Monday, January 6, 2014

As the caries came to the stone-age teeth? - THE WORLD


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As the caries came to the stone-age teeth?

scientists prove: Bad teeth are not just the result of too much sugar. Even the early humans 15,000 years ago had big problems with holes

scientists prove: Bad teeth are not just the result of too much sugar. Even the early humans 15,000 years ago had big problems with holes By Jörg Zittlau

soft drinks, sweets, cereals and toast with chocolate spread or jam – such foods hear patients usually first when the dentist you some advice on the way there. Because the processed foods in industrial sugar, the creed of Dentistry, feeding precisely the bacteria in the oral environment, their acidic secretions perforate the enamel. However, a recent study brings this thesis to falter. Thus, caries was already a widespread disease, as man has not cola and jam, but mammoth and wild garlic had on the menu.

Iceman had bad teeth. If he ever smiled, you saw only a little gums and all the more caries holes. No more appetizing sight. But Iceman from the Alps lived indeed about 5000 years ago, when there was already bread and porridge with lots of carbohydrates that flood the teeth during chewing with sugar syrup. So Ötzi is not worth really to to brand caries disease of civilization, because his diet was similar to today. Who wants to know how far the tooth decay is actually a product of our naturentfremdeten lifestyle, has to go back in the history of mankind on. In the time of hunters and gatherers about 15,000 years ago, when there were no crops. And that now has an international research team done with the participation of the Leipzig Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.

as test material skeletal remains from the famous Cave of Pigeons, a cave in eastern Morocco served. She was discovered in 1908, and when it was found in her traces of early human history, made several excavations, the most recent of which began in 2003. Through them, the researchers came to Louise Humphrey from the Natural History Museum in London to the jaw of 52 adult Stone Age people whose teeth they underwent a detailed inventory.

The result revealed: The profession of dental had even then already had good prospects. Because over half of the Stone Age teeth showed typical caries holes, just three of the 52 cave dwellers were caries-free.

“That can indeed be compared with today’s industrialized societies, where much refined sugar and processed cereals are consumed,” said Humphrey. Which of course begs the question, what then made the teeth full of holes. Because corn flakes and sugar cubes were known as the Stone Age not.

But you knew the oak and fruit. Scientists now believe that the Moroccan stone-age man in a big way acorns collected and stored, to be supplied in the winter. If necessary, the fruits were peeled, cooked, sometimes even crushed and finally consumed. This preparation took it but with that of the glans sugar not only for humans but also for the bacteria in his plaque – was perfectly usable – especially of the species Streptococcus mutans. In addition, we then covered the protein requirements mainly from snails. “They are indeed even non-cariogenic,” said Humphrey, “but do not contain abrasive particles that wear away tooth enamel, thereby paving the way cariogenic lesions.”


Stone Age Man promoting his teeth full of holes by the fact that he anfütterte his caries bacteria and the destruction of their acids supported by sanding the protective mantle of his teeth. One can argue about whether this is already the result of a typical naturentfremdeten food preparation. In the case of cooked acorns you can see this so, but abrasions to the enamel caused by unprocessed foods. For raw-foodists do you find them even more often.

But what the dental findings show from the Grotte des Pigeons in each case: Tooth decay is not a typical disease of civilization, and the processed foods in industrial sugar does not play the central role in their formation that is widely attributed to him. This is confirmed by a study by the University of Michigan, in which the civilization out peeled even as caries protection because of their improved hygienic conditions. The American researchers come after analysis of 36 studies concluded: “Since the use of fluorides since the mid-70s, the caries incidence decreased, although the range of sugar products in many countries remained stable.” It was found only in two studies a significant influence sugar, in the remaining studies but only a moderate to weak correlation. “The diet is common in people with adequate, regular oral hygiene and fluoride use is no longer the most important cause of tooth decay,” says study leader Brian Burt. So who pays attention to dental hygiene and the use of fluoridated toothpastes, need not make a fearful arc around the sugar in his diet for the prevention of caries. Where the value of the fluorides is not only that they harden tooth enamel. Because at the Saar University was discovered in the scanning microscope that they can slip off bacteria downright accordingly treated tooth walls. “Fluorides seem to weaken their adhesive forces,” said study leader Karin Jacobs. What, in effect, means that although the caries germs are still there, but they can no longer get stuck on the tooth, and thus the effect of their demineralizing acids is largely ineffective


And even if, despite the fluorine attack should succeed to the tooth, the actual damage depends on how the disease is treated. Thus, relatively quickly bored in Germany to supply the affected tooth with a filling. For Hendrik Meyer-Lückel from the University Hospital Aachen is a mistake, because it very much tooth structure is lost and this is not equivalent replaced by the filler. “It is therefore, the first filling herauszuzögern as long as possible,” says the Kariologe.

The alternative would be an infiltration. The carious tooth-porous structure is closed with a special plastic. “The tooth must first be merely roughened,” Meyer-Lückel. “The rest is plastic.” The usual drilling and syringes remains the patient thus spared. The plastic required for the infiltration is for five years in the trade, and he is not more expensive than other filling materials. Nevertheless, it is used by very few dentists because they have been trained for generations to caries drill out very early. Meyer-Lückel hopes there to a “change of heart”. However, if you already have a dental filling, is it can no longer benefit. Because with a pre-drilled tooth not longer suitable for infiltration.

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