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Second screen use does not always work as well as social TV stations want
Motto: Tussi Alert In a recent broadcast of “Brain + Buddy” must be a young man with red lipstick on her face even the legs depilate. With wax strips. Ouch. The format will be broadcast in the program of Joiz Germany, an interactive social television channel, the TV for all under 30 makes. The program encourages viewers to participate actively on the second screen, so for example on the screen of their smartphones Comment seen before.
However, social television in the past has arrived not good. In the summer, the German Social-TV channels Tunedin and Zapitano reported in quick succession to insolvency. The reason: The second-screen market has not developed as expected. Joiz Germany also did not work: The station became insolvent December 2014. Apparently, the parent company of Joiz Germany does not want the program will also pursue the contrary. The Swiss Joiz Group is now rather on their newly established technology division Joiz Global. The other television stations to sell marketing tools for social television
As a result, Joiz used partly based on their core business from. Although the Social TV stations in Switzerland seems to be working, but the insolvent German subsidiary has now radically reduce their team. Of the last 65 employees in Germany Joiz apparently about half will have to go. A spokeswoman told the media magazine DWDL that one “with less than half of the employees negotiating termination agreements” lead. According to article also takes Managing Director Carsten Kollmus escape, leaving the battered station at his own request to the end of the month. Founder and Director Joiz group, Alexander Mazzara is Kollmus’ take on tasks
In the self-administered insolvency Joiz Germany is now trying to restructure itself.: on free TV is no longer broadcast, the program will run only over the Web and IPTV . CEO Mazzara made the GfK-rate detection for the bankruptcy is responsible: “Joiz TV formats especially enjoy the Web and in the social media is highly relevant. Unfortunately, this high priority for the young target group are not displayed in the range and ratio measurement. “This means you can have its importance for marketers not able to demonstrate why the advertising revenues have remained far below expectations. The Television Research on whose behalf ratings are collected, rejected criticism of themselves.
During the construct of Joiz Germany is crumbling, the Swiss parent seems not to rely on the techology division of Joiz group. Joiz Global was founded in 2014 and mainly takes care of it, to expel marketing solutions . Here is a marketplace connected with personalized advertising, and there is the so-called “Red Button” to integrate the transmitter into their program. Lights on the button, viewers can be active on the second screen and join in for example, competitions. This is to close the gap between TV, online and and mobile. The technology is marketed as a licensing model. One of the first German customer has recently become the M. DuMont Verlag, which plans to use the instruments at the local station Cologne TV
Joiz Global gets in the course of growth a new managing director. Samuel Gähwiler, previously controller of the Digital range in the largest Swiss media company Tamedia, will lead the financial management and daily business at Joiz Global. It is also intended to help, among other business partners here, “to optimize their products and services and to monetize innovative way.” Maybe he looks because once Joiz in Germany by
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From Tussi alarm to technology
Assistive technologies such as service robots or sensor-based monitoring systems should support aid and long-term care in their home environment and the staff in hospitals, nursing homes relieve. Given the expected growth of old and in need of care, such systems can be quite helpful.
“The robot seal Paro looks like a cuddly white seal, is about 2.7 kg, 57 cm long, with a white fluffy fur, which is antibacterial. The seal has a number of touch sensors that detect how they touched. So, if you stroke or beats and behave accordingly. 2002 Guinness Book to Paro awarded the therapeutischste seal in the world. It is used in many applications, for example in people with dementia in people with various disabilities, autistic children … “
” Service Robots and Avatars “was the meeting of the Evangelical training center in Berlin, where Prof. Barbara Klein the cuddly robot” Paro imagined “. A cute robot that hums pleasant, if it is scratched and protested when dealing too rough with him. To encourage people with dementia emotionally, the Professor of Social Work, which carried out a research project on emotional and social robotics.
“For example, one of my students had set the seal on a man who already several weeks no longer has spoken. And how he then had the seal in the arm, he started to stroke the seal and said, ‘my Buebele, my Buebele’. And they were all surprised that such an interaction is still possible. “
Opinions differ on the seal. It allows access to people who are hardly accessible to the world around them, some say. This is not a substitute for real affection, my other, because only among people, a man can feel safe. – These are the questions the horizon at the Berlin Conference was staked. What role will the role may so-called “assisted living” in the future in medicine and healthcare play
“There is the area that deals with everyday practicalities, so safety: equipment shutdown, turn-off iron, the stove shutdown … “
So Birgid Eberhardt of the ‘tellurium Telecommunication Company’ on assistive technologies that are already in use today. Since there are GPS tracking systems in insoles for weglaufgefährdete dementia; installed in the apartment sensors that register when a person does not get up or restless at night haunts the apartment. When telemonitoring patients are equipped with devices to measure their vital signs, so they can be medically monitored from a distance. And then there is also research on so-called virtual avatars. Computer-controlled artificial persons appearing on screens, communicate with the viewer and support him in his daily activities. Similarly, one does research on so-called telepresence robots, machines equipped with wheels with webcam and microphone, which can move in space.
“If we think of the transfer in the elderly, then sometimes as little things that do not . So let’s take the work situation of those affected, sometimes … to give aid, as sometimes to say, I’ll throw out the view from the window, is there really a source of noise or says she just because someone is standing in front of the windows … “
Given our aging society and the growing number of dependent people, which can draw at home only on an unstable supply network, Birgid Eberhardt holds such systems for quite helpful. They not only facilitate assistance and care to live longer in their own self-determined domestic sphere.
New technology leads to new ethical questions
“Just the knowledge of him, how is the situation at home with her mother, her grandmother without a call that is not answered … the feeling that everything is alright. Many people want to be present yes, they want to help, but each must also its own possibilities households. And … women do not give up her career and today it is not that they do not want to support, but they want to support precisely, they want to be able to work in peace … “
But in addition to these positive aspects, the technique involves use in medicine and nursing ethical issues, Dr. habil Arne Manzeschke, a theologian at the University of Munich and co-organizer of the conference, have so far been considered too little.
“I’m in the technical assistance systems field for some time on the road and have observed that in this area a lot of projects are funded, the deal basically technical questions very intense economic issues intense, but ask little, what about the ethical and social aspects, which are connected with such things. “
The basic discomfort that express many in developing such assistance systems, is ultimately grounded in the question of how far technology will determine the life. This also medical historian Prof. Heiner Fangerau employed in his introductory speech. In science and technology, the Director of the Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine at the University of Cologne based model of success modernity. This also applies to the medicine, it came through the technical developments to enormous advances in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases since the 19th century.
“Technology is hugely successful in the Declaration of disease, in the Declaration of physiological processes, but also in the treatment of disease. And ethical problems that arise for example in connection with the soul, trying to feed again a solution with a new technique. “
In view of the success of technology you try then even again to solve any ethical problems technically. If it is about ethically problematic to use embryos to produce stem cells, is the technical solution to this problem, to obtain stem cells without embryos. But, Heiner Fangerau:
“This seems this ethical problem solved technically And in the debate now is hardly refers back to the fact that if you take these stem cells seriously, which also can be technically transferred embryos again yes. and is thus again would the starting point of the debate, may make potential human life available to “
In other words: You often goes in modern medicine ‘rationally’ in front, without asking what value possibly by This procedure is violated. However, the question of the value it also applies to the new assistive technologies considered.
“In terms of care you have to watch very closely in the evaluation of assistance systems which purpose they should have and this purpose in any manner subject to a value which is calling into question by the establishment of such a robot. “
In addition to the ‘rationality’ applies it so whatever the” value rationality “of technical innovations to consider, calls the medical ethicist at the University of Cologne.
dystopias a world without human care
“There is the whole area of home monitoring. The purpose is to provide a demented people protect, ensure that someone does not run away with dementia, after a fall, a message is that it is ensured that such a person is drinking enough. If the machines make, ‘ne Weglaufsperre, a bracelet, which controls the doors, A message of the carpet, then the objective of safeguarding requirements are fulfilled. But the value of a grant experiencing this man thus not. It occurs with constant monitoring, which maybe a person and his need for autonomy runs with an incipient dementia contrary “
While it is for the time being still a vision -. But by the smart networking of the apartments in which motion pictures, . eating, drinking and sleeping habits and may actually go and evaluated even blood pressure, heart rate and weight fluctuations of the residents, the users of such services is increasingly losing control of his data in a paradoxical way would be to remain in the home environment – as a receipt of self-determination -. at the same time come at the expense of privacy, but this is again intended to limit the self-determination
“The point is that this assistance systems indeed appear increasingly ambient, not just appear, but in background doing their effect. …. The be installed in the apartment. The apartment is considered a very intimate and protected space, data is simultaneously but by the technical systems in and out and promoted the unity of the flat continuously perforated. …. However, this means that we who put as much emphasis on our people to self-determination, by these technical devices that surround us gently and make recommendations to us that increasingly define us. … The question is whether the people want this so and what it means for society as a whole, when we open this inner space? “
It comes at the end to a kind of biopolitical control system in which dictated the people, when and what they eat and what medicines they take way it designs the German author Juli Zeh in her novel “corpus delicti”: She paints there a health dictatorship that for all but the best wants and therefore regulates the food, drinking water and movement behavior of people. Apply in future machines which, according to the head of the Research Centre for Ethics and Anthropology at the University of Munich Arne Manzeschke what the charity, caring for people in need arose? ‘ / p>
“As to the right to care, the wish that other people take care of me because I can not go alone, ordered when we say we do but technically everything for you and more is not there, where we are anyway challenged and overwhelmed in every corner? “
What Arne Manzeschke imagines here are dystopias, negative utopia of a world without eye contact, no contact and human care. Heiner Fangerau, medical historian:
“You can describe as a dystopia, the place that we do not have at the moment, the other dystopia would be the absolute back to nature, which is also not so technically dominated place really. wishes. In reality, people oppose one or the other technique or they use technology, but not exclusively, but to do what they have traditionally learned to talk to each other, for example. The absoluteness, which is sometimes presented in the debate that exists not. “
That old people who need more than just technology, but also require care and attention, is likely to be broad consensus. However, care is expensive and nurses than ever. If smart technologies could reduce the cost of care for older people, warns Heiner Fangerau, economic interests gain precedence over ethical reservations.
“It may well be that market interests and political interests cause we a come such a dystopia closer you have the debate always somewhere when machines are introduced -… there is a concern that people are superfluous And since you have to really be careful that people do not become obsolete and that would be something that I would actually in medicine and nursing a tiny bit of concern. “
Arne Manzeschke holds assistive technologies for quite a way to independence and quality of life for people, especially in older age groups to improve. Nevertheless, it should always be clear that technology compassion and caring for others can not replace. To keep it more than a moral claim, it was important to create institutional frameworks that promote such compassion.
“The challenging task facing us today is that we design technology so that we not be lost sight of the individual as a person. That he does not appear to us as a data bundle from which we can read these and those things. But we create structures in which we still allow the possibility of interpersonal and interpersonal contact . We currently have structures where people do not have time. We promise we have of the technique is that it returns us this time. The experience of the last few centuries has shown that where technology is used, we do not … rather fall into a race. That’s why I think it needs this reflection on art in the way we design them as we learn to deal with it so that we do not just happen. “
The US Internet giant Google is considering, according to a media report a stake in fitness encoder manufacturer Jawbone. The search engines think about a “strategic investment” in Jawbone after, the technology blog Recode reported on Wednesday, citing familiar with the plans people.
Until a few years ago telephones and computers the size of a wristwatch were just fiction -” Knight Rider “Greetings. But the chips become smaller, more powerful and cheaper. Thus, devices such as smart watches in the first place is technically feasible and affordable.
Smart Watches are part of a trend: Computers are becoming smaller and more convenient in transportation. In addition to intelligent watches, there are about a health bracelets and eyeglasses that are upgraded with information technology. Google Glass is a well known example. The technology industry speaks of “Wearable Computing” – and hopes for a growth market
What the heck is a SmartWatch? The concept is difficult to grasp. Basically, there are two categories. Most models do not work on its own, but as an extension to the smartphone and show appointments, e-mails or incoming calls. The data is transmitted via Bluetooth in general.
While most smartwatches are an extension for smartphones, to a few models replace the phone completely. You have a wireless module that calls and transferring data allowed. This applies, for the Gear S from Samsung.
The units are equipped differently. Some act as discrete secretaries – they remind you of appointments, show incoming e-mails and announce phone calls. Other suitable as a kit or as a compact navigation device. . Among athletes are popular special devices that measure the pulse, and distance
The runtime for all smartwatches a problem: Because the devices are so small, can also be stored in any large battery. Therefore, many models are not particularly hardy – depending on which display technology is used
Several companies have already expressed smartwatches on the market – start-ups such as global corporations. The small suppliers, the company Pebble, which has secured its initial funding through the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter counts. The IT giant Sony has already introduced the third generation of its computer clock out, Samsung has developed the Galaxy Gear, the chip maker Qualcomm manufactures the Toq. In April 2015, the Apple Watch comes out.
How are young markets is difficult to predict – the predictions for smartwatches widely. While about market research firm IDC predicts rapid growth, Forrester and NPD DisplaySearch expect a speedy cooling of the market.
Currently, the two companies are not yet united and led only preliminary talks. Google does not want to completely take over the American producer of fitness bracelets in every case. The possible magnitude of an investment is not yet known
For a long time there is speculation about an introduction Google at the encoder manufacturer. The search engine giant pushes into the wearables market, precisely because rival Apple with its own SmartWatch is launched in April. Plans for a separate device has not yet submitted Google, a collaboration with Jawbone could now mean the entry into the hardware business. It is also conceivable that the two companies are working together to fitness apps.
Jawbone has in recent years as a manufacturer of fitness established bracelets and is jointly owned with Fitbit to the size of the industry. After his last financing round Jawbone is worth more than three billion dollars.
(Using material from Reuters)
The combination of neural thoughts with the control of modern robot shows how advanced the technology already is. Researchers from the Portuguese Brain flight project is recently being able to control unmanned flying objects managed solely by the power of thought. The technology required is derived from the company Tekever.
drone by thought control via BBC
2012 succeeded already researchers at Zhejiang University in China drones with simple thoughts and through the help of electroencephalography headsets (EEG ) to control. A project of the University of Minnesota showed parallel that drones can also be directed by the opening and closing of the fists. The latest developments in brain Flight tie in with the EEG technology. As an interface between the thoughts of pilots and drone acts an EEG cap. This measures the brain waves and transmits the shared and translated by the thoughts signals to the flying object. After some practice, the pilots were to be able to take off and land the drone. In addition, the navigation succeeded through the air. The goal is to be able to control one day commercial aircraft by thoughts.
Asking be able to control a large passenger plane one day with the idea, one hand represents a great attraction for researchers. Secondly, in this case, however, a lot of potential danger is anchored, which applies to eradicate it by getting better functioning technologies. However Tekevers Chief Operating Officer Ricardo Mendes is confident and believe strongly that the future of aviation can be revolutionized by the new technology. Finally, can be relieved and thus increases the security level by thought control and the pilots. Flying a plane is to one day as simple and intuitive hand such as running and racing. Other areas of application of the new technology provides Mendes in the field of thought control cars, boats and trains
Source:. BBC
Today 12:39 • Finanzen100
tech stocks are in demand in the current rally like never before – since the dotcom bubble, the sentiment towards the sector has namely been fundamentally changed. With our wikifolio week investors may invest easily in the strongest papers of the sector.
investors are investing not just out of the blue. Wikifolio traders Wilfried Schopges can look back on more than 20 years of investment experience. In addition Schopges is in his wikifolio “Succestecbrands” not to small, speculative values, but remains at veteran and reliable trading companies, mainly in the IT sector. So involves wikifolio such as the proportion of Apple, Google and Microsoft.
Schopges bases his trading decisions primarily on financial news and market analyzes from the Internet allows the investor but at no time in the dark: Any purchase or sale of Schopges is commented in his wikifolio. In the compilation and diversification of wikifolios polishes Schopges way nonstop – trades because there are very regularly, about every two to three weeks
. The past performance of wikifolios testament to the strength of the US tech shares. Since its creation in March 2013 laid the wikifolio by 74 percent – these are a few percent lead over the last wikifolios week. However, the maximum loss of 11.47 percent was slightly higher. Until now investors have invested around € 43 000 in the wikifolio certificate “Succestecbrands”.
LAN Manager Michael houses (left) in conversation with two business partners with ITB last year.
http://osthessen-news.de/beta/beitrag.php?id=11500691 0
2/25/15 - COMPANY NEWS
The holidays are for many people the most beautiful time of the year. This holiday runs such as the traveler could wish for, much preliminary work is necessary. Whether in the procurement of information material, the choice of itineraries or booking flights and accommodation - in more and more places technology plays an important role. The organizers of the International Tourism Exchange (ITB) see the area travel technology as "the most important driver of innovation for the global travel industry." At this year's ITB from 4 to 8 March 2015 in Berlin provide more than 170 companies present their products and services in the "Travel Technology". For the fourth time is the computer L.A.N. GmbH in the travel world's leading trade fair here. The IT system house Fulda (Hall 5.1, 104b) directed with its software at educational institutions, group homes and Academies
Important information end up where they are needed. The House Manager
With the software "The House Manager" can be assignments, addresses and the complete utility to manage. All important information is centrally stored - and are visible at all times for the responsible employees. "An accommodation only runs well if the information they need quickly get to where they are needed," says Michael houses, CEO of LAN Documents such as contracts and invoices automatically linked to the house manager, therefore, in the "History" with the entry to the relevant guest. For a quick overview of the assignments of the "Schedule" provides. The current assignments are shown here graphically and can be edited flexible. . Also, special meal requests of individual guests can easily detect and reliably pass on to the kitchen to organize
Education offers, discount and publish online: The Seminar Manager
Also for Academies and conference centers have computer LAN a suitable solution in the luggage. With the "Seminar Manager" is their own educational programs and guest events can easily plan and settle. Thus, institutions conduct their course program can also publish online, has the seminar manager via an interface to the Internet. "To land the courses with a few clicks on your website. There is no double counting, and participants can register online, "says Michael houses
Extensive recreational programs plan. LANevent
" organize LANevent " Finally, providers of things their programs. The software has been developed for homes and businesses that offer complex events such as youth and family camps and handle a lot of different resources in parallel. +++
A mere two days ago, that first rumors spread by which Google is working on a revised Google Wallet. Apple has shown with Apple pay, how to successfully enter the market and now moves to the competition. Samsung has taken LoopPay and is now known that Google SoftCard has acquired technology and partnerships entered into in order to give Google Wallet new life.
We had originally expected that Google’s Google Wallet innovations until the end of May are announced at the developer conference Google I / O. Now it is, however, much faster. Apparently, the search engine will lose no time in the fight against Apple Pay
In Google Commerce Blog announces Google that the company with AT &. Cooperates T, T-Mobile USA and Verizon to developed by the consortium Soft card technology to use. In this way, Android users will show the advantages of “tap and pay” are offered. During the year, should on all smartphones sold by the said mobile operators to Google Wallet app installed (Android 4.4 Kitkat or later).
In addition, Google has acquired various other technologies SoftCard to own Google Wallet to improve. This should be gradually entered. Can be paid at NFC terminals with Google Wallet, you can save loyalty cards and also send money to friends.
Today 11:36 • Finanzen100
technology is changing our world increasingly – both in consumption and in production. Who do not invest as an investor in this segment, you risk being left behind in the long term from this development. But how and where to invest? An ingeniously simple strategy defines the way the technology leaders of the future
Smartphones, iPads and apps are out of our everyday almost inconceivable without. in the industry optimize new intelligent machines increasingly Production: This technical developments take place in ever faster pace. This will not be without consequences for many people. Many jobs will be replaced in the future with new systems and technologies; these redundancies can be found in the highly competitive service again suffering from severe pressure on wages. If you look at the evolution of wages in the US, is the first evidence of this trend.
On the other hand, traditional businesses can hold less and less with this development. The markets of the future will be dominated by companies that have unique expertise and contact applications derived from other sectors under strong competitive pressure. A prominent example is about the new payment systems from companies like Apple or Paypal, the banks make the business dispute. And many retail stores in our inner cities close because customers prefer to order via Internet platforms like Amazon, with corresponding consequences for many commercial properties. The bottom line can be said that the companies have no choice but to invest in future technologies if they want to survive. The money collect the few technology leader.
For investors, the question arises: Which technology of Business will be in five or ten years will set the tone and thus unite the majority of the profits to themselves? Can we ever make today? Those who are pure in this analysis relies on technological aspects, it is likely to have heavy. Finally, good solutions are often implemented rapidly and displaced after a short period of even better ideas of the competitors. Therefore, this method is only suitable to predict who will occupy the leading positions in a few years.
Fortunately, the capital market itself an excellent way to identify the technological trendsetter and to take part in them, the Nasdaq 100 index. This index contains the 100 companies listed on the US Nasdaq companies with the highest market capitalization, excluding financial firms. By this criterion, the index filters out those companies who are establishing themselves as winners of technological development. Because only the companies with promising developments have a chance in this index “into elaborate.”
Anyone objecting, the Nasdaq 100 index is if it is analyzed classic, already highly valued, has indeed right, but does not earn any money with it. For it is quite conceivable that the index is precisely for this reason rated higher because he mentioned the development anticipates the next few years – and had investors little room for an optimum start. Thus, the ratings could increase further as market participants become aware of the current situation. In this case, large sums of money would flow into the index. In a further concentration of corporate profits to the most important Nasdaq companies these higher ratings were so easily justifiable.
In my view, must an investor who meets his financial decisions itself, create safety reasons in the Nasdaq 100. The only way he can be sure that you will not be surprised in the future of the described development. In order not to be caught right at the start on the wrong foot, it makes sense to invest in equal installments over a longer period in the technology segment.
Gerd Hackers
KANPUR, India. – (BUSINESS WIRE) – 24/02/2015 –
MKU, a leading manufacturer of armor solutions for individuals and vehicles and planes, introduces the new RHT trailblazing technology for helmets, the soldiers offers double protection. It protects soldiers from bullets and shrapnel and reduced so loud tests that were performed by HP White Laboratory in the US, from the impact of bullets and splinters resulting in the helmet shell trauma by over 40% (compared to standard helmets).
“The impact of trauma resulting at helmets can be dangerous and cause serious types of head and skull injuries. This is a common and growing concern of the armed forces around the world. This revolutionary technology, the cases of such injuries are significantly curbed, “said the manager, Neeraj Gupta
The helmets are first shown as part of the IDEX 2015 in Abu Dhabi and beyond to the HomSec -. Madrid, SMES – Lebanon, LAAD – Brazil and the Expo Seguridad -. Mexico issued
Also on the IDEX 2015, issued a series of injuries and vehicle and aircraft armor products, in which the 6th generation of armor technology is used which was recently introduced by MSE. These solutions are 40% lighter, thinner and more flexible compared to standard solutions available on the market. This substantial weight reduction provides soldiers with more maneuverability, speed, durability and maneuverability in fulfilling their missions.
MKU’s technology leader, it has always set itself the goal to develop lighter and more flexible ballistic protection solutions for the modern soldier , Body armor with the latest Gene 6 armor technologies Ammoflex 6 and Polyshield 6, produced were also on display at the show. These are lighter by up to 40% and offer excellent protection even with several strikes (multi-hit protection). They meet the strict standards NIJ 0101.06 and VPAM and offer the soldiers freedom of movement, flexibility and comfort. Such solutions are ideal for special forces, who need to run fast missions.
Over the years MKU has introduced several breakthrough products, where advanced technology is used. These include Instavest, body armor with quick release, and the Boltfree technology for helmets. MKU was founded in 1985 and has come up already for protection on 1.5 million soldiers and more than 1,500 vehicles and aircraft. The company’s products are used by more than 230 armed forces in more than 100 countries, including the United Nations and NATO.
The source language of the original text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation. Only the language version that was published in the original is valid. Equal to Thus Translations with the original language of publication from
MKU. Rajesh Gupta, r.gupta@mku.com
Inter-Corp: Anupama Kalra, Anupama@inter-corp.org
MKU, a leading manufacturer of armor solutions for people and vehicles and planes, introduces the new RHT trailblazing technology for helmets, the soldiers offers double protection. It protects soldiers from bullets and shrapnel and reduced so loud tests that were performed by HP White Laboratory in the US, from the impact of bullets and splinters resulting in the helmet shell trauma by over 40% (compared to standard helmets).
“The impact of trauma resulting at helmets can be dangerous and cause serious types of head and skull injuries. This is a common and growing concern of the armed forces around the world. This revolutionary technology, the cases of such injuries are significantly curbed, “said the manager, Neeraj Gupta.
The helmets are first shown as part of the IDEX 2015 in Abu Dhabi and beyond to the HomSec – issued Mexico – Madrid, SMES – Lebanon, LAAD – Brazil and the Expo Seguridad.
Also on the IDEX 2015 series of passenger and vehicle and aircraft armor products is issued, in which the 6th generation of armor technology is used, which was recently introduced by MSE. These solutions are 40% lighter, thinner and more flexible compared to standard solutions available on the market. This substantial weight reduction provides soldiers with more maneuverability, speed, durability and maneuverability in fulfilling their missions.
MKU’s technology leader, it has always set itself the goal to develop lighter and more flexible ballistic protection solutions for the modern soldier. Body armor with the latest Gene 6 armor technologies Ammoflex 6 and Polyshield 6, produced were also on display at the show. These are lighter by up to 40% and offer excellent protection even with several strikes (multi-hit protection). They meet the strict standards NIJ 0101.06 and VPAM and offer the soldiers freedom of movement, flexibility and comfort. Such solutions are ideal for special forces, who need to run fast missions.
Over the years MKU has introduced several breakthrough products, where advanced technology is used. These include Instavest, body armor with quick release, and the Boltfree technology for helmets. MKU was founded in 1985 and has come up already for protection on 1.5 million soldiers and more than 1,500 vehicles and aircraft. The company’s products are used by more than 230 armed forces in more than 100 countries, including the United Nations and NATO.
The source language of the original text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation. Only the language version that was published in the original is valid. Equal to Thus Translations with the original language of publication.
The child at the age of one and a half years had died on 18 February in a hospital infectious disease, said Berlin Health Senator Mario Czaja (CDU) on Monday. As it has been infected, is still unclear.
In Berlin in October rampant measles-wave. From the beginning of the outbreak until February 23, 574 measles cases were reported in the capital. A secondary school in Lichtenrade remained closed as a precaution on Monday. Reason for the closure of the secondary school in the district Lichtenrade is a serious course of infectious disease in an adolescent, a spokeswoman for the Berlin Senate. So you confirmed media reports.
“risks of vaccination be underestimated”
Of course, vaccinations can cause side effects, and complications can occur – but these are extremely rare. According to Ministry of Health the number of recognized Vaccine is located in Germany with an average of 34 per year – at around 50 million vaccinations. By comparison, the risk of dying from measles is much higher. One of 10,000 infected not survive the disease.
“vaccines are to blame for allergies”
There is no scientific evidence of a link between allergies and immunizations. Against the myth speaks also German domestic observation: In the GDR was compulsory vaccination, and here there was hardly allergies
“vaccines cause autism and multiple sclerosis from”
Also, for this context, there is often sought, according to Paul-Ehrlich-Institut is no proof. Studies that supposedly revealed such a connection, though attended quite a stir, but had serious methodological flaws. In a later was even known that it was financed by lawyers of parents of autistic children, they represented in proceedings brought against a vaccine manufacturer.
” to survive diseases, strengthens the body “
it is precisely in anthroposophical circles as “invigorating and cleansing” to let the body go through a disease. There are again but no scientific evidence. Who is an infectious disease that is then only immune to this a pathogen. And new studies provide evidence that approximately performs a measles infection at a months-long weakening of the immune system
“vaccination borders on assault”
A government-mandated vaccination is legally tricky. Although it could be eradicated by the year 1979, the smallpox. But in Germany today, the Basic Law protects the right to physical integrity – so that everyone has a right, take care not to get vaccinated. The deep-rooted fear of vaccination also stems from the period of smallpox, because the vaccine is then used for the forced immunizations was anything but well tolerated.
The headmaster found out on Friday from the case and with the health department can consult until Monday. Classmates and teachers of young people would now have to submit Impfbücher. On Tuesday, the school will reportedly open again. In Berlin, the measles are rife since October 2014. According to the Education Administration since unvaccinated teachers were removed from service.
From the beginning of the outbreak until February 23, 574 measles cases were reported, such as the State Office of Health and Welfare announced on Monday. Thus, this is the largest measles outbreak in Berlin since the introduction of infection Protection Act 2001.