Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Windows 9: What can the new operating system – Business Week

After the great Windows-8 flop, it has Microsoft apparently in a hurry to publish its new operating system. Windows 9 to be re user-friendly. A lifeline for Microsoft.

W as for Apple fans is the new iPhone is a new generation of Windows for Microsoft fans. Tonight is the new operating system Windows 9, which is currently being developed under the code name “Threshold”, are finally presented. Regular Windows users are, however, only times behind: There is increasing evidence that Microsoft’s priority convince business customers and developers. Thus, the date initially oriented in San Francisco tonight to developers of programs for Windows PCs and businesses that depend on Microsoft programs. The public should try until October the new operating system then probably.

With Windows 8, Microsoft had previously demonstrated no knack: Dissatisfied customers dominate the headlines and poor sales figures bungle the consolidated balance sheet. The system had made with his confusing tile surface with many users for frustration and anger. That should change with Windows 9 now. So, for example, returns the desired Start menu, the absence of one of the biggest criticisms of Windows was 8. Visually, the menu again reminded very much of Windows 7 is new is the integration of the Modern UI. So also previously so unloved tiles now have their place in the Start menu. So let yourself about the new menu features both well-known as the Windows Explorer, Paint or the computer opened, as well as services such as Skype or Microsoft cloud by clicking on the corresponding tile. The tile surface is, however, no longer serve as the basic setting. Instead, they can activate at the request of users. In the foreground are back from Windows 7 known desktop interface and the start menu are.


Criticism Microsoft’s new operating system Windows 8 will not ebb away. Currently, the Stiftung Warentest has tested the product and has come to a devastating judgment.

In addition, information about a redesigned taskbar to the public passes. This bar should be adapted to the individual needs of the user and dynamically change their color – depending on the background image set by the user.

Friends of large pixels can rejoice: The new Windows will also support large screens. Optical to users of the new software but for now do not expect too much: For the preview version for developers of Windows 9, the Microsoft internally named “Technical Preview for Enterprise” should remember in the early versions strongly to Windows 8. The Windows-9-symbols but gradually follow

The closer the performance date approaches, the more violent the speculation. Possibly Windows 9 could free update for all users of Windows 8.1 will appear. The reports on the Indonesian website “Detik”. Accordingly, the Indonesian Microsoft CEO Andreas Diantoro to have the free Windows 9 confirmed during a tablet presentation to journalists. Prices for the new operating system did not name the manager. According to unnamed sources the Microsoft leaker Wzór However, the manufacturer requires $ 20 from Windows-8-owners for a fix. That amounted to about ten dollars less than the Windows 8 update hat.Umsteiger cost for the introduction of Windows XP, Vista and 7, however, the new version will probably have to buy at the store.

Furthermore rumored Microsoft Windows 9 will give a voice. As the website Neowin reported to Cortana, the language assistant from Windows Phone, used in Threshold. There he is, however, only act as an app in the background. Cortana is

clarity Gets the user the function to open in a separate window., It will probably be until tonight, when the system is officially introduced. Then will also show whether the new Windows (codename: Threshold “). Windows is really” 9 hot “Experience shows that Microsoft can after publication of the preview version about six months for the final touches Accordingly, the earliest start of 2015 with the final Windows. expected 9 version., the Group Pushes many updates to the pre-release version after, the date for the in-house developer conference (Build) can move backwards. latest, but by April 2015 it is expected that Windows 9 goes on sale. ‘ / p>


Dispute over technology for underground cables – Heise News Ticker

A Lower Saxon engineer has developed a concept to lay HVDC lines cheaper and more environmentally friendly in the soil. The electricity network operators from blocking.

A Lower Saxon engineer has developed a self-described concept for underground cables, which should be cheaper than conventional technology, and also less engaged in the landscape. The Technology Review reported in its latest issue.

Underground as an alternative to power lines? Magnification & # XF6; & # xdf; ren
Image: Tennet
<- RSPEAK_START -> Ingo Rennert, the! among other network connections for offshore wind farms plans, proposes to lay the cables in trenches with so-called liquid soil. A trench of fifty centimeters wide so rich from completely to accommodate two cables with a combined capacity of one gigawatt. In addition, one could use sleeveless pieces of cable of up to three kilometers, which would reduce the number of joints to a third.

In the dispute over the extension of power lines underground cables apply to the persons affected as gentler alternative. The currently applied underground cable routes for three-phase lines is anything but invisible. Electricity network operator Amprion example is where a road width of 22 meters for his project in Raesfeld. In addition, the network operator must establish every 800 meters garage large buildings, enabling access to the so-called joints of the individual cable sections.

“For the foreseeable future not yet implemented”

Amprion shares Rennert optimism therefore do not. The concept is to a large extent “technically not feasible in the foreseeable future,” said a company spokesman. In addition, the network operators criticized the cost calculation. “Here, assumptions are made that do not appear to understand,” says the spokesman Amprion. So it is unrealistic to mention cost of laying the cable, without knowing the exact course of the route.

two scientists from the University of Hannover express in a given of Tennet report commissioned doubts about the concept So the researchers questioned whether a cable module length of three kilometers, given the logistics involved -. well repairs -. really useful addition, they point out that the plug that will connect the modules together, “not yet, or not used to the extent necessary for a new technique” have been. <- AUTHOR DATA MARKER BEGIN -> ( Ralph Diermann ) / <-! RSPEAK_STOP -> (wst)


World’s largest private investor in the corporate sector clean technology … – PR Newswire (press release)

New York (ots / PRNewswire) – – Cheng Kin Ming built the first vertically integrated supply chain for clean energy

Cheng Kin Ming, whose recent investment is estimated in solar company to a value of nearly 20 billion – making it the world’s largest private investor in clean technologies – manifests itself for the first time publicly about his strategy to accelerate the global transition to green cities. He pursues the approach to identify the world’s best complementary companies in the field of clean technologies and to create entire supply chains across a variety of industries to implement integrated solutions of immense magnitude.

Photo – http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140929/148928 [http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140929/148928]

Mr. Cheng , Founder and Chairman of the Hong Kong-based Asia Pacific Resources Development Investment (APRD), today in New York on the occasion of the event The Next Generation Solar PV Finance (solar PV funding the next generation) his vision of Age of green cities ( Age of Green Cities) before. On Tuesday, he took part in the summit hosted by Goldman Sachs Clean Energy, the Clean Energy EcoSummit in Silicon Valley.

“Renewable energy offers the people and Mother Earth a more beautiful future. Investors and entrepreneurs should focus on this industry,” said Mr. Cheng. “By investing in companies that offer common solutions, cities can make their growth and consumption of resources re. Moreover, we can achieve a high quality of life for us and future generations.”

Mr. Cheng, who is also known under the name Zheng Jianming, and APRD focus on long-term investments in solutions for low-carbon cities. In November 2012, he acquired 30 percent of Shunfeng Photovoltaic International Ltd. .. Thanks to his support, Shunfeng was quickly in the world’s largest companies for integrated renewable energy convert from the developer and operator of solar systems and resources to develop, design, manufacture, construction, financing, provide insurance, operation and maintenance, energy storage, and solar products and applications available.

With its current investments, Mr. Cheng focuses on complete supply chains across multiple vertical levels to provide integrated solutions for efficiency, cost control and technologies for the market. He currently invests in companies in three complementary business areas: production of renewable energy, such as solar modules and inverters,. . Energy storage and management, such as batteries or heat pump; and environmentally friendly solutions such. example, electric vehicles and LED products.

Shunfeng Mr. Cheng has invested in several companies to provide renewable energy. These include: Suntech, a leading global manufacturer of photovoltaic modules for residential, commercial, industrial and utility applications; Sunways, a leading German manufacturer of solar inverters, solar power and SAG, a German provider of high quality photovoltaic systems. Likewise, Mr. Cheng has invested in TCNT, which accelerates the generation of energy from sea water. It is the declared goal of Mr. Cheng, from renewable energy use in the next ten years, more than 50 gigawatts of installed capacity – enough energy to power more than 37 million households.

APRD holds shares in the following companies for energy storage: powin Energy, a US-based company, the grid-like storage systems are developed and used; Boston Power, a US-based manufacturer of extensive battery systems for electric vehicles, and Nobao Renewable Energy Holdings, the leading provider of fully integrated energy systems in China.

To bring about smart consumer decisions to save energy and reduce costs, APRD invested in different companies that are paving the way for new consumer technologies. These include Lattice Power, a Chinese provider of affordable, high-performance LED bulbs, and Green Wheel Electric Vehicles, one of the largest and most experienced manufacturers of electric vehicles in China.

For more information, visit the website APRD [http://www.aprdi.com/].

About APRD

About APRD

Asia Pacific Resources Development Investment (APRD) was founded by Cheng Kin Ming and is a privately held company that the world’s best clean tech company for production, storage, distribution, operation and maintenance of energy identified and integrated – and this is a sophisticated solution provider connects renewable energy.

Web site: http://www.aprdi.com/

Press contact:

 CONTACT: Laura Cochran, lcochran @ apcoworldwide. com, mobile number + 1-206-779-1720 

Net 2018 converted to IP technology: Telekom announces old connections – Westfalen-Blatt

The Telekom is proceeding as local area network. For this purpose, the terminal owner will be written at the end of the contract period – up to four times. “We ask the customer to switch to a new contract,” says spokesman André Hofmann. Rejects the customer, the Telekom was forced to resign. “The process is coordinated with the Consumer and the Federal Network Agency.”

For clients an IP connection is usually a little cheaper than a comparable pre-existing contract. May require a new router could be necessary. Customers using a pure telephone connection would switch to IP telephony without the chores would be necessary.

So far, use 3.5 million telecom customers an IP connection. The few weeks before encountered telephony problems are resolved.


More snow security through new technology: Navigate even in plus degrees – Dorfinfo.de Sauerland News citizens newspaper

Snowmaker unique in Germany – operators want to gain experience

 snow Winterberg. (Sauerland) The time of the investment in multi-million amount is over for now. With new chairlifts and large snow-making equipment, the ski areas of the Ski-Arena Sauerland not score at the time. But probably with innovative projects. After about three quarters of the slopes are covered with snow in the core area, is now a new technology to be used, which is able to produce snow even at zero temperatures.

There is hardly anything moves people in the winter months, more than the question of the snowfall. Wait, especially in the tourist areas of ski operators, hoteliers, restaurateurs and retailers eagerly on snow, as the white fascination attracts guests so abruptly brought like no other product area. The slopes or at least some of them should be available snowy and well prepared from middle of December, like even more, but no later than Christmas.

For ten years invested heavily in snowmaking

So the offer for Guest reliable and for the tourism industry is predictable, the organizers have installed all the flocks of snow-producers in the past ten years. 450 units will be available at the runway edges in winter. Thus, the construction of snowmaking equipment is largely completed. Only selectively optimize operator safety snow snow with classical technique. For example, in Neuastenberg. There are five additional snow guns optimize the snow of the village exit and the skiing school. Also in Winterberg Ski Lift Carousel come in many slopes more guns to use.

Usually it works out that there are the widespread winter sports between mid-December and mid-March. Winter as the past or the season 2006/2007 are the exception. While confirming the known rule, but so rips some big holes in the coffers of those who live by the winter sports. Guests are confused. Early reservations are processed in the following years, such a sparse winter.

Bed and tourism professionals want more security and predictability

The snow safety, ensure the classical systems, is relative. At temperatures above about minus three degrees fan guns produce snow, lances need some more cold, but are for energy saving. The start of the season each year waiting for the right conditions. And even during the current season is the view of the weather movements sometimes nerve-wracking game. Too much, too early or late snow – bad decisions can cost a lot of money. If it is permanently warm as last winter, then this kind of snow works poorly.

vacuum principle makes snow at plus temperatures possible

The All Weather Snow Maker is a small revolution . It produces up to 200 cubic meters of snow per day – regardless of the ambient temperature and humidity. The technology is based on the physical principle that water, which is introduced in the vacuum, immediately evaporates to a certain extent. This requires no boiling temperatures are necessary. Evaporation energy, however, is still required. In this case the evaporating part of the water extracts the energy from the remaining other part of the water, whereupon the latter strongly cools and crystallizes thereby. For this water crystal mixture a separator separates the water from the snow crystals. Then the snow is thrown directly on the slopes. The water vapor condenses back to cooling plates and evaporated again.

The snow quality resembling the spring snow with high residual moisture. This residual moisture but lost largely during dissection. In freezing the track is fast grippy, with mild temperatures it remains soft.

The technology of Snow Makers has already been tested. In Switzerland Zermatt investors have built such a machine for the Theodulgletscher close to the Klein Matterhorn. Coinciding with Zermatt initiators in 2008 at the Tyrolean Pitztal Glacier installed a similar system. Invented the technology of the “All Weather Snow Maker” just a isaraelische company that was looking for ways to cool mines. The IDE Technologies is a world leader in desalination. In the cooling tunnel in South African gold mines were, emerged as a waste product of snow.

the first facility of its kind in Germany

Currently, the Winterberg Ski Lift Carousel obtain the building permit. 500,000 euros will cost the device. In maritime containers, the components are supplied and installed tightly to the slope. Mobile is the Schneeseparator. He has a radius of about 100 meters. Water is taken from existing storage ponds and fed to the plant. The operators hope that in December can be used in time.

The system is unique in Germany and serves as a supplement to traditional snow production. “The Snow Maker is not the miracle weapon against climate change,” says Winter Sports Arena Chairman Michael Beckmann. “The lift operators want sorry resembled close gaps, entries and exits as well as individual sections of piste snow for if it is not cold enough for snow conventional methods.” With productivity of 200 cubic meters per day would be on the snow of a general resort not to think anyway. Also supportive to the beginning of the season should the system do their services

Only selectively targeted use economic sense

The unit can produce snow at temperatures up to 30 degrees outside -. They were designed for their intervention in the gold mines in South Africa. This makes for ski resorts but ecologically and economically make no sense. Make snow in summer temperatures would make little sense, since the won expensive snow would flow directly back as water downhill. A real slope preparation would hardly be possible. Only a targeted use at temperatures just above or just below zero appears the operators currently make sense.

Whether in a comparison of energy use, the classic snow cuts off much better, or can Snowmaker compete depends on the conditions . With a correspondingly low temperatures and dry air snow cannons and lances are clearly the better choice. These values, however, move in the border area of ​​two degrees, the new technology is much more attractive. Often adverse wind conditions happen, so that the produced with conventional methods often snow lands next to the slopes. This can appear more positive the balance of Snow Makers


The Snow Maker produces consistent quantities and good quality, where lances fail and fan guns only little and also quite wet snow produce . Losses due to snow drifts often in strong winds it is not the Snow Maker. The total cost per cubic meter of snow are significantly higher mainly due to the complex technology. For snowmaking smaller surface sections at temperatures around zero degrees it is very good though. This is in practice often the case since often small surface sections need to be optimized in order to release a whole slopes for winter sports can

Power and energy consumption compared

Snow Maker.: 8.5 m³ of snow / h

10 kWh / m³ of snow (no wind drifts)

Propellers cannon at -3 ° C: 9 m³ of snow / h

5 kWh / m³ of snow (. including pumping energy)

Propellers cannon at -10 ° C: 60 m³ of snow / h

1 kWh / m³ of snow (. including pumping energy)

lance: 2,5 – 9 m³ / h depending on temperature

0.27 kWh / m³ of snow (water pressure plus pressure air)

costs compared

fan guns: about 2 € / m³ of snow

snow lances: almost 2 € / m³ of snow

Snow Maker: about 12 € / m³ of snow

(energy, labor , acquisition, maintenance)


The winter sports arena Sauerland is a merger of the ski areas in the districts of the Upper Sauerland, Siegerland-Wittgenstein, Olpe and the municipality of Willingen. Through joint marketing, continuous quality improvement of the winter sports supply and optimization of snow safety, the region has developed north of the Alps to the most important winter sports region since 2001. A total of around 90 million Euros have since been invested in the expansion of offerings. More information at www.wintersport-arena.de.

The Nordic Sports Arena is the northern area of ​​sports, winter sports arena Sauerland. Beginners and experts alike will find high-quality winter and summer sports. Versatile, carefully measured and marked trails with high quality standards for Nordic Walking, Nordic Blading, roller ski, Skiken, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.


Monday, September 29, 2014

: Leibinger Prize 2014 for the BMW laser lighting technology – Motorvision.de

New Lexus NX: Bestseller

In Germany to drive a Lexus on call, was always also a statement against the mainstream of German premium phalanx á la Audi, BMW and Mercedes. However, a very strong ego need buyers of the new compact SUV Lexus NX, the Toyota precious daughter ab18. October holds the merchants with prices starting at 39,800 euros. Rarely has an SUV was drawn extroverted, especially the jagged chrome grill, is against the Audis single frame for a sweet pout.


World’s largest private investor in the corporate sector clean technology … – OnVista

NEW YORK, September 29, 2014

– Cheng Kin Ming built the first vertically integrated supply chain for clean energy to

NEW YORK, Sept. 29, 2014 / PRNewswire / – – Cheng Kin Ming, whose recent investments are estimated in solar company to a value of nearly 20 billion – making it the world’s largest private investor in clean technologies – for the first time publicly about his strategy, global change manifested towards green cities to accelerate. He pursues the approach to identify the world’s best complementary companies in the field of clean technologies and to create entire supply chains across a variety of industries to implement integrated solutions of immense magnitude

Photo – http:. // photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140929/148928

Herr Cheng, founder and chairman of the Hong Kong-based Asia Pacific Resources Development Investment (APRD), today in New York on the occasion of the event The Next Generation Solar PV Finance (solar PV funding the next generation) his vision of era of green cities ( Age of Green Cities) before. On Tuesday, he participates in the summit hosted by Goldman Sachs Clean Energy, the Clean Energy EcoSummit in Silicon Valley part.

“Renewable energy offers the people and Mother Earth a more beautiful future. Investors and entrepreneurs should focus on this industry, “said Mr. Cheng.” By investing in companies that offer common solutions, cities can make their growth and consumption of resources re. Moreover, we can provide a high quality of life for us and future reach generations. “

Mr. Cheng, who is also known under the name Zheng Jianming, and APRD focus on long-term investments in solutions for low-carbon cities. In November 2012, he acquired 30 percent of Shunfeng Photovoltaic International Ltd. .. Thanks to his support, Shunfeng was quickly in the world’s largest companies for integrated renewable energy convert from the developer and operator of solar systems and resources to develop, design, manufacture, construction, financing, provide insurance, operation and maintenance, energy storage, and solar products and applications available.

With its current investments, Mr. Cheng focuses on complete supply chains across multiple vertical levels, the integrated solutions for efficiency, cost control and technologies for to provide the market. He currently invests in companies in three complementary business areas: production of renewable energy, such as solar modules and inverters,. . Energy storage and management, such as batteries or heat pump; and environmentally friendly solutions such. example, electric vehicles and LED products.

Shunfeng Mr. Cheng has invested in several companies to provide renewable energy. These include: Suntech, a leading global manufacturer of photovoltaic modules for residential, commercial, industrial and utility applications; Sunways, a leading German manufacturer of solar inverters, solar power and SAG, a German provider of high quality photovoltaic systems. Likewise, Mr. Cheng has invested in TCNT, which accelerates the generation of energy from sea water. It is the declared goal of Mr. Cheng, from renewable energy use in the next ten years, more than 50 gigawatts of installed capacity -. Enough energy to power more than 37 million households

APRD holds shares in the following company for energy storage: powin Energy, a US-based company that grid-like storage systems are developed and used; Boston Power, a US-based manufacturer of extensive battery systems for electric vehicles, and Nobao Renewable Energy Holdings, the leading provider of fully integrated energy systems in China.

To bring smart consumer decisions to save energy and reduce costs , APRD invested in different companies that are paving the way for new consumer technologies. These include Lattice Power, a Chinese provider of affordable, high-performance LED bulbs, and Green Wheel Electric Vehicles, one of the largest and most experienced manufacturers of electric vehicles in China.

For more information, see the APRD website.

About APRD

About APRD

Asia Pacific Resources Development Investment (APRD) was founded by Cheng Kin Ming and is a non-listed company that identifies the world’s best clean tech company for production, storage, distribution, operation and maintenance of energy and integrated – and combines them into a sophisticated solution provider for renewable energy



RWE tests in Münsterland Reken the power grid of the future / Intelligent … – FinanzNachrichten.de (press release)

Reken (ots) –

– Cross reference: Picture material is available at http://www.presseportal.de/galerie.htx?type=obs –

– Cross-reference: Video is available at: http: //www.presseportal.de/pm/76707 –

RWE Germany is today in Reken a smart grid (smart grid) before, the model for other electricity networks in Europe should be. Can be used as part of the EU funded project Grid4EU RWE explored with partners, such as smart grids to achieve the EU headline targets for 2020 in the area of ​​climate change and sustainable energy contribute. Results are collected and analyzed to 2016.

Grid4EU with a total funding of 25.5 million Euros one of the largest EU-funded smart grid projects and is supported under the 7th Research Framework Programme. In six European countries distribution network operators develop innovative concepts and technologies, cost-effective networks, make even more reliable, flexible and resilient. RWE has invested in the project in Reken 1 million euros. The European Union is funding the project with about 500T €.

As part of the research project, RWE is working with ABB and the Technical University of Dortmund together. The technology is already fully integrated into the existing local network of Reken. New resources in the local network stations measure the actual load situations in the power grid and automatically adapt the network structure of the current requirements. Existing ring lines are switched as needed, that consumers and feeders are directly connected to each other. Thus, the current that is produced in Reken also increasingly used in Reken. The network is the advanced control function and reliable. In case of failure the grid management center in Arnsberg recognizes directly, where a repair is necessary.

“With technical intelligence we can make the network expansion flexibility. Here in Reken we want to show that our Smart Grid solutions trendsetting for Europe are, “said Dr. Joachim Schneider, Chief Technology Officer of RWE Germany

Smart grids also holds the MEP Markus Pieper necessary.” We need European electricity networks, households, businesses and renewable energy actively connect with each other and provide distributed solutions for climate protection. As Münsterländer I am delighted that RWE demonstrated this vision in Reken today. “

The community Reken in Münsterland with 14,000 inhabitants was chosen because there already Today, many more regenerative energy generation plants to feed and still more are planned. In the partly urban and partly rural network in the West Netz GmbH about as much electricity is already produced as consumed – but not always at the same time. Rekens first Deputy Mayor Brita Weishaupt was proud that the choice has fallen on their city. “Reken is thus part of a showcase project that deals with the intelligent distribution of electricity from renewable energy sources and thus important insights for the future energy supply of Europe provides,” Weishaupt said.

has the Technical University of Dortmund developed the necessary calculation algorithms for mainly decentralized management of power grids. Professor Dr.-Ing. Christian Rehtanz said: “The decentralized supply leads already in rural distribution networks to new challenges with automated and decentralized control in the medium voltage level, we achieve a new dimension in flexibility of power grids in Reken..”

ABB developed the intelligent devices for the conversion of the local network. Project Manager Robert Itschner, Head of Power Systems ABB Germany said: “Today an enabling technology will be further developed in Reken consistently to an active overall system Reken is thereby provide important results for the standardization and transferability to other networks..”

More Information: www.rwe.com/grid4eu.

OTS: RWE AG Germany newsroom: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/76707 newsroom via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de /rss/pm_76707.rss2

Pressekontakt: Sebastian Ackermann Head of Corporate Communications T 12-23802 0201 M 0172 2028979 E sebastian.ackermann@rwe.com

Eva Wagner Head of External Communications T 0201 12 -23,822 M 0173 2530179 E eva.wagner@rwe.com


Clever advertising: Universal uses MirriAd technology “Native in Video Advertising” – Music Marketplace

Los Angeles / London – To accommodate advertising less annoying in music videos has, the Universal Music Group in cooperation with the advertising group Havas cooperation with MirriAd decided that developed the “Native in Video Advertising” (NIVA).

Hardly anyone looks like commercials. For this reason, companies must now find innovative tools to present their products to the end user. This is true for the music industry as for any other industry. Universal Music has therefore decided to work with MirriAd. Their technology opens up completely new possibilities for product placement company. NIVA can make objects in moving images to digital billboards.

This technique originates from the Special Effect section and was even awarded an Oscar in 2013. Thanks to cookies, the advertising can even “on-the-fly” – ie immediately – be tailored to personal preferences of the audience in order to attract even more effectively. In addition NIVA provides a network of advertising on the increasingly popular “second screen” – the tablet or smartphone

Universal Music NIVA is mainly used in new music video.. The Havas advertising group represents clients such as LVMH (MoetHennessy.LuisVitton), Dish Network, LG and Coca-Cola, whose products are to be applied in selected music videos from Universal Music Group with the new technology. Monitored and evaluated scientifically is the project from research firm 18-Siliwood, a joint venture between Havas and Orange in Los Angeles.

Statement to the new cooperation with MirriAd

“Through innovative technologies like those of MirriAd and thanks to a partnership with a global agency like Havas, we are able to realize additional income for our artists and their music videos,” says Lucian Grainge, Chairman and CEO of Universal Music Group. “It is the highly flexible platform MirriAd that allows us to balance the interests between the creative and the brand-name companies. This allows us to continue to focus on our core business, namely to present the fans great music videos. “

” The partnership with MirriAd and UMG provides us with an innovative way, a meaningful connection between our clients’ brands and consumers to create, “says Yannick Bolloré, Chairman and CEO of Havas. “MirriAd allows us to create authentic and logical brand bonds within a context, for an audience that insatiable search for new content from the ridge to the Second Screen.”

“We are thrilled to be working with UMG and Havas. This helps us in the worldwide distribution of our brand, and also in the transition from broadcast to online video. We want to give viewers a better experience, “says Mark Popkiewicz, CEO of MirriAd. “We have the MirriAd platform designed with the producers of video content, so that the process of creation and acceptance of campaigns with all stakeholders can run smoothly.”

Max Strumberger


Beware of subscription trap the B2B Technology Chemnitz GmbH on Facebook … – anwalt.de

1 What is in this law do?

This right tip I want technology indicate a currently widespread strong in the Internet and especially Facebook subscription trap the company B2B Chemnitz GmbH give and advice for those affected.

second What the heck is a subscription trap?

called Under a subscription trap or Internet costs case, it is colloquially a dubious business practice in which (mainly) Internet users (especially consumer here) are caused unintentionally a supposedly complete fee contract. Achieve this effect, the operators of such subscription traps by not or will only very hidden indicates a incurs a charge.

3rd The concrete case: B2B Technology Chemnitz GmbH

For a long time it has become quiet on the subject of subscription trap in the Internet, which also has a reason. The legislature has enacted deliberately set up a system to prevent those business practices that consumers should be unintentionally lured into a paid contract (specifically, is this provision in § 312j Abs. 3 BGB, so-called. “Button solution”) .

This change in the law, the issue of subscription traps has not done on the Internet, but only assumed new forms. One of these new forms comes from the company B2B Technology Chemnitz GmbH, which operates several websites.

There are piling up at me in the last few days requests from clients that run on Facebook on the website stock sell-shopping.de be operated by the company B2B Technology Chemnitz GmbH. First, the consumer / Facebook users is a very affordable single offer (for. Example for a TV) motivated to visit the website just mentioned. There he will be prompted to sign and enter his or her contact. As is typical for a subscription trap, as part of this registration process is not understood in the way on one incurs a charge that it also will notice the consumer.

If you have finally signed, normally obtained within a short time by mail a request for payment 240.- €.

4th Can I defend myself against such a subscription trap or should I even pay for me to have peace?

No, you can and should fight back

My specific reference. Please do not pay a penny

Once you get paid! should have, it is extremely difficult to get your money back. This can then be achieved in most cases only in individual cases on an expensive court proceedings. It is therefore better not to pay.

Unfortunately it is not enough to simply ignore the request for payment. Rather, you should be active and contest the claim in the proper form. The requirement of Abofallenbetreiber is voidable for several reasons. So are z. B. Revocation rights and appeal rights available to defend himself against the claim.

If you also need help with the defense of such subscription trap, you may really like the office of Dr. Newerla contact. We already have several years experience in the successful defense of subscription traps and help you.

Please contact us. For a free initial consultation It would be helpful also if you could send the payment request by e-mail (info@drnewerla.de) us in advance. Ask about our low flat-rate pricing for demand response.


Games technology – “Unlimited Detail”: First games with new … – Ad-Hoc-News (press release)

These horizont.at writes: ‘Cash’, the magazine for the food trade from the publisher Manstein, celebrates its 30th anniversary. One more …

message from nachrichten.de: Who so long successfully acts as an investigator pair as Klaus J. Behrendt Max Ballauf and Dietmar Bär as Freddy Schenk, may lose sight of the critical detail. Anders is difficult to explain how the read more …

horizont.at writes: Editorial by Sebastian Loudon, editor (HORIZON 39/2014) more …

These reports teltarif.de further: Amazon will probably start his book Flat Rate Unlimited Kindle to the Frankfurt Book Fair in early October. The price is nocht not fixed. Read more …

These reports Rhine-zeitung.de: Berlin (dpa). Federal Justice Minister Heiko Maas has given the market power of Google again called for more transparency of the Internet search engine operator. Although he does not aspire to the issuance of the search algorithm in detail, as he made clear in the “Bild am Sonntag”. But Google had to the criteria by which the search results are sorted disclose. It was also important how search results were being manipulated about by economic interests, more …


Sunday, September 28, 2014

New technology for heart treatment – DiePresse.com

In a heart attack, everything must go fast. Parts of the heart are not getting enough blood. Oxygen and nutrients missing, heart muscle cells may die – sometimes with fatal consequences for the patient. But even if it is to act in time, damage may remain. Parts of the heart muscle may be permanently impaired in its pumping function

<-.! *************** Include Banner Middle2 End **** ************* ->

The Vienna start-up Miracor has developed a novel system and will reduce damage resulting from a heart attack. Cardiovascular diseases – including heart attack or stroke count – are the leading cause of death in Austria. The importance of cardiovascular disease the World Heart Day aims to raise awareness on next Monday.

No blood in small vessels


If a heart attack on can be performed as a therapeutic cardiac catheterization. Here, the doctor recognizes the closed vessel, and can be engaged by opening it out mechanically. This means that the vessel does not close again, placed one stent: The fine, tunnel-shaped grille – often metal – serves as a vascular support

But in the tissue after closure occurred shortly after the heart attack changes.. “The small blood vessels have the property that they close themselves, such as glue. Even if the stent is introduced, flows into it, no blood, “says Miracor CEO Ludwig gold. “After forty hours from the tissue dies.” The damage remains.

“In about two thirds of patients with a heart attack, which closes the whole vessel, the supply of small vessels is despite successful acute therapy, moderate to bad, “says Gold. “This group of patients will benefit most from the new therapy.”

But how does the new system? The technology is called PICSO and stands for Pressure-controlled Intermittent Coronary Sinus Occlusion. The system comprises a cardiac catheter, and an operator console. It does not replace existing therapies, but to complement them.

access in the groin, a catheter is inserted into a vein and advanced to the heart. Placed the catheter, where the vessels that supply the heart muscle, back into the bloodstream – more precisely in the right atrium – open. Finally, there is a balloon is inflated, closing the vessel. The pressure in the heart vessels is increasing. As the balloon is located behind the original closure, while the pressure in the previously sealed container. The system changes regularly, the pressure conditions. It builds up the pressure in the vessel up and down quickly. This is accomplished by inflating the balloon, and exhausting and lasts between eight and fifteen seconds. Be carried out more closure cycles, the system operates completely automatically.

The therapy lasts a total of 30-45 minutes, the duration of treatment depends on the patient. “The technology is patient-oriented,” says Gold. The system measures simultaneously with the closing cycle data such as pressure and flow values ​​of the patient and adjust the therapy accordingly

The system reach you three different effects, says Gold., The small vessels, which let in no more blood , be opened by the higher pressure. “We bring blood in those border areas would flow more in the none,” says Gold

A second advantage of the therapy is the so-called wash-out. Due to the lack of supply of the heart muscle caused pollutants. The new technology removes them faster. The pollutants caused by the lack of supply of tissue with blood and can affect it further

The development team also observed long-term effects:.. Formation of new blood vessels is supported by the technology

in partial obstructions of vessels it also came so far to do so by the sudden opening of the occluded vessel that the area behind it partially took damage. By the difference in pressure is regulated, the damage can be reduced

All in all, we have an important result observed. “We can use the new method to save more heart muscle tissue than with a stent,” says Gold. ” / p>

Europe tested


The company currently focuses on serious heart attacks, in which the whole vessel is closed. In future it is hoped that the system finds application also in bypasses and heart failure. For the treatment of heart attacks, the technology has been tested in Europe already in 160 patients in several centers.

The medical device has been certified by an external body. Until it is fully used in the hospitals, some steps are still open: For the treatment is paid for by health insurance, more studies need to be performed. “We are currently planning for next year a large study at multiple centers,” says Gold. The study included 300 patients will participate. One half is replaced by the new therapy, and the second is a control group. Currently, the centers are prepared for the study. Gold expects that in three to five years in Austria, a cash refund may occur.

Miracor was founded in 2008 and currently employs 15 people. The developed technique is by Werner Mohl, heart surgeon at the Vienna General Hospital and a professor at the Medical University of Vienna. In addition to private investors promote Austria Economic Service (aws), Research Promotion Agency (FFG), the Center for Innovation and Technology (ZIT) and Euro Stars technology. [Corbis]

A heart attack occurs when a coronary artery clogged. Coronary arteries are responsible for supplying the heart muscle. By the infarct tissue is not adequately supplied and begins to die.

In a cardiac catheterization , a guide wire is inserted into the blood system and advanced to its destination. As part of the investigation closed vessels can be opened again.

The system of Miracor used a balloon. It closes for a short time, the vessel, which is after the congested place. This creates an increase in pressure, and small vessels can be perfused by opening the shutter again

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(“The Press’ print edition, 27/09/2014)

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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Growing Importance: More money for industry 4.0 – Handelsblatt

Dusseldorf A sum of 10.9 billion euros quantify the Munich market researchers Experton Group as potential for the German economy in respect to industry 4.0. Concretely, “the necessary products and services” of information and communication technology meant 2020. According to Experton more and more companies realize the importance of industry 4.0.

The market researcher based inter alia on a study by Bitkom (Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and new media), Berlin. The industry association expects the digitization in major industries in Germany will cause up to 2025 an annual average increase of 1.7 per cent of gross value added.

Industry 4.0

  • The fourth industrial revolution

    Many see the networking of the factory as the fourth industrial revolution – after the mechanization with hydroelectric and steam engines, of labor mass production on assembly lines and introduction of electronics and IT

  • .

  • Different terms

    For the networking of the production, the term industry is often used 4.0 – Hannover Messe make the concept a few years ago popular. Experts speak of cyber physical systems, ie in which physical and virtual world merge. If objects are linked, is also from the Internet of Things, the speech – this applies not only for plants but also for cars or houses

  • Industry buys more and more IT

    Because industrial production and IT are merging more and more, the industry is an important customer for the IT industry: She is wearing now about one fifth of the sales at how the industry association Bitkom tells. Since it is not surprising that the organization on the industrial fair is present

  • .
    Funded by the federal government

    The policy is measured the theme great importance to the federal government considers industry 4.0 in its High-Tech Strategy as a “future project”. Good for business and science: This includes a funding of 200 million euros

  • Many open questions

    The breakthrough industry-4.0 technology is however still pending. Not least because many questions remain unanswered. Which standards apply? Which communication networks are needed? As it is with the safety of the plants?

If you believe Experton to IT decision makers can for Industry 4.0 benefiting from high budgets: From 2013 to 2020, the analysts maintain an annual increase of 35 percent in this area possible. In numbers: Fin 2013 or 316 million euros in IT budgets in conjunction with Industry 4.0, it

Expertons own data will be 2020 more than 2.6 billion indicate that not only core sectors such as manufacturing /. mechanical engineering, automotive / suppliers, chemical / pharmaceutical and electronics industries in terms of digitization are active. Above was not a pure industrial theme, emphasize the market researchers. They expect that, for example, also digitize agriculture, logistics and healthcare.

The analysts have viewed also as the budget will be distributed in the future. Your prediction: In 2015, companies give particularly for services related to system integration money, Experton estimates the total to 131 million euros. 111 million will be invested in Managed Services / Outsourcing and nearly 105 million in consulting.


IT Security: Leading technology 8MAN conquered Europe / Software … – Blogspan.net Press (press release) (blog)

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Berlin (ots) – The Protected Networks GmbH wins with the new partners Prianto an international expert for the successful sales of software solutions. In a first step, the Berlin-based development thus tap the markets UK, Benelux and Poland. “IT security is a worldwide controversial and relevant topic. But while everyone focuses on interception attacks from the outside provide data theft or corruption from within its own ranks for enormous economic damage. The technology ensures 8MAN not just for internal security, but is this also in a simple user interface to efficiently, “said Yuri Pasea, CEO Prianto UK.

The Authorization Management Technology 8MAN organized and structured access rights to the data landscape in companies and thus enables the efficient internal control over corporate data. The automated security relieves the IT administrator to define different areas of responsibility ensures flexibility and efficiency. “The margin is enormous: 8MAN provides as a simple idea with its sophisticated implementation for less economic damage and allows companies to focus on the future. We see a huge market for in Germany already successful technology “Made in Germany” predicts Pasea.

The company’s partnership with Prianto is a milestone in the internationalization of Protected Networks GmbH. “Prianto is to bring in able company with the appropriate potential to the market and is much more flexible than other providers. For our ambitious internationalization plans we need exactly: partners who know what 8MAN can afford for companies worldwide, “said Stephan Brack, CEO of Protected Networks GmbH.

More news and development, the Protected Networks GmbH at this year’s it-sa in Nuremberg from 7th-9th October 2014 in Hall 12, Stand 608

The Protected Networks GmbH ( www.protected-networks.com ) protects permission management technology 8MAN ( www.8man.com ) company data against unauthorized access, minimizing economic damage caused by misuse. The developed and distributed in Germany security technology provides short implementation phase, all access rights and changes in a clear manner and facilitates the administration and assignment of rights. For more efficiency, the automatic audit-proof documentation of all movements in the system provides, according to common compliance requirements. The Protected Networks GmbH offers as a leading manufacturer “8MAN partners” the opportunity to participate in this comprehensive and individually scalable 8MAN technology.

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Web: www.protected-networks. com

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Friday, September 26, 2014

Technology: Sennheiser company developed in Hamburg cinema for the ears – Hamburger Evening Gazette


subsidiary of headphone manufacturer in Hamburg developed a technique that can track movies by people with visual and hearing impairment. The system is already running in the Hamburg cinema Abaton.

From Daniela Stürmlinger
Photo: Klaus Bodig / HA holds in hands With this device, the SST-CEO Jörn Erkau, cinemas and theaters, the new Sennheiser technology to their guests offer

Hamburg . Many people in Germany are very limited despite a hearing aid or glasses in their hearing or eyesight. They are found not only in the older age groups. This is the result one commissioned by the headphone manufacturer Sennheiser survey of TMS Emnid comes under 1,031 people in Germany. Then there is in this country a total of 5.7 million people with stronger visual and hearing disabilities, of which 47 percent are under 60 years old. Although the integration of people with disabilities has long been an important social issue, are approximately twelve percent of respondents believe that they do not get enough support in opera, theater or cinema visit.

That should change soon. The Hamburger Sennheiser daughter Streaming Technology (SST) will come in October with a new free app on the market, get acoustic support over the hearing impaired in the theater or cinema. Even people with visual impairments can then audio description – track films and theater performances better – so lively reportage. “We create software and hardware solutions that will make life more pleasant. Currently we therefore develop the app, audio description, and assistive listening multilingual audio content directly to your smartphone makes possible,” said Jörn Erkau, CEO of SST. Moviegoers who want to hear the movie shown in a different language, it will be able to control via the channel “multilingualism”. With the app, visitors can connect, for example, at the cinema with a wireless network and get access to additional audio tracks for assistive listening, Audio Description and multilingualism when watching movies. Provided however, that equip cinemas and theaters with the newly developed Connect system from Sennheiser.

The first customer was already won with the Hamburg cinema Abaton . Meanwhile, all cinema halls of the Abatons have taken in their screening rooms, the new system into operation. “Together with the app called Cinema Connect is hearing assistance brought to the cinema,” says Erkau. The 48-year-old is confident that more cinemas and theaters are showing interest. “With our technology culture is experienced by all. Wherever audio is transmitted, the Connect system can be used, such as in museums, sports stadiums and churches. We believe inclusive and currently constructing an online map, on which all the venues that participate are to be found. ” Among culture-inclusive.com also created an online portal that offers interested topics on inclusion and culture. “The online map and additional information is also displayed on our apps,” says Erkau.

Blind people can already hear reports about football games or movies. “However, with our method, audio description, in which we do without noticeable latency, ie delay of the audio signal, the spoken reports are made foreseeable. Due to the live reports of the players are described, for example, gestures, facial expressions or dropping of the ball in a goal” so Erkau. The need for acoustic image descriptions is apparently available. 30 seats for non-sighted viewers reserved as second division side FC St. Pauli. Even movies can be so described for the blind. Among culture-inclusive.com and using the apps Theatre and Mobile Connect Hearing Impaired, Blind and all other people interested in culture can in the future, and about the cinema or theater has been converted into their city to the new system. The revenue potential is large, eventually the German film funding already requires that from her partially funded films are provided with Audiodeskriptionsspuren.

People with disabilities are not the only target group of company. The new technology is to be a communication platform. In the future, it could for example happen that many people see the same movie, but hear it in different languages. See the sci-fi classic “The Matrix” in Italian and listen? No longer a problem. “We have Hamburg location deliberately chosen because we find the workers we need,” said Erkau. So far, the company employs ten full-time employees and numerous experts on time. SST is planning further apps around the new Sennheiser technology. Among other things, they could be used in all rooms for large events. The CEO is convinced that will prevail this trend and even increase. That is reason enough for Sennheiser now to go with the new subsidiary to the market.


Concentrator photovoltaics: Airlight Energy and IBM want new HCPVT … – Solar Server

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Based in Ticino company Airlight Energy and IBM Research (Zurich) plan to 2017, the launch of a low cost photovoltaic concentrator system jointly developed .

The so-called High Concentration PhotoVoltaic Thermal (HCPVT) system can transform by 2,000-fold concentration of sunlight and innovative hot water cooling 80% of the incident radiation into usable energy. On a sunny day as 12 kilowatt hours of electricity and 20 kilowatt hours of heat would be generated, say the partners.

center of the ten-meter-high HCPVT system is a 40 square meter parabolic dish made from specially developed and patented by Airlight Energy concrete. The fibrous mixture cured in less than four hours of in any shape and then Concerning operative on mechanical properties similar to aluminum – with only one fifth of the price. A tracking judge and the dish always optimal from the sun.

36 mirrors concentrate sunlight on hot water-cooled photovoltaic-thermal multi-cell

In the bowl are 36 elliptical mirror, which consist of a 0.2 mm thick, coated with silver, recyclable plastic. The material is only slightly thicker than the packaging film of chocolate. The mirror surfaces that are deformed by a controlled vacuum, the sunlight focus very precisely on several hot water-cooled photovoltaic-thermal multi-recipient cells with so-called multi-junction cells.

In the course of an average sunny day could each of the 1 × 1 cm 2 large solar cells up to 57 watts to produce electric power. Micro-channels among cells bring 85-90 ° C hot water to within a few tenths of a millimeter to this approach. The operating temperature will thus kept under 105 ° C. Without cooling, the cells would become hot and burn up to 1,500 ° C. Water is particularly suitable for this purpose, because it is the heat removed ten times more effective than air.

The entire parabolic dish and the solar receiver located under an air-filled plastic bag, on the one hand the system from rain, hail and dust and other, but also birds and other animals from injury by the concentrated solar radiation protection.

Due to the high concentration of sunlight and thanks to the radically-cost design, the scientists assume that the price of the new technology in mass production two to three times cheaper than comparable systems be will.

Spin-off companies to commercialize technology Dsolar

“With HCPVT we introduce a new generation of solar technology,” says Dr Gianluca Ambrosetti, head of research of Airlight Energy and responsible for the development of Dsolar, the newly founded spin off company to commercialize the technology.

For photovoltaic cells-cooling and heat recovery using a world leading technology is used by IBM Research – Zurich was developed for hot water-cooled supercomputer.

26/09/2014 | Source: IBM Research, Airlight Energy | solarserver.de © Heindl Server GmbH

A selection of breaking solar news, see
http://www.solarserver.de/solar-magazine/solar-solar-news.html <- Text: [end] ->


Telekom combined DSL and LTE: hybrid technology still starts in the fall – iFun.de

The presented at this year’s IFA hybrid technology the Telecom is expected to start in autumn 2014 in North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Bremen, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg and Berlin.


This was the Bonn network operators today and provides the nationwide use in the spring of 2015 prospect. The new hybrid terminals combine DSL and LTE, which should then also allow customers in areas with poor quick access to the Internet.

To get his daily dose Internet from both networks, customers must use the Speedport Hybrid router Telekom – ifun.de reported.

Requirements for the use of the availability of broadband and LTE as well as a hybrid capable router [...] First, we introduce hybrid for terminals with Internet access, a, from the end of 2015 for connections with additional channels. The hybrid technology is for many customers in the country that still have to make do with low bandwidths and where these are not sufficient, the breakthrough in fast Internet

For more information and the opportunity to pre-register (until September 30) provides the Telekom www.telekom.de/hybrid.



For the first time in 17 years: cosmonaut flies into space – Business Week

The German astronaut Alexander Gerst gets female enhancement. For the first time in 17 years with a cosmonaut Yelena Serova again in the universe. The 38-year-old is the first Russian on the ISS.

The first cosmonaut, the Russian Yelena Serova from the spaceport in Baikonur is launched to the International Space Station ISS – and two other astronauts. The spacecraft “Soyuz TMA-14m” picked on Thursday evening punctually at 22.25 clock EDT from the Baikonur in Kazakh steppe on how the flight line announced. A little later the capsule entered the space. The 38-year-old Serova is the first Russian woman for 17 years in space. After only six hour flight, the Soyuz should dock on Friday morning at 4.25 clock CEST on the space station.

disasters in manned Space

  • High hopes

    The Human spaceflight was always associated with high hopes, but their history is marred by some terrible disasters.

  • 22nd March 1961

    Shortly before the First Russian space flight cosmonaut Valentin Bondarenko comes in a pub in an isolation chamber of the Moscow Institute for Space Medicine killed. . A soaked with alcohol cotton ball had ignited and set the filled with pure oxygen chamber in fire

  • 27th January 1967

    For a soil test of the U.S. space capsule Apollo 1 at the launch site Cape Canaveral (Florida) burn three American astronauts. A spark had the capsule set on fire

  • .

  • 24th April 1967

    The Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov crashed after returning from space with his Soyuz 1 on earth. The parachute system had failed

  • .
    29th June 1971

    The three-man crew of the Soviet Soyuz 11 spacecraft is found dead in their capsule when returning from the Salyut space station. . During the landing, the pressure equalization of the capsule had failed

  • 18th March 1980

    A Vostok-2M rocket explodes during refueling directly on the launch pad of the Russian Plesetsk spaceport. . 48 people die

  • 28th January 1986

    Only 73 seconds after launch the space shuttle Challenger explodes and crashes into the Atlantic Ocean. All seven astronauts are killed. Cause of the accident: a faulty seal between segments of a drive rocket

  • 15.. February 1996

    A Chinese rocket type CZ-3 comes from shortly after the start of the course and crashes into a village. During the explosion, according to official reports, six people die, unofficial sources say up to 500 dead.

  • first February 2003

    The Space Shuttle Columbia breaks up in Earth’s atmosphere during re-entry. All seven astronauts on board die. Cause of disaster: When starting a piece of foam was torn from the outer tank and had damaged the heat insulation of the space shuttle

  • 22nd August 2003

    A Brazilian VLS launch vehicle of the type-1 explodes on the launch pad of the space station Alcantara in northern Brazil. 21 people die.

The mission of the team with Serova, the Russians Alexander Samokutjajew and U.S. astronauts Barry Wilmore will last a total of 168 days. During this time, several outdoor use as well as hundreds of experiments are planned, including medical, Serova said. With the arrival of Soyuz ISS regains its full strength of six astronauts. Among them is the German Alexander Gerst. The three new ISS members have initiated this time also two stuffed animals – an Amur tiger and Far Eastern leopard – the outpost of humanity. The mascot “Mur” and the leopard shall draw attention to the threat in Russia animal species, such as the head of the cosmonaut center, Yuri Lonchakov, said before the start.

The new crew also spends Christmas and New Year in the universe. “Of course we organize a celebration – as far as this is possible under the conditions,” said Serova. She is only the fourth ever cosmonaut and the first Russian woman to the ISS. The first woman in space Valentina Tereshkova was the Soviet citizen on June 16, 1963 She is sitting today as members of the ruling United Russia party in parliament in Moscow. The cosmonaut Serova have garments in 15 colors with their initials here, said head of the Russian company Kentawr-Nauka, Alexander Jarow, on Thursday, the Interfax news agency. For hygiene all used on the ISS wet wipes, since there is no shower. Jarow said that the British singer Sarah Brightman (54) will start in February 2015 expected for a fitting at the clothing company. She travels as a space tourist in September 2015 to the ISS.


New Vulnerability: How Shellshock Internet users at risk – Reuters

Dusseldorf A newly discovered vulnerability may jeopardize many Internet users. Attacker can execute commands and thus take control of the computer operating systems such as Linux and Mac OS X from a distance. Even software for Internet server is affected. It is not currently known whether the as “Shellshock” (German: War Trauma) designated gap is already being exploited in the network are circulating but first reports, which suggest. A security researcher has published the vulnerability, now the U.S. government warns.

“The gap shows once again that security problems in all kinds of places can occur,” says the Linux specialist Andreas Godzina. The consequences are still difficult to estimate, but may be larger than other vulnerabilities, says the founder and chief of the Hanoverian IT service Axxeo GmbH in Hannover in an interview with Handelsblatt Online.

The vulnerability affects software called Bash, which is used in Unix-based operating systems. System administrators use them about to enter commands directly from the keyboard – experts refer to this function as a shell. Also, many programs access it. “The matter is particularly dangerous because there are many ways how Bash called by an application,” warns the software company Red Hat, which sells a Linux variant.

For some operating systems there are already updates that fix the bash problem – according to the IT-security agency US-Cert are the flavors of Linux CentOS, Debian, Redhat and Ubuntu. Also, the Apple Mac OS X could be affected. The company initially did not respond to a question on the issue.

The vulnerability is not affecting all operating systems, but is nevertheless present a danger for all Internet users. “The trouble is that probably many web applications access directly or indirectly to the Bash,” says IT expert Godzina. . “Therefore, it may be possible that you can run from the outside any on web-servers commands”

succeed attackers access, they can prepare, for example, foreign server with malicious software – visit users the website will be infected their computers with them. In the worst case, the criminals can hijack the PC and, for example, steal data. Common security measures provide only limited protection.

The dimensions of the problem can not yet be assessed. The U.S. security firm Errata Security claims to have found in a first, superficial examination at least 3000 vulnerable web server. But there are probably many more systems affected, explains the errata security researcher Robert Graham. Also numerous networked devices such as surveillance cameras, can be controlled from a distance, used the bash software. This relates Shellshock and the Internet of Things

Graham Conclusion:., The problem is just as serious as in the case of Heartbleed, a vulnerability in the encryption technology OpenSSL, which in up to two thirds of all servers Internet was concerned.


After breakdown the iPhone 6: Apple goes in the charm offensive – Handelsblatt

Dusseldorf The hype did not last long: Just days after the launch of the iPhone 6 is mounting complaints about the new Apple device. On the one presented an update of the operating system iOS devices from multiple users lame. On the other hand some were circulating reports that the casing of the iPhone could bend 6 Plus in your pocket. The Group experienced the downside of hysteria.

Now the group’s infamous PR department goes on the offensive: Apple apologizes for botched update and provides the iOS version 8.0 since Thursday evening .2, which apparently fixes the issues. In addition, the well-known technology blog The Verge gets a rare insight into the test labs, which should show how solid the device and the tests are hard. And last but not least the notoriously secretive group numbers to prove that only a few users are affected published.

background of concerted action: The reports of quality problems, amplified by the speakers Twitter and Facebook, Apple hit the mark. The iKonzern represents that its devices are easy to use. An update that important functions blocked and can be done only with difficulty reversed, not at all to match. And for a premium manufacturer, which requires significantly more than the competition, reports of bent housing are libelous.

As has been hastily iOS 8.0.2 developed an idea German users when they read the information about the update: Unlike usual, they have not been translated into German – probably was not based on the time. No two days required Apple to fertigzubekommen the new system software.

This is correct especially the drastic problems that the previous version iOS 8.0.1 caused until Apple stopped the distribution after one hour. Users complained inter alia that their phones were no longer able to dial in mobile networks and the fingerprint sensor stopped working. First media reports, the update for the update runs so far without problems.

With all humility about the error can Apple hinted that only a very small proportion of users is affected: Approximately 40,000 had downloaded the faulty software – equivalent to 0.4 percent of the ten million buyers who are on first weekend iPhone 6 rose.


Announced technology partnership with Amx – Sicherheit.info

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Lilin has given early September with Amx a technological partnership

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As part of a fast growing market in the field of automation of security systems like both companies will increasingly invest in video surveillance solutions of the next generation “This comprehensive partnership allows Lilin and AMX to develop IP Video solutions, the efficiency of the. increase within an automated control infrastructure, “said Joe Cook, Vice President and General Manager of Lilin North America.

” Our team works closely with that of Amx together to advance solutions for the integration of drivers. thus should gaps between the hardware such as video surveillance cameras, decoders and network video recorders and network interface for the automation of Amx are closed. As we resolve the incompatibilities, we provide an efficient and cost control of systems “

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China Mobile and Gemalto Launch NFC technology in public … – wallstreet-online

Commuters in Beijing will need a convenient and quick solution if you want to use the crowded public transportation in one of the most populous cities in the world. The payment systems in China rapid development already observed towards contactless payment options: At more than 3.6 million of the contactless switches quickpass of UnionPay is accepted. As the number of mobile phones about three times as high as the number of payment cards 3 , there is a huge potential in that millions of commuters could use the time-saving and convenient contactless transactions. ‘ / p>

In addition to transport-app is in all types of mobile handsets built-in UpTeq NFC SIM Multi-tenant card be directly responsible for hosting and facilitating numerous other secure content services, including mobile payment, loyalty and coupon programs, and access control for private companies. Because of the LTE capability customers the NFC applications can quickly and easily download using the new networks of the fourth generation.

“More than 53% of China’s population lives in urban areas. Contactless solutions are in mega cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Nanjing, Guangzhou and Tianjin clearly on the rise, “ explains Suzanne Tong-Li, President for Greater China and Korea at Gemalto. “ We have used our excellent knowledge of the Chinese market and regional networks for China Mobile to provide a tailor-made solution that allows mobile operators can adapt its services to other cities and expand. Commuters can continue with only one Download go from city to city, regardless of their destination, and do not have any time to buy a new ticket. ”

The UpTeq NFC Multi-tenant SIM is part of the overall portfolio of mobile contactless solutions, Gemalto, to which the Allynis Trusted Services Hub belongs.

1 China Mobile Group Beijing Company Limited
2 Source: According to the July 5, published by the Beijing bus companies “2013 Beijing bus group CSR report” used in 2013 22 million people daily public transport, of which almost 60% of the bus. ” br class = “hugin” /> ( http://www.bjbus.com/home/news_detail.php?uNewsCode=00002396&uNewsType … )
3 Source: http://trendwatching.com/trends/perfect-payments/

About Gemalto

Gemalto (€ Next NL0000400653 GTO) is the world leader in the field of digital security. The company had 2013 annual revenues of 2.4 billion euros. Gemalto employs over 12,000 employees operating out of 85 offices and 25 Research and software development centers in 44 countries.

We are an integral part of our evolving digital society. Billions of people around the world today want anywhere, anytime and freedom to communicate, travel, shop, bank, entertain, be entertained or work – and as fun and safe as possible. Gemalto delivers on the growing demands for personal mobile services, payment security, authenticated access to cloud systems, identity and data protection, health and electronic government services, convenient ticket solutions and reliable M2M communication solutions. We develop secure software and safe products that we design and personalize yourself. These safe products and the confidential data they contain, and the activities they enable services for end-users are managed through our platforms and services.

Through continuous innovation, we enable our customers the ability to make attractive offers for the digital life. Billions of end-users benefit from the comfort and safety of these solutions. As more people use the software and secure devices Gemalto, the company achieved high growth rates.

For more information, visit www.gemalto.com, www. justaskgemalto.com, blog.gemalto.com or follow us on Twitter:gemalto.

media contacts at Gemalto

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