Saturday, January 31, 2015

Adrian Newey makes Formula 1 technology to water –

31st January 2015 – 12:19 clock

Adrian Newey fulfilled a dream: building a sailing yacht for the America’s Cup


( – Red Bull on the way to the Formula 1 season 2015 to cope with not only the departure of Sebastian Vettel. On a technical side had to reposition itself in the winter, to compensate for the “half loss” from top designer Adrian Newey as well as possible. The British technical director of the team from Milton Keynes since mid of 2014 employed at the newly formed division Red Bull Advanced Technologies among others, the boat building.

“I’m ten years at Red Bull. It was to here an interesting journey, “Newey looks back on his time in Formula 1 Team. “When I came to the team because they had virtually just painted a jaguar only in blue. My first task was to build the necessary infrastructure. The idea was that all work together perfectly, so as to have a solid foundation. That’s all 2006, 2007 and happened in the first part of 2008. “

” The rule changes for the 2009 season came to us just right. Since mid-2008, we had together the team that stood infrastructure and all tools were available.’ve Thereof we can benefit the subsequent rule break. In 2009, we were able to get our first win, “the engineer, the Red Bull with his sometimes radical technological approaches says should lead to four driver and four manufacturer titles.

Formula 1 technology moves water

“From 2009 to 2013, the rules were reasonably stable. It went almost exclusively to fine-tuning. The collaboration was getting better. The result was winning four world titles. 2014 we had the disadvantage of the drive. It was still a good season, after all, we have three races won, “says Newey. Last year, Red Bull was the superior Mercedes because of the weak Renault Drive hardly stand up.

” Now it is the first year, where it is slightly different than before. I have pulled me something, now also do other things. Formula 1 is not my only focus. This is for me personally as new stimulus point important, but it is also good for the team. The talented technicians in our company can now continue to flourish, “my Newey, who officially remains Technical Director, the daily business but has not delivered to the chief engineer Rob Marshall.

” I will be the first race, will also visit the testing , I get a clear look, give advice and act as an a kind of mentor. I will certainly even earn a few ideas, “promises Newey, the course of the year, however, more and more would like to dedicate his other projects themselves. After all, it’s the British in his new endeavors in fulfillment of a personal dream from the Boat Building.

“We make all other projects. At present, especially the construction of a yacht for the America’s Cup, “he says.” It’s exciting. The America’s Cup is probably off the motor sport the only sport that works with high budget and high technology. Since there are many parallels. The Basics for example in the simulation are the same. The technologies are quite similar, only be applied differently. That to me is a fascinating area “



Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Internet – NFC wireless technology is taking off – Sü

Direct from the dpa news channel

Las Vegas (AP) – First was the short-range radio technology NFC as a great hope, then a threatening flop. With the decision by Apple last year to use NFC in its iPhone payment system, the technology, however, is on the winning track.

After the introduction of Apple as operator of the second major smartphone platform in the NFC radio technology from the iPhone with its spread applications of the technology. As announced at the CES technology fair (January 6 to 9) in Las Vegas BMW and MasterCard that credit cards with NFC can be used as a key for the car-sharing service DriveNow future. With NFC (Near Field Communication) data is transmitted without contact to a few centimeters away.

Other vendors demonstrated how NFC chips in the smartphone can be used as a key for hotel rooms or rental cars. Toshiba announced a SD memory card with NFC radio. LG brought a new computer clock with NFC, which was used on the Audi stand. The startup VivaLnk showed a thermometer patch for children, which transmits the temperature via NFC.

“The application possibilities are now slowed only by the imagination of developers,” said the head of the leading NFC chip developer NXP the Deutsche Presse-Agentur in Las Vegas. The company even demonstrated in Las Vegas, like a clock with NFC can be used when paying at the checkout. NXP but will always play a neutral role as a technology provider, “We want the Switzerland of the NFC ecosystem to be.”

When it did not make the technology at the first attempt in the market, one is at NXP been very frustrated, Clemmer said. “We had the technology ready – and six, seven years no one came.” When he came to the company six years ago, was considered to abandon NFC.


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

“We had nothing but an open-source technology” – conquer Two German … – t3n Magazine

Recreation in San Francisco? Spelling, please

With the leisure and San Francisco, it is indeed such a thing. Everywhere she screams a formal face. At Ocean Beach in the west, in the surf beaches in the south of the Golden Gate Bridge in the north or in the more outlying ski resorts in the East. But hardly anyone will benefit from all this

At least not the ones here -. Start a startup and the world want to make a little bit better – the land of plenty of technology. Florian Leibert and Tobias Knaup are two of this variety. When asked about her hobbies she can a resigned laugh then also not resist: “free time? How do you spell that? Spelling Bee ‘time! “

Mesosphere-Gr & # xFC; Direction Florian Leibert and Tobias Knaup (left). (Photo: t3n)
Mesosphere-founder Florian Leibert and Tobias Knaup. (Photo: t3n)

Leibert and Knaup – both in our early 30 – known each other since the fifth grade, wear a collared shirt, chinos and casual, this sneaker and a tousled hairstyle. A little do they look like two students in the first semester. Unlike quite a few of their craft but they have a real plan. And no time. This is due to mainly to account balance, 48.8 million US dollars. So much loot as much confidence, yes: How much responsibility have slipped them investors, specifically Mesosphere – the startup that founded the two Schweinfurt in the SoMa district between motorcycle workshop and highway access. At the front of the investors squad with it. Marc Andreessen

Mesosphere: An operating system for data centers

When Marc Andreessen, Netscape inventor and early investments in Twitter, Reddit or Slack for technological measure became venture capital Primus about his fund invests in a startup with German roots, the hopes behind it can hardly be built on sand. Mesosphere ie: the next big thing in Silicon Valley

If you believe Leibert, the matter is clear: “This is truly revolutionary,” he adds, referring the product to which it, Knaup and 40 -köpfiges team work in a three-story, with gray carpet and Ikea shelves rather spartan office. But here is the heart of Mesophere, a kind of operating system for the cloud era. Mesosphere, so say Leibert and Knaup, change the way work such as data centers, radically.

So far, dealing with them is particularly inefficient, labor-intensive, expensive. “If we take as an example a bank, it uses hundreds of servers with many applications running on it to find out about what people should lend them more money,” said Knaup. Since there is a department of the IT infrastructure, a further for the customer portal, for the analysis and so on. “Each of them takes different server capacity and also decides manually, what kind of software when which server to run.” A form of fragmentation that could lead especially in fast-growing Internet services in chaos.

64 percent less server costs at HubSpot

“With the Mesosphere everything works completely automatically,” promises Knaup. How Windows coordinates the cores of the processor and the memory, the software Leibert and Knaup to the server without system administrators would break up over his head cares. In real time checks Mesosphere how much processor load and how much memory a server just claimed. This simplifies the fast, but often prone scaling considerably.

“Nobody has to get up in the middle of the night and press the reset button more. “

If a server of a company that automatically distributes the Mesosphere working away on programs and resources to other computing devices. “A great thing” is, Knaup: “No need to get up in the middle of the night and press the reset button anymore.” As a result, companies can use the Mesosphere, use less server for both higher utilization. This is expressed above all the costs. The US marketing company HubSpot, for example, was able to reduce the cost of his rented from Amazon servers by 64 percent. By the will of Leibert and Knaup supposed to inspire others, “Any company with more than one server can benefit from it.”

Without Business Plan to Marc Andreessen

A sentence that must have sounded in the ears of the prominent financiers like music. Fuel Capital, SV Angel, Kleiner Perkins and Andreessen not least – they all have wagered millions on the idea of ​​the two Germans. At this height, this is even for Silicon Valley ratios unusual, considering that Leibert and Knaup have advertised with no real business plan in hand to the financial interests of the donors: “We had nothing but an open-source technology and the idea a company to build around it, “says Leibert.

” We had nothing but an open-source technology and the idea of ​​a Company to build around it. “

That you could still reap almost 50 million, primarily due was her vita. Leibert and early Knaup find the path to independence. Their first business they do with disks that they purchase low to mid-90 computer fairs and profitably resell. At 15, she founded her first company. “A bit of website programming, a bit of design, a bit of e-commerce.”

After studying both meet in San Francisco again. Knaup works with Airbnb, Leibert at Twitter. There is created six years ago, the idea for their startup must look as Leibert for a solution to the stricken frequent server downtime short message service. He finds her in the thesis of a friend, the well-known under the name Apache Mesos, freely available and tested by a community constantly improved software after a lecture at Twitter. With success: Twitter the server problem gets to grips goes public later

From the outside rather unimpressive, arises here – the headquarters of Mesosphere – the operating system for the cloud era. (Photo: t3n)

“In Germany, the framework is missing” use the latest, as Leibert and Knaup the system even with Airbnb, they recognize the potential your own business to make of it. The experience and contacts to help them to come to investors who invest not only in heads instead of finished products, but also in the future. It is this Marc Andreessen have the mood: “He understood the complex system immediately and showed us what we could so do everything in the future”, she Leibert

The business model will Mesosphere in the future to open. -source technology herumbauen. On the one hand such services as the establishment and maintenance of the software. On the other hand, with paid plug-ins that help manage large server farms or with the help of the utilization can be optimized. Meanwhile include not only Twitter and Airbnb companies such as eBay and Netflix’s customers Mesosphere. To approximately 100,000 servers, the software should be already installed.

Leibert and Knaup leave little doubt that this success has been possible only in Silicon Valley. Not only is the lack of a business plan showing how large the mentality vagina – eg regarding the risk-taking – are compared to Germany. Opening a bank account, registering an LLC – “In Germany, too complicated,” says Knaup. “Here, you do it all online, send after a few e-mails and can start immediately.” In addition, we have in San Francisco after a few days the first employees can solicit. Here, the more month notice periods would have prevented. “The bottom line in Germany simply lack the right conditions.”

Mesosphere definitely want to Linux server

Nevertheless, the startup plans with Germany, builds a second office in Hamburg on. Good talent at the same time less competition, they say. With the millions in the back wants to drive growth. In the coming months will be 120 to make the operating system for data centers suitable for mass production of the 40 employees. Leibert and Knaup know where they want to go. “In five years, our software runs on any Linux server in the world,” they say. About a sale of the startups they do not think even then. “Our software is incredibly useful to work with the team is fun and we look forward to on Sunday already on Tuesday.” Sounds as if with more free time in San Francisco as soon not to be expected.

t3n in Silicon Valley

 daniel_huefner_t3n Daniel Huefner reported for t3n of San Francisco and the Silicon Valley about new trends, exciting startups and interesting places of the tech epicenter. On Twitter you also get more impressions of the US west coast

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Deunaer window manufacturers invested 300,000 euros in new technology – Thüringer Allgemeine

          13/01/2015 – 11:00 clock


     Deuna (Eichsfeld). Sebastian Kumm was born Eichsfelder. How many he went to high school for training in a foreign land. In 2011, he returned to his home and is now CEO of the summer window-GmbH, a craft business in Deuna with 16 employees.


Innovative Technology: Security resource SDN and NFV-based … – Money Market & opinions

Fraunhofer ESK researchers offer a white paper on home gateways in future networks – the impact of SDN and NFV on the safety of

This white paper shows the new opportunities (. Software Defined Networks) and SDN (Function Network Virtualization) NFV on, especially with regard to their impact on home gateways.

Making the technological changes SDN and NFV before any network component content. Affected not only the components in the core of the public network, but also the interconnectivity between the providers and the customers, especially the home gateway. Through the implementation of SDN and NFV the configuration and security management can be simplified and thus reduced operating and maintenance costs. Thus, for example, providers easier to perform updates at home gateways. In addition, new features are quickly available.

The key from the Home Gateway change is the shift of the boundary between public and private sector. In extreme cases, the Home Gateway is a pure bridge between providers and home network without its own intelligence. The altered distribution of the functions in the Home Gateway also means that more and more data is shifted from the home network in the provider cloud leads.

“We are confident that with all the benefits of new technologies, some, particularly security-related features of Home should not virtualized gateway and moved to the public cloud, but held in a private setting and realized, “notes Mathias Leibiger, Group Manager Access & amp; Inhouse Networks clear at the Fraunhofer ESK. “In our white paper, we show why the opportunities and the risks associated with the introduction of SDN and NFV regarding home gateways.”

The white paper is available on the website of the Fraunhofer ESK.

(Source: Fraunhofer ESK)

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Developmental Psychology: A nap promotes long-term memory – Business Week

A new study shows that the memory is increasing in young children when they sleep after an instructive experience.

A nap after learning strengthens according to a study in young children, the long-term memory. As researchers from Bochum and the British Sheffield found out memories of facts and events are better saved if the child sleeps for a educational experience.

The psychologists visited more than 200 babies home and studied the memory of children with puppets test. All results are published in the “Proceedings” of the US National Academy of Sciences (“PNAS”).

“That the Council” sleep time over it “works in adults, is already well established scientifically,” said the developmental psychologist Sabine Seehagen of the Ruhr-University Bochum, who led the study. Even in school children has been studied the phenomenon. “Because young children learn a lot and remember and also sleep a lot, we have looked at babies aged six to twelve months . “

The researchers played the children from Bochum and the surrounding area on a first visit with a hand puppet certain actions before. At the next meeting they observed which tried these actions to imitate the child when he saw the hand puppet again.

Some of the small subjects had slept for at least half an hour at a time within four hours after the puppet, the other remained awake or dozed off only very briefly.

A control group of children was the first visit to see any action; thus could be tested how the children reacted spontaneously when they saw the doll.

The infants with sleep made significantly more actions than by children in the control group, as noted, the psychologists. The situation was different in the experimental participants who had stayed awake. They had not realized according to the study, which the researcher had shown us a hand puppet.


Monday, January 12, 2015

Cybits AG: Highest identification rates thanks to new technology in [verify-U … – MarketWatch

(DGAP-Media / 01.12.2015 / 14:25)

Highest identification rates thanks to new technology in [VERIFY U] face2face

New Flash-based self-development increases identification rates by more than 20%

Mainz-Kastel, 12:01 .2015. With the since November last year in [verify-U] f2f newly integrated technologies since 2006 working in the market of online personal identification Cybits AG provides evidence that it pays technological leadership. The expansion of the private Cybits Direct calls to a flash based version even more customers can benefit from a direct connection out of their browser. This increases the success rate of identifications via video telephony rose in December by more than 20%, regardless of whether the browser you are using is running on a PC, smartphone or tablet.

“The figures of the catapult been possible conversion rate with video technology to a very pleasing, yet unprecedented levels,” says Hans Jürgen Keiling, sales director of Cybits AG, firmly. “We are now approaching success rates, as we previously found only in [verify-U] identity. And without having to use third party service providers, without tedious installation of apps on the terminals of the customers and in compliance with all data protection rules.”

Volker Neiss, who is responsible for technology and development at Cybits, resulting from: “In addition to all existing options via WebRTC, Skype, FaceTime and Hangouts, our development with the integration of H.264 format (Flash) our own Direct Call Server developed further so that now support users of Internet Explorer, Safari and other browsers, H.264, can benefit from an encrypted video communication. The server is in our certified security area operated, is constantly monitored and allows only authorized and encrypted traffic. The merging of video communication between the customer and our agent controls [verify-U] f2f automatically. This type of implementation keeps us all known requirements of security and privacy stood. “The direct connection from the browsers Chrome, Opera, and Firefox had made Cybits on WebRTC earlier than the first on the market possible.

The measured from Cybits figures also show an interesting distribution of usage and success. While deciding already 50% of customers for a direct connection from the browser, still give 50% of the marketable Video Apps preference. The success rate is direct but more than 25% higher than that in use of merchantability video apps. “It turns out that investing in proprietary technology and the privacy of our customers. This simple utility and cobbling together existing video apps or commercial video server solutions not only involves significant data protection risks, but does not deliver the same quality and safety, we want to provide our end users, but also not the success rates expected by our business customers we . “said Keiling to current discussions on data protection and security for video identification.

About Cybits AG Cybits AG ( provides products and services for companies and individuals who have to put in the digital world with the statutory and regulatory requirements apart. The service portfolio offers solutions for personal identification and legally secure online contracts on the Internet. With its safety certified and approved by regulators personal identification solutions [verify-U] f2f [verify-U] ident and [verify-U] eSign has already identified more than 2 million people Cybits. Our solutions are used in financial services, media and gaming establishments, trust service providers in the healthcare and online merchants and service providers to use.

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issuer / publisher: Cybits AG word (s): Information technology

12.01.2015 Dissemination of a Press Release, transmitted by DGAP – a service of the EQS Group AG. For the content of this announcement issuer / publisher is responsible.

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312197 01/12/2015


Warning NB Technologie GmbH –

The company NB technology pronounces because of advertising with the term “nickel free” unusual warnings from the lawyers Bauer and partners.
warning NB Technologie GmbH

The company NB Technologie GmbH, represented by the managing director Dr. Peter Barth and Martin Neumayer, Sonnenrain 8, 89547 Gerstetten falls for several weeks by numerous warnings to which they, by attorney Frank Sanwald from the law firm of bp Lawyers Bauer und Partner GbR 89522 Heidenheim, can speak against online retailers.

Almost word for word has lawyer Frank Sanwald the recipient of the warnings first in each case indicated that the company NB technology is the sole owner of the rights of the European patent no. 2,209,924. This patent have, inter alia, Effect in the Federal Republic of Germany and detecting the use and licensing not nickel-alloyed stainless steel for watches, watch parts, jewelry, piercings, etc.

But the fact is that as a result of opposition against the patent EP 2209924B1 the European Patent Office after an oral hearing to revocation of the patent was.

This raises the question of why the company NB Technologie GmbH nevertheless even now by the Heidenheim Lawyers Bauer and partners can tell you that this patent unfolding effect in the Federal Republic of Germany and protect the abmahnende company NB Technologie GmbH.

Also for Lawyer Frank Sanwald and the company NB will Technologie GmbH must ask, why in the warning a claim for damages in the amount of approximately € 50,000.00 and argued, inter alia,

is explained by the “scope of the patent” Equally questionable appears the assertion that the Abmahnkosten -. So the lawyers’ fees in favor of the firm Bauer and partner for the pronunciation of warning – a dispute of 80.000,00 give € and therefore would be € 1,752.90. This is particularly unusual because – according to RA Frank sand forest – is to be composed of this subject value of € 30,000.00 for an alleged claim for injunctive relief and further € 50,000.00 for a license claim for damages

One possible explanation for these unusual. representations could then be the demand for a lump sum of € 3,000.00, with which the respective recipient of the warning could settle the alleged damages and reimbursement claims.

In addition threatens lawyer Sanwald that the company abmahnende NB Technology GmbH reserving the event of non-payment, the “make effective alleged damage and possibly beyond information and any further payment claims”

But:. In addition to the reference to the (revoked) Patent EP 2209924B1 competition regulations are asserted. So unfair advertising statement is in the use of the term “nickel free” seen if the with “ nickel free ” advertised product has been added to the alloy actually nickel.

Because of this competition part of the warning solves solved considered by the patent part and could be followed up by the NB Technologie GmbH, the warnings of lawyers Bauer and partners can not be taken lightly.

Given the claims and dispute values ​​and the associated cost risks stationary in space, it is therefore strongly to take / lawyer how to edit the reminder service.

Under no circumstances should the Abgemahnt the pre-formulated by attorney Frank Sanwald and the warning sign attached penalty clause declaration unaudited and go back. The only because then if breached contractual penalty claims of € 5,100.00 for each violation threaten!

Additional information on the warnings of the company NB Technology GmbH, represented by the attorneys Bauer and partners can be found on our website at

For further information please do not hesitate available.


Alexander F. Brauer

lawyer specialized in Intellectual Property Law

law firm White & amp; PartnerÆ
lawyers, patent attorneys

Katharinenstraße 16 73728 Esslingen

Phone: 07 11/88 24 1006
Fax: 07 11/88 24 1009


Albert Speer: “The life cycle of our buildings is devastating” – Business Week

Franz Hubik and Matthias dispute

In Germany is built too much new. We need to pay more attention to the building stock, calls Albert Speer. The city engineer Mao Zedong, football in Qatar and why the city of the future just might lie in the Ruhr.

Economic Week: Herr Speer, in the middle of the desert of Abu Dhabi is built on an eco-city since 2008. The goal of Masdar City means no carbon dioxide, no waste, no cars. Looks like the future of our cities

Albert Speer: No, definitely not. The big problem in projects such as Masdar or other zero-emission cities is that a sustainable, releasing on alternative energy city not included in these regions. And not nearly.

So instead of spinning model?

No, this is not spinning. These cities are planned perfectly. But Masdar can not get to his feet, because the fossil energy prices are state subsidized down so that the operation does not pay off financially. Who turns on the fuel prices, risks in these countries a popular uprising. Planning is one thing, but you have such a city so synonymous 50 years and can keep going on acceptable terms. And since it does not matter whether you are moving in communist or democratic systems.


  • Albert Speer

    Prof. Albert Speer is one of the world’s most prestigious urban planners and architects. His architectural firm AS & P (Albert Speer & amp; Partner) developed concepts for the life of tomorrow, such as in megacities in China, the Middle East and in Africa. Speer was 1934 born as a son of the Nazi architect and armaments minister who was 20 was later sentenced to years in prison. Before he turned to the planning of cities, spear trained as a carpenter and has studied architecture at the Technical University of Munich. In 1964, the now 80-year-old his own architectural firm, which now counts 120 employees. He lives with his wife, actress Ingmar Zeisberg in Frankfurt am Main.


Because you can easily get an investor to rauszurücken money if he can earn any more money. Nothing would be easier than in Egypt to harness the power of the sun and to build solar power plants. But since you get no World Bank to finance something that is not worth it.

already consume our cities, 75 percent of the energy used worldwide and are responsible for 80 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. In China alone, 240 new cities for tens of millions of people planned.

The Chinese are the only ones who are gradually beginning to counteract them. The turn on the power plug. .? But only very slowly

What do you mean

For example, Mao Zedong said: ” water is a food and so it does not cost anything. This has meant that the water consumption in Shanghai is significantly higher than the per capita water consumption in Frankfurt. Now the Chinese are turning their price, and reduce water consumption.

Do they see the situation in Germany as well as dark?

We live on an island of the blessed. The problems with which we grapple lie far in the comfort zone when you compare with China, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Our cities are not so bad.

Even so must change something. Where do you see concrete action?

We must take care of the building inventory and more. This happens in Germany only in a very limited extent. Real Estate eat in this country about 40 percent of energy costs. The ecological balance of our buildings is devastating. And yet one percent of the housing stock per year is only about enhanced energy.

At this rate, it would have last a hundred years to all buildings rehabilitated.

Right. But we do not have these hundred years. Therefore, we show about in Bottrop, such as the turn could succeed.

By 2020 in Bottrop CO2 emissions in a pilot area covering 70,000 inhabitants, is halved. They have developed the master plan. Is this realistic?

Yes, I think so. Bottrop, is such a good example because something happened in the building stock a normal urban structure, as they have many medium-sized cities in Germany. Basically it comes to animate the building owners and those who live in the catchment area. You have to drive by itself Renovations and thus reduce operating costs and carbon dioxide emissions. We have already doubled in the two years since the start of the rehabilitation rate. The personal approach of citizens is necessary and very successful.

How economical is the whole, however, must be questioned. The project is heavily subsidized. Up to 25 percent of the renovation costs are borne by the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

If that starts right once, which guarantees economically. And we have no alternative. To continue to set energy saving houses and energy plus houses on the green meadow, is not a solution. This is exactly the wrong thing. For these are partly subsidized much higher.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

WINAICO delivered first photovoltaic modules with HeatCap technology to Japan – Solar Server

WINAICO begins with the delivery of photovoltaic modules with 48 solar cells and a power rating of 230 watts at Japanese key customers, reports the subsidiary Win Win Precision Technology Co., Ltd. (Hsinchu, Taiwan).

The high-performance modules from WST-230M6-H combine the proven monocrystalline PERC technology with the mikrorissverhindernden HeatCap technology with SiC (silicon carbide).

In order to produce the first module manufacturer 230W modules in series, using WINAICO in Taiwan only the most efficient PERC cells. With rear passivation and selective emitter PERC series Associations maximum efficiency, increase in the specific yield is improved by temperature and low light performance with the known longevity and quality for the WINAICO.

The PERC cells with WINAICOs patented HeatCap technology are coated with silicon carbide, to compensate for the structural sensitivity of the PERC cells and protection against micro-cracks to increase by 18.12%. The result was a 48-cell module with the best output power density and the highest reliability in the industry, the company says.

“Our key customers in Japan appreciate the combination of high efficiency and reliability, they get with the 230 W HeatCap solar modules WINAICO” said Loftur Thorarinsson, Representative Director of WINAICO Japan KK

“Thanks to the highest energy performance and mikrorissverhindernder SiC technology can rely on the long-term reliability of their solar investment our customers.”

01/12/2015 | Source: WINAICO Germany GmbH | © Heindl Server GmbH

A selection of breaking solar news is published at


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2: AnyPen technology makes each pin for Stylus – Tablet Community

The Lenovo Yoga tablet 2 8 with AnyPen has a very exciting technology at hand, which makes each pen stylus for.

Lenovo has ascended a pretty big offensive at CES 2015 and the market operates at all levels, in principle, with new products. The Windows division is here too: So was the Lenovo Yoga tablet 2 8 with Windows 8.1 – a good name probably could in time no longer lay out – presented another tablet with the well-known yoga kickstand. While it visually quite strong 2 10 commemorates the Lenovo Yoga tablet with Windows 8.1, it has the AnyPen technology a really interesting innovation on board, which could represent a powerful argument for the purchase.

Tablets with Stylus are finally just in the middle price segment still in short supply, and the quality of integration varies from manufacturer to manufacturer fairly. When Lenovo Yoga tablet 2 there is a new technology called AnyPen, which allows use of any conductive pin as a stylus. Very accurate this is, of course, compared with an active digitizer not, but for writing short notes or hand-written recognition technology should be quite sufficient. The remaining specifications are quite impressive and include, among other things, an 8-inch full HD display, an Intel Atom Z3745 with a clock speed of 1.83 GHz and 2 GB of RAM.

In addition, there are 32 GB of expandable memory, Office 365 for a year, to 1.6 and 8 MP camera sharp, two front speakers with Dolby sound and a 6,400 mAh battery strong. Overall, a pretty interesting combination, and the keyboard is of course again one of the party, where you have to decide for yourself whether a size based on an 8-incher really sufficient, or if you do not would prefer to rely on a separate Bluetooth keyboard , The price should be around $ 299.

via Mobile Geeks

CES: video demonstrates Freesync technology at 240 fps – PC Games Hardware

At CES, AMD has announced that the first Freesync monitors will go on sale in January. In addition, AMD has presented live in action at CES Freesync: The colleagues of techreport have then added a 240-fps video, which demonstrates the power of Freesync impressively

For over a year, is spoken of Freesync, AMD Thanks for Nvidia G-Sync. At CES 2015, there was quite specific: AMD has announced the availability of ten Freesync monitors known. The styles include, for example, the BenQ XL2730Z, the LG Electronics 29UM67, the Nixeus NX-VUE24, the Samsung UE850 or ViewSonic VX2701mh. While putting some of these monitors on a Bildwiederholfrequenzrate of 60 Hz, while others have 144 Hz. Even with the resolution, there are differences, ranging up to 2,560 x 1,440 pixels. By the way: The Freesync certificate is awarded directly from AMD. However, the certification process is free, so users will not face an additional surcharge.

The colleagues of techreport have this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) used to include an impressive video. This demonstrates at 240 fps performance of Freesync. Freesync is disabled, the refresh rate is 60 Hz, the tearing effect is quite obvious. After enabling Freesnyc 44-45 Hz can be achieved, tearing can no longer be perceived. First, extensive tests of Freesync technology should soon follow, eventually to first Freesync monitors come on the market in January.



CES 2015: LG Wide Color – a term of two technologies – Invidis – Digital Signage Portal

– In addition to OLED LG has now opted for two new technologies that are now for the first time used in TVs and displays: Quantum Dots and phosphorus-based LEDs. QDs and new LEDs are marketed under the name Color Prime. Thomas Kletschke

Front right: Ultra HD TV 65UF9500 with Wide Color technology (Photo: LG)

Front right in the picture : Wide Color Ultra HD TV 65UF9500 (Photo: LG)

How is the new UHD TV work? – LG is one of the manufacturers that are now showing at least three possible ways should ausschauen “the right Ultra HD pictures”: An OLED with the blackest black level, a candy-colored screen with quantum dots or Wide Color LED-backlit models, the optically somewhere between clear and bright OLED QDs.

While large manufacturers offer some of their Ultra or Full HD TVs with quantum dots since at least 2013, LG had set so far mainly on the OLED technology that does not require backlighting , Beginning of last year gave the Koreans then gas and launchten first Ultra HD TVs OLED-based. The technology has its advantages, organic light coming from but without backlighting. However, OLED is still expensive in production technology

The LG has recognized – and decided in the course of 2014 for a multi-pronged strategy. It does not offer more than one way in to the ultra-high-resolution images present only in the resolution, but in color, contrast and brilliance. Depending on the application or customer preference each technology has its advantages

However, -. At least currently – the name of the consumer TV flagships not clear-cut. This is somewhat reminiscent of the communication, as we know from other manufacturers. For example, Sony has its Quantum Dot-Triluminos TVs usually prefer referred to as display with color IQ.

Recently, surges LG a number of its TVs, displays and monitors the term Color Prime . For behind the term used internationally by the company hides not one, but two technologies: there are Color Prime displays (or TVs or monitors) in which Quantum Dots for use come, bring a 30% larger color gamut. The quantum dots, the LG currently used in its TVs, submitted by Dow Chemical. Dow turn holds the exclusive worldwide distribution rights of this cadmium-free QDs.

At the same time be under Color Prime but also Wide Color Gamut (WCG) displays (for example, with 99% Adobe RGB coverage) marketed in which according to LG specifically LEDs phosphorus-based can be used. These bring – to put it bluntly – a little more color to the IPS or AH-IPS panel, but not the full color broadside. The special backlighting LEDs they are to guarantee next to colorful and very nuanced depictions.


Johnson Controls presents 12-volt lithium-ion technology to North … – PR Newswire (press release)

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Display Revolution: Sharp presents new display technology – CHIP Online

At CES, Sharp showed a 7-inch tablet that is equipped with a MEMS-IGZO display. The displays promise a better color reproduction and to simultaneously consume clearly less energy than traditional displays.

The art of display based on LEDs with rapidly changing color. To save light slots that open up to 10,000 times per second and close control how much light is shown in which color.

Energy, the displays on the one hand by not using color filters. There are three modes that allow the display of the environment and adapts the content

. middle of the year, there will be the Android tablet shown with the new display in Japan. If and when the technology is coming to Germany, is still unknown (dom)
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Friday, January 9, 2015

Technology and Design: Action against “Beats”: Are Dr. Dre’s iconic headphones only … – ABC Online

The former partner company Monster LLC has sued the company founded by rap icon Dr. Dre and producer Jimmy Iovine for fraudulent misrepresentation.

Monster goes to court

As seen in the Tuesday stating the documents submitted to the competent court in California, accuses Monster Dre and Iovine to have stolen the technology and the design and the distribution network behind the familiar beats headphones.

Since May, the company Apple is one

Monster Noel Lee-chief claimed to have been deceived by the beats-makers and thereby have lost millions. Apple had bought beats in May 2014 over three billion dollars (2.5 billion euros).

Lee accused Dre and Iovine, previously pushed him through a fraudulent deal with the Taiwanese smartphone maker HTC from the company have to. Apple is not listed in the lawsuit under the accused. The companies were not immediately be reached for comment

Video:. With these gadgets Apple wants to make his fans happy this year


Lightning-fast load times: Expect us a revolution in battery technology? – ABC Online

From 0 to 100 in the legendary 30 seconds: What presents the CEO of the Israeli start-up company Storedot Doron Myersdorfer in his Youtube channel, looks almost too nice out to be true. Within 27 seconds, the battery of Samsung Galaxy smartphones, starting from 27 percent battery power to fully recharge.

This is made possible by this lightning-fast charging apparently nanocrystals, which are used in the new battery. According to information of the manufacturer is already with several major smartphone manufacturers in the conversation. When and if ever comes the revolutionary battery, however, is still unclear. At CES in Las Vegas but StoreDot led several working prototypes of the battery before and invited several of Sa msung Galaxy smartphones in record time again.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Self-propelled cars “technology largely production-ready” – Autohaus

Just trumps the car industry with autonomous vehicles in front. Daimler CEO Zetsche sees no obstacles. However, the legal and ethical frameworks are still missing.

From Andrei Sokolov, dpa

With a futuristic prototype of an autonomously moving cars (“F015″), Daimler at the electronics show CES produces large headlines. In an interview with Deutsche Presse-Agentur explains CEO Dieter Zetsche, where he still sees action in the implementation of the plans for an autonomously moving car.

Mr Zetsche, how often are you in a self-propelled by car?

D. Zetsche: Well, some of my company car is already a self-propelled vehicle, because several of our series models can go completely autonomously at low speed. With the prototypes that are going on, I drive about every three months.

Do you notice it already differences from trip to trip?

Yes, it is much faster progress as it I could imagine a few years ago. The key technologies for this have been ready for production. We have the sensors. We have the computer capacity. The crosslinking is prior art. What we do not have is the safe autonomous driving in all circumstances – such as rain and snow or at night. In addition, the legal environment with clarification about liability issues missing. This determines the timing even more than the technology. We will be sure autonomously at higher speeds on routes such as highways in the next few years go. A car, as there is on the stand, I see in the next decade on the road.

If we are moments before, where the car decides who prefers event of an unavoidable accident? ” / b>

The car does not decide that yourself, but only follows the pre surrounded algorithm. These decisions are to be taken together in front of the manufacturers and legislators. Today, every day is decided by individual people, whether consciously or unconsciously. Such situations are rare indeed occur unevenly in the future. Maybe 99 avoided 100 accidents -. But also for those few cases you have to have this discussion

If you such a car as the F015 ever efficient production,

The technique for autonomous driving – computer power and sensors – is there the slightest problem. Since the fuel cell and battery are the major cost components. In addition, the infrastructure map services and data centers. But generally speaking, an autonomously moving car is not much more expensive.

In Las Vegas can get the impression that the German carmaker have a head start. Is that right?

Yes, I think that the German manufacturers are beginning. Now it is important that we maintain this position.

Were the self-driving cars of Google not only a wake up call for the auto industry?

We are driven back in the 1990s with prototypes. Interesting is the extreme attention that has gotten Google, which has also helped us. The things we are working on, not always penetrate to the outside. And our assistance systems were the logical steps to autonomous driving.

What is your relationship to the IT industry? Could you build a car without them?

Of course not, we want to, for example, do not produce semiconductor itself. Even with the software, we will work together in a meaningful way. The algorithms, logic, intelligence – that must come from us. Whether Google in this sense becomes a competitor, only time will tell. But that does not determine whether we can cooperate in other areas. We can see a total coalescence of the industry and the auto industry, with new possibilities. That there is a new impetus, can only be good for us, even if new competitors emerge.


You can also get the impression that the car makers have only the role of a PC manufacturer, produces the replaceable hardware?

We are the factories in which only the shells are built for Google’s systems? I do not think that corresponds to the vision of Google. I think that Google is crucial to be able to accompany the people around the clock to generate data and to provide you with their services. But be that as it may, we have our own interests. Where we complement each other, we will cooperate – and if we compete, we’ll see who has the better cards. This is relatively simple. And to the car to make it the one rolling smartphone, we need less effort than a cell phone providers to build a car.

What happens to the proceeds of the car manufacturer when the new mobility concepts such as car sharing to spread. ? Then Do not sell fewer cars

If we look concretely our Carsharing offer car2go, we currently have a balance between people who say, “Now I no longer need my Smart “- and those who buy a smart because they have tried it with car2go. But no matter how that goes – the solution that is best for the customer, will always prevail. It would be absurd if we were to build lines of defense to get something as long as possible, what was the business model before. If establish other concepts – then we want a say in it. We’ve got a very definite attitude. Disruptions are nothing new: a hundred years ago, there were many steam locomotive builder. And when the electric locomotive came, they were all dead.


Car: Zetsche: Technology largely ready for production for self-propelled cars – ABC Online

With a futuristic prototype of an autonomously moving cars (“F015″) Daimler produced at the electronics show CES big headlines. In an interview with dpa explains CEO Dieter Zetsche, where he still sees action in the implementation of the plans

Question:. Mr Zetsche how often you are in a self-driving car go

Answer: Well, the part is already my company car, a self-propelled vehicle, because several of our series models can go completely autonomously at low speed. With the prototypes that are going on, I drive about every quarter

Question:. You realize this already differences from trip to trip

Answer: Yes, it is going much faster than it I could imagine a few years ago

. Q: How long will it take for until we see a car like the F015 regularly on the road

Answer: The key technologies this are already ready for production. We have the sensors. We have the computer capacity. The crosslinking is prior art. What we do not have is the safe autonomous driving in all circumstances – such as rain and snow or at night. In addition, the legal environment with clarification about liability issues missing. This determines the timing even more than the technology

Question:. What does this mean in terms of years

Answer: It can make only reasonable if one goes step by step , We will be sure autonomously at higher speeds on routes such as highways in the next few years go. A car as it stands out on the stand, I see in the next decade on the road

Question:. They had responded to your appearance even those still unregulated ethical issues. Standing before us moments when the car decides who prefers event of an unavoidable accident

Answer: The car does not decide that yourself, but only follows the pre surrounded algorithm. These decisions will have to be taken jointly by the manufacturer and authorities. Today, every day is decided by individual people, whether consciously or unconsciously. Such situations are rare indeed occur unevenly in the future. Maybe 99 avoided 100 accidents – but also for those few cases you have to have this discussion

Question: Will it such a car as the F015 can ever produce economically

.? Answer: The technique for autonomous driving – computer power and sensors – is there the slightest problem. Since the fuel cell and battery are the major cost components. In addition, the infrastructure map services and data centers. But generally speaking, an autonomously moving car is not much more expensive

Question:. In Las Vegas can get the impression that the German carmaker have a head start. Is that true

Answer: Yes, I think that the German manufacturers are beginning. Now it is important that we keep this position

Question:. Were the self-driving cars of Google not only a wake up call for the automotive industry

Answer: We are already in the 90s drove prototypes. Interesting is the extreme attention that has gotten Google, which has also helped us

questions. But had the auto industry is not their prototypes already mothballed

Answer: The things that we work, not always penetrate to the outside. And our assistance systems were driving the logical steps to autonomous

. Question: How is your relationship with the IT industry? Could you build a car without them

Answer: Of course not, we want to, for example, do not produce semiconductor itself. Even with the software, we will work together in a meaningful way. The algorithms, logic, intelligence – that must come from us. Whether Google in this sense becomes a competitor, only time will tell. But that does not determine whether we can cooperate in other areas. We can see a total coalescence of the industry and the auto industry, with new possibilities. That there is a new impetus, can only be good for us, even if new competitors emerge

Question:. But you can also get the impression that the car makers, designed by Google traffic concept only the role of a have PC manufacturer that produces replaceable hardware

Answer: We are the factories in which only the shells are built for Google’s systems? I do not think that corresponds to the vision of Google. I think that Google is crucial to be able to accompany the people around the clock to generate data and to provide you with their services. But be that as it may, we have our own interests. Where we complement each other, we will cooperate – and if we compete, we’ll see who has the better cards. This is relatively simple

Question: However, if the IT companies are not in a better position. The a smart phone and computer build without you – but the car industry no cars without IT companies

Answer: The problem I do not really see: There are various electronics vendors and competition works as always good. And to the car to make it the one rolling smartphone, we need less effort than a cell phone providers to build a car

Question:. What happens to the proceeds of the car manufacturer when the new mobility concepts such as car sharing to spread. ? Then do not sell fewer cars

A: If we look concretely our Carsharing offer car2go, we currently have a balance between people who say, “Now I no longer need my smart” – and those who buy a smart because they have tried it with car2go. But no matter how that goes – the solution that is best for the customer, will always prevail. It would be absurd if we were to build lines of defense to get something as long as possible, what was the business model before. If establish other concepts – then we want a say in it. We’ve got a very definite attitude. Disruptions are nothing new: a hundred years ago, there were many Damplokomotiven-Bauer. And when the electric locomotive came, they were all dead

Question:. We is great danger for the auto industry, as the steam locomotive builders to end

Answer: I believe also most of our colleagues see this and therefore invest in electric locomotives, even if it takes another 10 to 20 years, that one makes money

Question:. This idea when F015 – the car as a lounge – it is not even an attempt to make people your products again tasty as it becomes apparent that they lose interest

Answer: To speak of the general trend away from the car would be wrong – because even now many people in the new markets in Asia can afford a car for the first time. What we want is to provide a living space where you can do what you want

Question:. Does the concept also has something to do with the future competition for vacant time in a self-driving car ‘? / p>

Answer: We want to tell people we give you back the time you spend with it today, cranking on a steering wheel so the car does not go against the curb. Now you can do what you want instead

Question:. But then do not come online services and fill out this time and Heimsen profits also in the car-passenger compartment

? Answer: As long as the people here use our car that is totally okay

PERSONAL:. Dieter Zetsche (61) since January 1, 2006 The Executive Board Chairman of Daimler AG. He is in the United States or under the nickname “Dr. Z. “because he had appeared under that name years ago, self-deprecating in commercials for the former joint venture Daimler Chrysler.


Zetsche: Technology largely ready for production for self-propelled cars – NOZ – New Osnabrück newspaper

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Zetsche: technology largely ready for production for self-propelled cars
NOZ – New Osnabrück newspaper Answer: The main technology this are already ready for production. We have the sensors. We have the computer capacity. The crosslinking is prior art. What we do not have is the safe autonomous driving in all circumstances – such as & nbsp; … Self-propelled cars more than a new technology Germany radio all 203 articles & nbsp; & raquo;


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Self-propelled cars more than a new technology – radio Germany

Barbara Lenz in conversation with Tobias Armbrüster

Barbara Lenz, director of the Institute of Transport Research, Berlin
Barbara Lenz, director of the Institute of Transport Research, Berlin (picture alliance / dpa / Hans-Joachim computing)

Google and Daimler are working on: cars should drive fully autonomously in the future, so their vision. This would mean that there would be no more traffic jams, which are due to incorrect behavior on the road, the traffic researcher Barbara Lenz said in DLF. Until then, it was still a long way to go.

Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche was presented at the Open House of the American electronics industry a self-propelled Mercedes-prototypes. The traffic researcher Barbara Lenz considers it quite possible that self-propelled cars in a few years to the reality on the streets. That would be mainly for car-sharing models is essential. Cars that you have to get there so far, where they have been placed, would pick up the next driver then autonomously.

This change should, however, be accompanied legally, so Lenz. Up to now there is a person responsible for the law behind the wheel. Controls the car itself, that would be not more so. In addition, should the sensors of the vehicles to be modernized infrastructure, absence of a continuous side strips will need.

With the shift away from the principle of responsible driver did not change just a technology, but a whole system. For example, would jams, which are due to incorrect behavior on the road, no longer arise. The devices would also anticipate that a child could follow when a ball rolls into the street. But foolproof, so Lenz, were it not

The full interview

Tobias Armbrüster. It is a really science fiction-like vision, Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche has since presented in Las Vegas yesterday: A car that runs independently that picks up a home on mobile phone call. One can then reinsetzen, start driving and watching TV or reading a book. Not only Daimler is working on such a self-driving cars, on such concepts, and many other manufacturers not only in the auto industry. But how likely is actually that it will really give those cars in the future with us on the streets? – Maybe we can say that Barbara Lenz. She is the director of the German Institute of Transport Research in Berlin, where the German Center for Aerospace, and she explores such concepts and their potential impact for several years. Good morning, Ms. Lenz

Barbara Lenz. Good morning, Mr. Armbrüster

Armbrüster. Mrs Lenz can, its really that we all do not have to sit in a few years behind the wheel, but that distract us our cars independently

Lenz: I think this is quite possible. The probability is even very high that we are heading and closely

Armbrüster. What needs to change because for us, so that something works

? Lenz Firstly, the legal foundations need to change it, because our entire legal bases in traffic are of course based on the fact that you have a person responsible behind the wheel, the driver or the driver. The changes, you do not have more riders, so the responsibility lies elsewhere, which must be accompanied legally. We may need other infrastructure, as the sensors of these vehicles has indeed certain requirements, for example, to a continuous side strips that can be recognized as a limitation of the roadway. It can also transmit functions are required, which must then be deployed throughout the country. That has to definitely change. The question is perhaps not so much what needs to change – it can be determined relatively well – but what may change in the offer to the market participants

Armbrüster: Since we can talk about it even in a moment. But how big do you see as the willingness in Germany that will actually change something that is established, for example in infrastructure such new forms in traffic laws and possibly change it?

Lenz Well, it’s not just that there are simply changing a technology, but one would expect from this technology to have some special benefits. One benefit is that the road safety is significantly larger. The other expected benefits is that the efficiency of road transport is greater that the traffic flow works better that the capacity of roads can be better utilized.

Therefore, a willingness since it is determined to be the accordingly set up infrastructure, and when you look at yourself research projects currently running at different ministries are so precisely aligned to be a sort prepare the road that also automatic vehicles can drive.

With small steps in the Future

Armbrüster: If I were you because now understand correctly, this also means that there will be these autonomous vehicles no more traffic jams

Lenz The “no”, which has something quite absolute. But first times there are no more traffic jams, which are due to the fact that people are reluctant to behave in the traffic. It caused traffic jams often the case out of nothing, because a front brakes, slows the whole line that follows, and then there are these backwater effect. These are effects that would be lost in the future.

But I would also be careful with this automatic driving now always equal to the final goal to see really fully automated vehicles, which was presented by Mr. Zetsche in Las Vegas. There are also still intermediates. This is so wrong with the automatic parking system, we already have even provided at individual locations in Germany, for example, at the airport in Dusseldorf

Armbrüster. Since you have cars, from where you can stop and say to them, now you park one myself, and then the car adjusts itself into the parking space

Lenz. Exactly! The car is brought to its parking spot per robot. And there are various stages along the way to full automation. You have the motorway pilots, also for a specific function drives the car automatically. Especially complicated it will be in urban traffic, where you simply have a variety of influences, which not only impair or affect the operation of the car but also running the car. You have people and other vehicles that cross the roadway. This is a particularly complex situation, and that is certainly the endpoint, the aim of which autodriving to be able to cope with the

Armbrüster. You have now been said that the road with such cars safer. Can we because there really be sure that this technology is quite good enough to detect as small children who suddenly run into the street

Lenz: I would Connect disagree that says that we can exclude 100 percent, because the 100 percent rule would mean that you advance to 100 percent every possible situation can be devised, in such a case arises. The basic situation is but its certainly the case that in certain areas of road transport develop these vehicles a sensor, which is also set out as if a ball rolls into the street. Then the vehicle not only looks, here comes a ball, but also an inkling of what we do as people yes, there could also be a child come afterwards. Now: That must be the goal of sensors for fully automated vehicles in urban traffic then go

Fully automatic in the wrong direction

Armbrüster.? I can imagine, Ms. Lenz, that many who hear this now, think that’s really mad and goes completely in the wrong direction, that we as talk about self-propelled cars on private transport to continue cars with two or four seats which then here glide through our cities and bring their drivers to their destination, which somehow then sit in these little cars with a reading newspaper, reading books or watching TV. Not is actually a growing trend towards he should not go there to expand public transport

Lenz: Yes, that does the trend also determined. But when you consider where does that work, public transport particularly well, then you will find that is in the big cities. And we have not that many really big cities in Germany. In my view, the public transport retain primary quantities of urban transport and the question is to what extent we are developing on the individual additional options, such as the fact that not everyone who lives in the city or work in the city or purchases through a private vehicle has, but uses along with other this vehicle, whether. in a small group or for the purposes of car sharing, just as we know it today Together, this benefit is an essential component of its autonomous driving

Armbrüster. And that will be easier that you can then call these cars and then come to a, as we have just heard on the original sound of Dieter Zetsche

Lenz: Exactly! If you want to share with someone a car today, you have to coordinate getting that where you leave the car, the other person can get the car. The moment where the car can move itself, you have this coordination needs no more, which is a new opportunity to share this car, and this is my opinion, be an essential element of autonomous driving especially in cities.

Armbrüster: Mrs Lenz, then at the very end even this rather, I would say, industrial policy question. Do you have the impression that German manufacturers are prepared for this development

Lenz: I have the impression that they have long been working towards that but also the quality of this challenge which has just been brought by Google on the carpet, the German manufacturers much more aggressive now deal with this issue and develop as autonomous driving. Watch out Mercedes, which now are on this test site and also on the roads in California – autonomous

Armbrüster. The traffic researcher Barbara Lenz was the time and the many reports reports that we get these days about cars that drive autonomously. Thank you, Mrs Lenz, for your time this morning

Lenz. Here you go! -. Please, Lord Armbrüster

give statements of our interlocutors their own views again. The Germany radio makes his interlocutors’ utterances in interviews and discussions not our own.
