hedge fund returns tech startups back – IPOs disappoint – THE WORLD

(Bloomberg) – Hedge funds have become recently picky when it comes to technology startups. They had previously helped the reviews exaggerated to a level that could rival the dot-com era.

involved in last month hedge funds to so few venture capital rounds of US technology companies like since no longer in 2013 – with just two transactions. This is evident from data from market researcher Pitchbook Data Inc. out.

Even Tiger Global Management LLC, an early supporter of Facebook and LinkedIn with assets under management of 20 billion dollars, returns its own commitment. Smaller companies grow even completely.

Behind the caution of hedge funds is the fact that last Startups could not keep their promises. In addition, some companies have in the face of disappointing tech IPOs held longer to renounce their IPO – which for investors means that they have to wait for possible gains longer.

The reluctance of hedge funds and other investors is forcing startups to reduce the cost to put staff on the door and from stricter conditions when gathering engage financial resources.

“We have completely stopped doing to invest in non-listed tech companies,” says Jeremy Abelson, portfolio manager at Irving Investors, a small hedge fund in New York. “I’m through with non-tangible reviews, unknown exits, unknown liquidity. I want my money now stuck in something in which I do not necessarily achieved a lottery win, but that immediately yields a return.”

between the third and fourth quarter of 2015, hedge funds have involved 38 percent less global transactions with venture capital backing showing Pitchbook data. The total volume of completed deals was therefore in the period of 9.1 billion to $ 4.6 billion US dollars back.

The tech firms who probably not developed as hoped after its IPO, one the of Esty Inc. the company lost since the IPO a year ago, almost half of its market value.

Square Inc. and Match Group Inc. rallied their IPOs less money than expected. The issue price of Square of nine dollars per share was among those $ 15.46, which had been made in the last private financing round before the IPO. The title of Match are currently trading below their issue price.

According to data from Irving Investors tech investors were in 2013 an average yield of 160 percent between the last private financing round and IPO expected. In the second half of 2015, the average income therefore fell to 29 percent.

Large hedge funds have but US tech startups by no means completely turned their backs, they are only become more cautious. Tiger Global Management, which describes itself as an investment fund with a separate venture division, realized in 2015 a total of four US investments – compared with twelve a year earlier, as evidenced by statistics from CB Insights

“This is not a liquid asset class,” says Ilan Nissan, a partner at Goodwin Proctor, a consultant to hedge funds and venture capital funds. “You have to be willing to sit out there and not be able every day to know the value. Since the IPO market is moving sideways, it makes sense for them to refrain from these assets class.”

© 2016 Bloomberg LP

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Monday, March 28, 2016

Technology: US investigators have iPhone of assassins without help Apple … – THE WORLD

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US investigators have iPhone of assassin unaided Apples cracked

waiver of court proceedings against technology group


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Crealogix growing briskly – financial and economic

Foreign business helps the digital banking specialists to more growth than expected. The profitability is within reach.

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The Swiss Bankensoftware- and IT service Crealogix the first half better (end of December) cut off as a self-provided. Sales were 16% increased to nearly 28 million francs. Following a loss in the same period last year of 6.3 million Swiss francs to step Ebitda this now is just positive. Also, the operating loss was significantly, to 1.5 million Swiss francs, reduced (previous year:. -7.6m Fr)

The positive revenue development proceeds according to Chief Financial Officer Rolf Lichtin to the growing demand of. banks for additional modules and solid growth abroad, especially in Great Britain, back. Crealogix has invested in recent years strongly in foreign markets and is now 37% beyond the Swiss border to. In the medium term, the company wants to make every second franc abroad.

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Crealogix with lower loss – financial and economic

The software and IT services has exceeded forecasts in the first half of 2015/16 due to the implementation of the new corporate strategy.

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(AWP), a software and IT service Crealogix ( CLXN 82 – 2:38% ) has some performed better in the first six months of the current fiscal year 2015/16 planned as himself. The Group posted sales growth of 16% to 27.9 million Swiss francs, with the proportion of international revenue to 37% (previous year 26%) increase.

The thorough and consistent implementation of the corporate strategy has proved its worth , it is said in a statement on Wednesday. The Ebitda improved significantly to +0.12 million compared to -6.27 million in the previous year, the operating loss at level Ebit amounted meanwhile to 1.52 million (previous year -7.63 million.).

the improvement in the result went the one hand back to the already announced in the annual report measures to increase revenues and reduce costs. On the other hand, have benefited from the increased efficiency of scalable product platform and the transfer of development services in nearshore / offshore locations, it is said to

For the second half of 2015/2016, the outlook is revised upwards.: Crealogix expects full-year sales growth of over 20% over the previous year and thus with an annual turnover of over 60 million Fr. “We expect this increase by growing net revenue, a further revenue consolidation from the transaction ELAXY, a better utilization of the business with our existing customers and acquiring new customers, “the company writes. the initial situation and the current market opportunities as “very good” judges.

The complete history to Crealogix page. “



Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Virtual Reality inspires porn industry – Ludwig Kreiszeitung

Austin (AP) – The young woman seems close enough to touch. It is as if she was bodily kneel before a. If one takes a head to the right side, the view goes through the room. One sees a sofa, on which more naked women lolling.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is one of the hottest trends in technology scene. Also for the porn industry will open up new possibilities. Photo: Rainer Jensen


What seems so real, is a trip to the Virtual Reality (VR) – currently the absolute trend in the tech industry. Per data goggles immersed the audience into another world. With 360-degree videos he can look in all directions and gives the impression of being part of the action. For the porn industry the new technology for gold mine seems to be.

“Everything is much more intense,” says about Ela Darling, the designated and himself as “first VR cam girl in the world” customers from Los Angeles entertains on webcam. “The men really have the feeling of being in my room.” This year will incredibly, predicts the 29-year-old on a VR Conference in Austin, Texas. The art of successful breakthrough and for industry and consumers new possibilities

opened up And indeed. After developer of VR goggles have long tinkering with the technology, now appear numerous new models, such as Sony , Samsung or HTC. Samsung manager Martin Börner recently announced: The market for virtual reality will this year grow by more than four times to a volume of 3 billion dollars (2.7 billion euros)

The porn industry earns a lot. with: According to forecasts of US analysts an annual turnover of one billion dollars (900 million euros) is expected at the VR-porn to 2025th However, production has its price: “The costs are high, especially in the 360 ​​degree films,” says Dinorah Hernandez of the Spanish production company BaDoinkVR. You are about twice as expensive as conventional porn.

Many VR movies are filmed from the first-person perspective, as she explains. The audience is mostly found in the position of a man again, having sex with one or more women. “It is for the actors quite getting used because the woman takes care of the more dominant part and the man ideally as little as possible appears in the picture.”

A pioneer among production companies is VirtualRealPorn who went to the start, 2014. “In an ordinary porn You have to look at what the director decides,” said one of the founders of the tech portal “». In VR, the actress was directly in front of you and you can even choose if they wanted to look her in the eyes or on other body parts.

The company goes one step and cooperates with a manufacturer of toys. In practical terms, to synchronize the action in the film about a software with the device. The more effective hardware and software that are matched to each other, the more intense was the experience

Even Darling, who has been in business for seven years, believes. In the industry will happen in the years to come a lot. But what do the VR porn with consumers? “There are so many lonely people. Not everyone can go out and just find a partner, “says the” Cam-Girl “.

call to the couple therapist Ann-Marlene Henning, who became known for his television documentary series” Make Love “. “As always when something new comes, and VR-porn to trigger a big hype,” she says. And: “There can be a problem”

It was probably lying individually different if he could separate the from real life and from time to doing or if he loses himself in such worlds, says Henning.. There was “weak souls” who already would get difficulties in excessive consumption of conventional porn, engage in real people – perhaps because they felt pressured

In intimate relationships is their view cause problems. if one partner abtauche. And some singles would need no more trouble enter, go out. People who have inhibitions to get in touch with others that would no longer also. “In extreme cases, real sexuality is replaced, because many find the sex in the virtual world easier.”

Gene Munster on

Report Techcrunch interview Kovalsky

event at SXSW VR Conference


portal of Ela Darling

Homepage of Henning

“Make Love” – ​​new episodes on ZDF in summer


Monday, March 21, 2016

Tech that gets under your skin –

Status: 15/03/2016 15:43

by Oliver Strunk

Annkathrin Gebel from Salzgitter looks still a bit skeptical. She stands behind her boyfriend Christian Maercker who wants to benefit from the “Happy Hour” the company Digiwell at CeBIT in Hannover. In Hall 8 but there is no free beer, but a free chip implant. Maercker is open to new and enthusiastic about technology. He had heard of this free opportunity at the fair and has therefore come specifically to the state. . Even his girlfriend is open to it, but rather waits until while to see how the friend survives the procedure

Hello Niedersachsen

passwords and car keys you no longer need in the future perhaps. A chip under the skin opens up new possibilities. At the CeBIT computer fair can test him.

“Am I now a cyborg?”

the chip is protected in a capsule, is about 1.5 centimeters long and is “injected” into the body between the thumb and forefinger. Even if the skin is slightly anesthetized with an ointment, you can feel that. “But take blood is worse,” said Maercker. “So now I’m a Cyborg,” he asks Aamal Graafstra who has set him the chip grade. “Yes, welcome,” replies the implanter, the even for eleven years has a chip in his hand. The entrepreneur from Seattle provides the technology that is constantly evolving for the German company Digiwell. Graafstra opens with its chip not only doors in his home, he starts his motorcycle, the light turns on, identifies itself on the computer.

key for the digital “smart home”

On the CeBIT, the two companies a new generation of chips in front, flexible and compact than previous implants. Graafstra has can also be a few days before implanting a new chip. A prototype. A rather large prototype, his left arm is swollen, the bruise from engaging lights still green-yellowish. That he tried the technology to itself, is understandable, but why would you do that as a normal consumer?

Christian Maercker wants to try the technique, gathers information about locks that he can incorporate into his apartment and can be opened using its new “key”. Meanwhile, already waiting the next customer. Dirk Lehmann from Münster has two magnets in the body, with which he can, for example, feel electrical fields. This week, he can also put an NFC chip. Now he can do at CeBIT the vain. Unlike Maercker he then does not upgrade his apartment. He already lives in a “smart house”, in which many devices are networked. . Now his house he already recognizes the chip in his hand, and not only on his smartphone

No safety concerns?

If the newborn Cyborgs do no fears, security concerns? “Nah, not really,” says Christian Maerker. His chip’ll be yes only read when the reader almost touching the skin, so there could tap its data not on the tram from afar. And his girlfriend? Annkathrin Gebel has but then changed her mind, she has too much respect – not before the technology, but of the pain during surgery

More information

at CeBIT in Hannover this year will be “biohacking” a big issue be: The Biohacker be voluntarily Cyber ​​Borgs – hybrid of technology and human nature. (02.03.2016) more

03.15.2016 19:30

Hello Niedersachsen

at CeBIT partner country Switzerland, that it has to offer innovative solutions in the field of digitization , Video (2:46 min)

03.15.2016 19:30

Hello Niedersachsen

Angela Merkel and the compulsory program: At CeBIT, the Chancellor made a tired impression was but quick-witted. Video (1:39 min)


Friday, March 18, 2016

Sunrise receives German major shareholder – financial and economic

CVC Capital Partners rises from the Telecom provider. The new majority shareholder is from Germany. The share up premarket.

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(AWP / MEI) Sunrise ( SRCG 65.05 – 1.06% ) has a new majority shareholder. The British investment company CVC Capital Partners has sold its stake of 23.8% of the German Freenet AG. The telecommunications service provider paid around 782 million frs.

The share up premarket to 5%.

After more than five years and the IPO last year CVC Capital Partners therefore rises from the telecommunications group. The fact that the financial investor of Sunrise could avert, had already shown in the presentation of financial results in the past week, as CVC withdrew its directors.

Freenet will continue its CEO Christoph Vilanek and CFO Joachim Preisig in Sunrise -Verwaltungsrat dispatch, as evidenced by an announcement from late Thursday. Freenet claims to be the largest network-independent mobile service provider in Germany.

“Great Opportunity”

According to a separate communication Freenet assumes million Sunrise- around 10.72 shares at a price of 72.95 CHF per piece. The Sunrise stock closed on Thursday at the SIX Swiss Exchange with a closing price of 65.05 Fr. from trading. Freenet also secured an option for another 0.73% of the shares.

With the completion of the transaction will “expected shortly”, it said further. The acquisition of CVC shares referred Freenet as a “great opportunity”. the purchase is financed by Freenet information on a bank loan.

CVC was entered 2010 after the failed merger with rival Orange at Sunrise and brought the company in February a year ago to the stock exchange. In September 2010, CVC Sunrise had purchased and then paid 3.3 billion CHF by the Danish TDC group.

Recently announced Chef Exchange

announced only a week ago Sunrise a comprehensive renovation of the Group management to: CEO Libor Voncina is replaced by Olaf Swantee. The Dutchman with Swiss passport has been announced as a boss who should do with Sunrise after the IPO the next step.

In addition, the former UBS president Peter Kurer new Chairman at Sunrise to be. He follows the CVC partner Lorne Somerville, the interim president, after the unexpected death of Dominik Koechlin last summer.

More about



Technology: Siemens sweeps in Germany 2000 Jobs – THE WORLD

Siemens sweeps in Germany 2000 points. Affected is the suffering from the fall in commodity prices division process industry and drives and in this particular locations in Bavaria, as the company announced in Munich on Wednesday. Sites should remain however, despite the cuts, the job cuts should be implemented in a socially acceptable, Siemens announced.

In other countries, are to be deleted in Division Jobs , so that a total of 2,500 jobs even eliminated. The responsible only since last year Division Head Jürgen Brandes established the job cuts to the slump in commodity markets, which have led to a significant increase in competition especially from Asia. Alone half the cut correspond in Germany Jobs is affected by the bundling of certain product lines.

The region supplies about mining companies and companies that promote oil or gas and struggling with the fall in commodity prices. The headquarters of the division is in Nuremberg. According to information of the Bayerischer Rundfunk there is also the focus of job cuts are, it’ll go up to 700 jobs.

According to the IG Metall Bayern are at Bavarian sites more than 1,800 jobs will be deleted. Affected are Ruhstorf, Bad Neustadt and Nuremberg each with several hundred jobs, also Erlangen, Berlin and Austria.

Jürgen Wechsler, director of the IG Metall District of Bavaria, criticized that “since taking office always remains promised and invoked peace in the company of CEO Joe Kaeser further out. ” The job cuts Siemens respond “reflexively and without ideas” to market changes.

However, Siemens announced at the same time for the coming years a job growth at. Since introduced by CEO Kaeser Group restructuring is now complete, the company pushing ahead with the change to digital industrial enterprises. In the coming years, this would lead to worldwide every year at least 25,000 new hires, of which about 3,000 in Germany.

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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Technology: immersion in the details of Bruegel images – THE WORLD

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sinking into the details Bruegel images

Virtual Google exhibition makes precise observation possible


Comet lowers operating profit target – financial and economic

                                                  Initial Coverage of Peter Morf 8:45

                                                     As the high-tech company announced in February, do not achieve the 2015 figures realized the previous year’s figures. This is due to unfavorable currency effects and the weak economy in key Asian markets. In addition, the profit was impacted by special items of more than 10 million Swiss francs. Excluding these effects Comet has worked effectively. In the current year the very innovative group wants to promote accelerated their strategic initiatives to develop new technologies. In addition, significant investments for the expansion at its headquarters in Flamatt. These effects press in 2016, wanted, on the operating margin. The prospects of the group is a leader in various technologies with great market potential must be assessed as very good. Comet himself is confident, what is reflected in the distribution of a constant dividend. The shares remain attractive for shareholders. At 10 am there will be a media conference.

                                                     Read about 15 pm, the detailed analysis.

The industrial enterprises has made 2015 fewer sales and lower profits. The dividend remains unchanged.
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(AWP) The Comet Group in fiscal 2015 as preannounced in February suffered a decline in sales and profits. Nevertheless, a withholding tax-exempt dividend of 11 CHF will be distributed at the same level as the manufacturer of X-ray modules and vacuum capacitors announced on Thursday. The guidance for the current year was confirmed in revenues and adjusted EBITDA down.

Already in the middle of February, Comet ( COTN 631.5 – 4.97% ) surprisingly published benchmarks for 2015 and confirms these figures on Thursday. Accordingly, the Group recorded a 2015 sales decline of almost 2% to 282.3 million frs.

The operating profit fell by more than 10% to 35.7 million CHF and the EBITDA margin by 110 basis points to 12.7%. Adjusted for currency and acquisition effects, the margin was 13.6%. Net income was all about a third to 17.1 million Fri. back, which is explained by currency translation losses, acquisition costs as well as positive special effects in the previous year and.

For the current year, the company’s in November phrased aim at level sales confirmed, but adjusted EBITDA down. with a growth of around 10% 2016 revenues 300-320 million CHF result. The EBITDA margin is expected in the new range of 11 to 13%, the current target for 2016 was 14% to 16%. The Comet group founded the reduction of planned spending as well as a planned acceleration of the strategic initiatives.

are confirmed with today’s announcement, however, the medium-term objectives by 2020, according to which with a turnover of around CHF 500 million with an EBITDA to be achieved margin of 16 to 18%.

Read the entire history of the company. “


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

IT experts call user-friendly encryption – Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung

Hannover . r. This view also joined the privacy activist and author Anke Domscheit-Berg and said: “. We have far too little knowledge of how to manipulate us through the services that we use”

According to Steckler increasing mixed use of smartphones for private and professional purposes is a huge gateway for the large-scale theft. The protection of confidential data come in the factories increasingly important, emphasized also responsible for cyber security at the aircraft manufacturer Airbus Manager Steven Rymell. Airbus see regularly exposed to cyber attacks.

Several business leaders have already lost their jobs because of to careless handling of the data protection, said the managing director of IT security company F- Secure, Christian Fredriksen. Therefore, the former Federal Data Protection Commissioner Peter Schaar called for an already fixed by the manufacturer privacy. “It should be such that the user has to do nothing more for his privacy -. That would be a sales and quality for the producer”



BMW aufgeladen mit Mühlviertler Technologie –

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Please enter your phone number

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Please enter the code of your mobile phone, including a country code, e.g .: 43664

..”); $ ( ‘Statusvw’) show (). field.focus (); } Else {if ($ ( ‘cu_change_ad_telvw’) = undefined & amp;! & Amp;. $ ( ‘Cu_change_ad_telvw’) value == ”). $ ( ‘Cu_change_ad_telvw’) value = vw.replace (/^../, ’0′); field.value = vw; $ ( ‘Status’) hide (). return true; }} Function check number (field) {$ ( ‘statusn’) hide (). vw = field.value.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); if (vw.length 0) {$ ( ‘statusn’) update ( “

Please enter your phone number

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error:’ ‘) update (.’ + msg + ‘

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An error has occurred. The mobile phone number could not be verified.
Please contact the following error message on digital @ news. at

“+ e +”

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security question
How much is 2 + 2?


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Digital offensive for Germany at CeBIT – Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung

Hannover . With a multi-billion dollar ten-point plan, the government wants a residue of Germany in the digital transformation prevent.

For “Digital Strategy 2025″ Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) includes a focus on fiber optic lines and the construction of a digital agency as a control center. It is a matter, “as we as Europeans remain competitive in this data-driven economy,” he said at the CeBIT opening ceremony. On the IT fair, the industry warned of setbacks by hesitant grid expansion and professionals deficiency.

Europe should aim, in five or ten years the world’s most powerful infrastructure to have said Gabriel. “We should not be afraid to take up this competition with the United States or Asia.” At the same time it is only just beginning.

President Johann Schneider-Ammann warned of overregulation for the CeBIT partner country Switzerland. “For while we hedge against all possible threats, we risk that more and more value chains moving to California,” he said at the opening ceremony. Freedom is the prerequisite for creativity.

The industry association BDI warned at CeBIT an economic gap between Germany and due to the “dramatic faltering” expansion of digital networks. It is “imminent danger,” said BDI President Ulrich Grillo. “Our country is far from a high-performance digital infrastructure.”

From the perspective of the Ministry of Economy must not remain at the goal, Internet connections to a speed of 50 expand megabits per second. By 2025, there must be a Gigabit fiber are, going from the strategy paper produced.

With an average speed of 11 megabits per second you surf in Germany just about half fast as in South Korea, criticized Vodafone Germany chief Hannes Ametsreiter. “Germany’s digital future will not be decided on the copper wire, but with the gigabit fast fiber.”

The necessary investments in infrastructure by 2025 is estimated at 100 billion euros. This should come from the Ministry, especially from private investors. but is also proposed an investment fund of approximately EUR 10 billion for networks in rural areas. For more venture capital flows into young companies that conditions should be improved.

The digitization solves meanwhile from first revolutions in the German economy. Four out of ten companies brought new products or services in the course of change in the market, the industry association Bitkom said at CeBIT. At the same time

had therefore accept offers from the market and every eighth company. For digitizing include the networking of machines and everyday objects, the analysis of their data and resulting new business models , Europe is only just beginning legal debates that would result from the change, EU Digital Commissioner Günther Oettinger said in Hanover.

Many more companies in Germany store IT projects because they can not find suitable professionals for it. In a survey by the industry association VDI gave this year a good 52 percent of outsourcing as a solution to the problem of. In last year’s survey, the proportion was still just below 40 percent. “That must give us pause,” warned the VDI Director Technology and Science, Dieter Westerkamp. So just going to the know-how “about things that make the digital transformation” outsourced.

The next fast wireless data generation 5G can Germany but more weight in Tech bring -Business. “We have largely lost as in Germany in the information and communications technology,” said Bruno Jacobfeuerborn, VDE-President and also technical director of Deutsche Telekom. “Now is a unique opportunity to change that with 5G.” A big advantage is the combination of auto industry and experience in sensors.

The CeBIT launched on Monday and runs until Friday. The number of exhibitors remained stable 3300.



Monday, March 14, 2016

Technology fair CeBIT starts in Hanover – Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung

Hannover . With a multi-billion dollar ten-point plan, the government wants a residue of Germany in the digital transformation prevent.

For “Digital Strategy 2025″ Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) includes a focus on fiber optic lines and the construction of a digital agency as a control center. It is a matter, “as we as Europeans remain competitive in this data-driven economy,” he said at the CeBIT opening ceremony. On the IT fair, the industry warned of setbacks by hesitant grid expansion and professionals deficiency.

Europe should aim, in five or ten years the world’s most powerful infrastructure to have said Gabriel. “We should not be afraid to take up this competition with the United States or Asia.” At the same time it is only just beginning.

President Johann Schneider-Ammann warned of overregulation for the CeBIT partner country Switzerland. “For while we hedge against all possible threats, we risk that more and more value chains moving to California,” he said at the opening ceremony. Freedom is the prerequisite for creativity.

The industry association BDI warned at CeBIT an economic gap between Germany and due to the “dramatic faltering” expansion of digital networks. It is “imminent danger,” said BDI President Ulrich Grillo. “Our country is far from a high-performance digital infrastructure.”

From the perspective of the Ministry of Economy must not remain at the goal, Internet connections to a speed of 50 expand megabits per second. By 2025, there must be a Gigabit fiber are, going from the strategy paper produced.

With an average speed of 11 megabits per second you surf in Germany just about half fast as in South Korea, criticized Vodafone Germany chief Hannes Ametsreiter. “Germany’s digital future will not be decided on the copper wire, but with the gigabit fast fiber.”

The necessary investments in infrastructure by 2025 is estimated at 100 billion euros. This should come from the Ministry, especially from private investors. but is also proposed an investment fund of approximately EUR 10 billion for networks in rural areas. For more venture capital flows into young companies that conditions should be improved.

The digitization solves meanwhile from first revolutions in the German economy. Four out of ten companies brought new products or services in the course of change in the market, the industry association Bitkom said at CeBIT. At the same time

had therefore accept offers from the market and every eighth company. For digitizing include the networking of machines and everyday objects, the analysis of their data and resulting new business models , Europe is only just beginning legal debates that would result from the change, EU Digital Commissioner Günther Oettinger said in Hanover.

Many more companies in Germany store IT projects because they can not find suitable professionals for it. In a survey by the industry association VDI gave this year a good 52 percent of outsourcing as a solution to the problem of. In last year’s survey, the proportion was still just below 40 percent. “That must give us pause,” warned the VDI Director Technology and Science, Dieter Westerkamp. So just going to the know-how “about things that make the digital transformation” outsourced.

The next fast wireless data generation 5G can Germany but more weight in Tech bring -Business. “We have largely lost as in Germany in the information and communications technology,” said Bruno Jacobfeuerborn, VDE-President and also technical director of Deutsche Telekom. “Now is a unique opportunity to change that with 5G.” A big advantage is the combination of auto industry and experience in sensors.

The CeBIT launched on Monday and runs until Friday. The number of exhibitors remained stable 3300.

